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It is the day I have been waiting for.
To meet my maker in human form, after delivering human uniforms
I have so much to tell you God
Ten years ago I lost my grandfather
so Creator Son Enjilou and now is it CALIEFAH, Can I call you Granfather?
I come from a world where I have contributed to the human consciousness and development
It was said when the angels took me in and declared me their soldier that the holders of money and big media and mining would not pay money to people like me who do good
It was said that people like me are  hardly ever acknowledged

I have so many friends back where I come from
they tell they love me
it's funny that on many ocassions they are the very ones who have been plotting to have me killed, working together with my family

They tell me I'm a star back on Earth, that I have so much money and that I have composed so much music and helped so many people
I have never seen my name on television but they tell me I've written stories
They tell me that when I turn 25 I will receive my wealth and be deemed Royal
However I was never too young to be stolen from
never too young to carry the baggage of the world
never too young to be killed
never too young to have my identity stolen
never too young to watch other men take credit for my work
never too young to watch my beloved's die
never too young to be lied to
or too old to be made the fool

In that world ruled by Darkness, wars are manufactured so the greedy can be richer and the wealthy more comfortable,
this pressure causes a strain and kills the human consciousness as a whole, when an elite group of individuals monopolize their sustenance through drinking the blood and energy of good and hard-working men and women
They tell you you're a hero there but no-one cares if you have bread on the day, a place to sleep, an income or money to get to a certain place
just as long as the aristocrats are comfortable in their seats, spreading ***, running drug cartels and destroying feminine energy through lust and abuse
through human trafficking and ***-slavery
If people felt the urge that is felt by the martyrs, the yajamanta, the  gladiators, the pilgrims and sages; then the world would change instantly

The selfishness of the leaders is unbelievable, the present progress of this makes many humans toddlers because they are constantly needing help more than helping themselves
it makes them parasites because they will sit down and wait for someone else to clean up their garbage
"I'll just keep ******* up and garbage boy will clean it up for me, anyway I'm late for Satan's church"
that's the reality
People fight for bonds and inheritance, killing and lying to each other to attain these material goods
They never find happiness because of this, they feed on the flesh so that them energy vampires
  they are burnt by the truth because they bathe in blood baths and still feel the injuries of the desolation of Mars
In this world, there are few people you can really and truly trust if any
because once they realize that there's someone you can trust; they go after him and bribe him or manipulate him
Truth be told if people were extremely hungry for Heaven they would probably find it in an hour
If they gave praise or directed their frequency of vibration embodied in Soul to God just as they do to their Lord Lucifer; the world would change in a day
   But people love Lucifer, they love being victims, staying on the ground after you've fallen, never learning from your mistakes
waking up after you realise that you've been sleeping
so and so on
At this, people then don't become soldiers and then fail to change their lives around
it starts with admitting that you've messed up doesn't it God?

So you ask me, do I have a bank account? Sure, but here they clone and sample everything so that way you never get to receive what you deserve
If these Fraternal members or tyrants really believed in god, every genius who dies protecting an idea would be compensated immediately, if they can access your personal data that quickly
   but that doesn't happen, you speak the truth and fight for your money consequent of the hard you've been doing, you get crucified
it seems to me, if they cannot pay these inventors their dues then they are more uncomfortable with watching these geniuses live and enjoy their money which they deserve
  So the real prisoners are the Emperors you see, they are not free from themselves
  and if supporters they are and truly love you then they'd appreciate what you stand for and they wouldn't love money more than they love what they stand for

So there is a huge pool of insecurity, and once ego dies then a long list of addictions and confusions also die
Humility is born, new worlds are discovered, old systems are replaced and there is a new meaning of life
Then perhaps artists will have a chance
their work won't be abused or spoiled and compromised
Then the Truth would Reconcile

Individuals would confess what they have been doing because they don't want to do it anymore
Artists would be allowed to die and rest if they have been sole-bearers of responsibilty for too long a time, as with Abrahamic faiths
Then when people say they need you, they will mean, they need you to live the life that has been divinely intended for you to manifest-purpose
  they wouldn't want you around solely because of how much it benefits them -- deeper level of selfishness
  then people learn to be selfless, peoples begin to grow and evolve
   becoming the masters of their own lives in a world that allows them to carry out their assignments here, without the unnecessary systems of false doctrines, indebting banking, crime, manufacturing of diseases, unplanned births, ill broken realtionships, cliques and gangs, drugs, vanity, lust, idoletry, supression of the truth-(thus)transparency
then the needs of the good working man are considered, if an artist contributes to a project, he/she receives his/her earning
then karmic cycles can engage and people stand and think for themselves, in other words spirit returns to soul and the human is more psychic than physical
  then you have a community
the leaders are then not commiting genocide
no leader will claim something that which does not belong to him/her
capability and competence complements position or rank

