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W Jun 2019
There im told your great I see
Held to the highest pillar just stay true
(E-mc⅔) **** this hard one ****
It sees matter ...
Over mind..
It seems that's all this world matters... Clue
Matter of things of this world without what happens after
So it is matter over mind... Society lied **** dumb *****..clearly it matters
To be a cow .. walking to the slaughter house
Budging in line on who wants to go next
This poem seems to be to obvious
And perfect... Lol from spacings and levels
Balance and truth
Jesus walks first in the other direction..
Now I do
Believe it or not ...
If this is true hard to answer
Keys left all around... But
Can't seem to pick it up
I'm first to the key
First to the egg
So many movies
So many clues
Who makes these movies
God funny every show
On the tv in shows lol..
To fairy tail
Imagination is endless but it's a tricky thing to play with .. if you don't have a good
Jesus was a good teacher..
Peace I don't believe in 3rd chances.. but this
One I'll do just because it's you and
It's for ya.. you4yah from you by you
Caillou on Google.. xmas lol ..
25december .. I mean the
My dreams
But the world tears us apart.
My great love letter d she may never
Read ..the letter that shred the sheets
But tears on a lady on the streets
Like Romeo and Juliet ..
The returned love letter
That took me many
Life times
Complete. back on the street the tree
Down the street
Where walk
Through the snow
Meet me here
If you
Don't believe my love
Is the moon the stars the sun
There is endless words
Of cloud atlas ... We are
The story... Each of us
She's been there .. the first time you truly fell in love.. the person who stole your heart
But some B's
Rip you apart (think really if it didn't matter but love that's mind heart and brain talking)
What if the girl dropping wine.. if she realized in the beginning you wouldn't have pieces of your heart...
To find or lose or grew in the beginning. .. so the first love is true and everything else will never duplicate that .. wholeheartedness? But repent I guess ****
Torn apart
Even in the possibility of finding the girl .. so don't give up being the good guy
In time you will find the right true love.

And it's a reincarnation of her on the flip
Supporting you or
Vise versa
Perfect match

Of forever.
But even then.. I'm honest
And humble
But not a dog a wolf
All one man's
Cross he hung
Still felt bad
For the society of them
Would go to hell and bring the souls all
Souls demon to light
Fire to brimstone ( anime for that)..
Would give you a chance over
Over again
Cause I'm a nice guy
And believe
No matter what ..
A son
2000 years ...
And hopefully you get the belief needed..
Jesus died for all sins then...
But you forgot...
Lets try
Already .
What happens if the world drained and never made it out of this rock.. fail .. might happens if not natural disasters by mother earth for the cries of her pain
Or humanity's 7 deadly sins controling this world **** each other ... Cause god already won and running your tricks

She's the only girl
Who I want a hit off
She's my high on life
Not everything else
We would bike ,
Sometimes fight but perfect
That I was sober and for that day
Ever since
Trying to replicate ..
That love
Even now


You just to blind to see. ( If you read this far you will one day make it .. this life or the
Promise.. gjw God Jesus will __
GJW Jan 2018
When a swan loses a partner, it will never settle for another. It will drift along the lakes of lovers for the rest of its eternity, with only solitude for company. A beautiful or tragic choice? Im not so sure.

But what I do know is this; there are levels of love which fill our hearts with joy and then there is the rarest of love which fills our souls with something indescribable. Can we imitate something so rare? Something with no words to compare?

W Oct 2019
I never had a problem taking a knee
Or lending a hand
I don't mind lifting you on my shoulders
Even if I can barely stand
I'll go on all 4 just for you to see above me
I'm only one person..  in fact!
just the same as you
So take my knee
Give you a boost
Take my hand and bite it for food
Drop your problems on my shoulders
So you can make it through
But before 4 I do
Three things.. is a gift to you
My mind
My body
My soul
To be all you can be

In service of other leads to greatness...

I wonder or I pray that maybe someone who walked over me would help me up.
But it's okay.
With greatness comes great sacrifice.

Yet I'm selfish for this service as it has been done before

Don't mean nothing
GJW Jan 2018
Keeps us all in order. Reminds us we’re getting old, so let’s cram in as much as we can and run ourselves ragged.

Gets us to work and school, reminds us of important and not so important engagements scheduled in our busy, already overloaded diaries and in the very end, all it does is reward us with getting us to the church on time!

If we do get to come back, I’m coming back as a bird. I’d love nothing more than to glide the skies with not a care in the world, other than where my next worms coming from.

Ps: I don’t wear a watch.


— The End —