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Lochness May 2016
You know Ma I love you
and know that will never change
I live for your smiles and words of praise

But you know Ma
you been changing as of late
and I know thats cos of me leaving

You know Ma have you noticed
the phone calls are getting gloomer
Your face looks more tired and you smile less

You know Ma thats why I struggle calling
and I know thats selfish and I could present a million excuses
but I'm selfish

You know Ma I **** at expression
I don't know how to tell you
that I'm shying away from your pain

And I know thats cos of me leaving
but know Ma that I love you
I want you to forgive me

But the only way I know how to ask is
I'm sorry.
I know that's not good enough but
I'm sorry.
Star Gazer Feb 2016
I am now in my second decade,
And I'm starting to notice how things fade,
I have grown a darker shade,
Threw away the arm scarring sharp blade,
I guess it comes with age.
My second decade should start a new page,
Set lights on a new stage,
And I have learnt a lot in my twenties,
Than I did in my teenage years.

When I was a teenager,
I would listen to friends talk of ***,
From future girls to *** with the ex,
It was just an amalgamation of nonsense,
Because it always felt against my conscience,
I treasured something deeper,
I treasured love.

All my childish mind ended abrupt,
When I learnt of this beautiful thing "LOVE",
But in my twenties I learnt,
To never say "I love you" too easily,
Even if it may come ease to me,
Because without forethought it will hurt.
I learnt that love is as quite fleeting,
if it is not with the correct person,
But I also learnt that it's just
One step closer to the right person.
I started to embrace heartbreak,
Adored the idea of heartache,
Because it just meant I'm closer,
Closer to mrs Star Gazer.

In my twenties I had the company,
of my close friend for my first real heartbreak,
She somehow patched up the ache,
And made me laugh which is difficult for me.
She felt like a lifesaver,
Sweet candy to the heart,
Because I found myself feeling lost when we were apart,
But I have just recovered from a broken heart,
And there's still a cast surrounding that part,
But it's been healing....

It won't trust anyone other than her,
But if she's not the one,
I know that I will be thankful for her,
For I know I can trust someone.

Kind heart, listening ear and a sense of humour,
My days will never ever get any gloomer.
Arry Sep 2018
Bound by the occurrence of humans and situations,
Perspective is the name of these mind notifications.

It transitions by the actions of distrust and rumour,
It also changes rapidly if the thinker tends to get gloomer.

It sits straight and firm if the character seems defined,
Then....the call of any change is most oftenly declined.

Sometimes it takes a double ride,
With doubt and faith on either side,
And then takes place their fusion,
Creating nothing but a lot of confusion.

As far as I know.... perspective is a kid,
Losing each and every possible bid,
At times steps back, at times moves further,
Being some person at night...and in the morning becomes some other.

Incidents are the provokers and perspective gets provoked,
The one deserving love and care all of a sudden becomes rogue!

— The End —