Dimensionality and Integration of Male/Female levels become the bestowing powers of these positions
There was a story that humans came through a tree and humans flourishing in through that tree until a pregnant woman tried to pass and everyone behind her got stuck and there were no more people passing through

With this, not one person will carry the burdens of many for information or knowledge will be out there for people to learn how to clean up after themselves, no more crucifix of one person

in overview the Christ gates or portals are open for poeple to pass for themselves
With this there are fewer to none unplanned births because ***, recreation or Creation will have reached a deeper level of Understanding among the Humans
Once a human has understood the laws of the Universe, the dynamics of life and a sense of the Ocean of Love and Mercy, thus being a soul in its understanding, will it then engage in these creations
so paedophillia dies, hypersexuality and ******* dies, souls being attracted to each other because of vibrational and resonant frequency is born

Then we are stars again, we return to the Divine Source, learning how to drive or traverse spaces,-- returning to FATHER.
Ujjal Mandal Nov 2023
I am Misti--, didn't get it?
Misti(sweetness) is my name,
My grandmother gave me that
Honor, I'm too grateful.
I'm going to 8 months
This November soon,
My limbs are
Not properly working now,
As a little bird fears to fly
Into the sky, below the mountain,
I am quite like that: I can't
Hold my legs sticked to ground.
My voice is like the groaning
Of the cloud you can hear but
Not to decode the meaning.
I want to speak with definite
Sense but my tongue
Slips, it reminds my age:
I'm very delighted for having
Such a temple where mom, dad,
Grandfather, grandmother and uncles
(Mee too) all together.

O, grandfather! I'm too little to climb
On your shoulder, I want to take
Repose there.
But don't worry grandpa, very soon
I'll grow up & I'll be there.
When I'll complete my two years,
Promise me: you'd be my horse &
I'll take a ride on you.
Thinking so, much pleasure I'm
Feeling with supreme verve:
But I can't make my words way.

Dear grandpa! when I grow up,
I'll go to the field to feed you:
The cool rice with water, onion,
Green chilli and boiled potato
I'll carry all in a *** on my
Little head.
When you consume the food,
I'll be busy catching the grasshoppers then, how glad I'd be!

I know you are all worried
About my unskilled thinking,
Of course, that should be!
But you all have forgot one thing:
I'm the MUSE of my dearest uncle!
betterdays Apr 2016
my granfather cultivated
beefsteak  and ox heart tomatoes

great big red things
bigger than his
gnarled and ropy fist

smelling of acid and
sun shine and deep rich

he would sit at the table
and seperate the seeds
out of the pink granular flesh
like a surgeon
and they would sit  like pink red sago
on cut pieces of yesterdays news
set upon the window ledge
gross yet compelling
there they dried out
in the sun
and were sorted for planting
some discarded as not good enough
some set aside for the "prize winning" bed
the plot of soil that got the best sun
the best compost, and some watered concoction
that smelt of things dead and rotting

I once asked what made a good tomato seed
his reply," you just know girlie....
you know the ones that are going to be great"

tomato growing was serious business to my grandpa
These tomatoes were the staple of our summer salads, **** and juicy.....nothing like the insipid tomatoes found in grocery stores today...
My grandfather won numerous prizes at country  shows for these tommies....he grew them with great love and dedication.....
MonkeyZazu Nov 2013
It made me open my eyes to how they could've lasted that long.
The emotion I felt from reading my granfather's letters...
It was if he had been waiting his entire life to write them to my grandmother.
As though from birth he had held this inextinguishable love for her.
Almost as if he had been put on this earth with no other purpose but, to love her.
Without a doubt it was obviously clear,
There love would continue for many more years.
Mateuš Conrad May 2024
what a title! silence! i'm not even listening to music
whilst composing this
such is the music of sunlight and of silence

it is as if i have been sleeping
in the dusty libraries of Europeans
and ventured
a little bit out

took a lick and eye to tease with Rumi
but then that author was introduced
to me via Promis my highschool "sweetheart"
in her home in Hackney
with two younger brothers and a sister
and a millionaire father
who profited from child-entertainment
and it's not as if something isn't playing
on my mind like a movie
because it isn't in my mind
but on my mind
and there is a distinction with the use
of the preposition that
the ancients speakers of tongue
would have not known of
since they compacted prepositions
within the confines of nouns
so from example
from Europe
would be simpler to say European
-an if allowed:
attached to a noun
would conjure the equivalent of the Latin
               from, out of...

the stalemate of hearts
this is not a Romeo and Juliet
how many times did i face
the mirror today and think to myself:
without this beard i'm a pork chop
that fat neck that ICK of the gluttonous
not but that sort of neck:
genetically not fit for sport teams
not the army either
big fat octopus of a brain

the joke is we are lovers torn apart
by God benevolence
in that i'm 38
and she's 56... or 7...
can't remember and this is Romeo
as surrogate father wannabe

and then a break
- - - - - - - - - - - -
_ - - - - - __ - - - - - -;
- - - .. - . -. - . - . - . . . . -:

all the way from America
candy packaged goods
it's finally covert-legal
and i need it
to process family
drama my
mother and father have
turned into my grandmother
and granfather
and i'm dating someone
who's my mother's age
could be
could be
if all ready at 18

i swear this is a Comedy of Errors
but there is no resentment
toward life
like that twisted fate-knife
of lovers, young,
tragic, plunging themselves
into the abyss or something
never to return forever them
together blah blah
but what of the comedy of love?

her rigid "christianity"
her rigid knees
but save from kneeling
much more
like a sweetcorn cob juiced
or swiftly ****** off
i mean one genocide her second
upon ******* with
no transparency of materialization
i mean
******* breed holes that *****
fall in
with a yahoo **** of snot phlegm

but that diatribe and the gloves are off
i mean: maintain-check
i was actually given a price tag
maybe not the first but a first
to me: existential price tag
the fact that i was almost Cat-Fishes
something i mean by how i employ
AI to filter search engine results
because Google is by now a crude AI
schematic prototype
without: what do we, i, you want
and more about the with of:
if, of, yes, no: availability
scout AI
we lived through 20 years
of the brutal upheaval of Countering Encyclopedia
with Search Engine Winds...
20 years, solid...
but now individualized Search Engine
technology: personalized search engine
dynamics -
covert, underground stuff...
no dark web perversions required:
all clean...

like Sherbet packaged and flown over
from America
i mean this balloon is no peach no joke
no James no Holy Bible
i just feel this need for religious freedom
and the ability to just read
from a reed not ever used
to write
about all the words i should write:
but do, alas, but do,
but at least to clarify some void now pressing
i.e. i'm usually distracted by music
when writing
but this sunlight and this legal: perfectly legal
by packaging not something
a ****** might use like clingfilm
or well: i suppose those seal-up bags
of plastic
then those airtight bags that make the bug of the bud

clearly i want the future wife to know
the future mother-in-law
like i know her in so much as i know
what the geriatric exponential mortality
curve looks like
and i'm thinking: before Romeo there
was also Romella: his daughter...
who would never be born but would remain
an intact schizoid personality disorder
for Romeo to battle with
with inflicted punishments not
circumcised not ******* with procreative
purpose into a pleasure **** circus
of now arguing about sneaking in
botox and like
there might be something against it

                let's just say i became tired of
whether wooden rings
whether stainless steel rings
whether ******* CHAMRAS CHUNKIES
or whether Aztecan leather and more stainless
steel like
there's gold, silver and steel: equivalent
a comparative literature concerning alchemists...
and in that respect:
can we make a metal so pure to match
gold and silver... and yet with steel
there was no real question of
yes there was no there wasn't yes there was
of turning anything into gold:
by "anything" i am implying ore:
base metal - then imagine that like the folly
of religion
and how simple the Christian folly of religion
is when
it's so amazingly village mantra -
   nothing born from a cosmopolitan hustle
just this safe: works in the countryside:
but not in the big town type of security
but as far as relationships go
there is no denying sexuality
and all this nunnery-fuckery nonsense
this hyper-****** liberal all eternal female
and this hyphened-libual-sexeral

my position:
although i do have a birthday
present in the range of: maybe i'll have
a quick 30 minute *******
and supposedly that's like:
the revelation of the psychology of Xerxes
but when little me knows of
little me no-no
and that's the basic proof of reality:
the universality of a toothache
counter the particularity of an apple pie

like the articles:
definitely i.e. nth to the point of closure
coupled with
the indefinitely i.e. nth of a point
                                                    off closure...

or the clucking arifs
yes: the grammarians - grammatician: no no...
but the passage is more relevant
than all the Ezra Pound and Olson
and all the poets put together
represent and i, now, were to be assigned
a bride with no apocryphal liberalism
as to what is perhaps good
reading material
because sanctimony or none
but there's still the case for humanity
and that doesn't necessarily
have to imply a demeaning hierarchy
of usher thus usher them usher versus

                            at least she signed off with:
the end
but no full stop but my i didn't
think she would be this argumentative
and i don't even have a drinking buddy
to talk this one over with so i'm going
to play stupid
and continue with:

well if you don't mind i wouldn't mind
converting to Islam if by thought alone
could salvage some:
whatever, of the remains of: whatever:
is imbuing me
to not drink the water sourced
in the graveyard so drinking arsenic
from the embalming procedure
i don't think most of those bodies
buried in that cemetery could afford...

— The End —