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Buzz Jan 2014
....your fined-tuned beauty
As if a goddess has been reincarnated
to an embodiment as yours
The way your lushious hair is displaced by the wind
And aligned in a perfect mess after settling down
The eyes of yours, as if they were two ponds
under a full lunar beam
reflecting mysteries into my heart
Your eyelashes are like the grass
surrounding the fathomless pond
covered with glimmering droplets of dew
to complement the eyes of yours
Your face, a mark of true beauty
which signifies your pure heart
And a smile of yours
from your mesmerising lips
can make any mens' day
Your laugh
gigling in shyness
was a habit for you
but it was and will always wil be
The humility of yours
was too much
It was just, so wrong to see such a humbled woman
Your humility defeated me

When you are drowning with sadness,
I will be there to rescue you from the horrendous flood
When you are eaten by depression
I will be the one to pull you back up
from the belly of the beast.
When you are cold, alone and lost
I will the Sun to provide you warmth
I will the lustering light to guide you
I will be the one to be by your side

(Insert name here), you truly are the one that I want to look after.
Just some romantic poem I had created. Do try on somebody, haha
ClockworkGrenade Jun 2014
The "ifs" are all racing across my mind
It's all I can see, I'm walking 'round blind
I can only wish that I went back to then
To the past, and to where it had all began.

I remember

I remember having my teacher punish me every day
But it didn't matter, we would all be there silently going "heyy"
We'd do everything together, distance big or small
We'd always beg our parents to let us go out to the mall

Relaxing, having fun, all seems so far away
Now that reality's sunk in, all our joy is now delayed
Who knows for how long, now that we've stopped talking
I never expected it to end this way, it is beyond shocking

I try to move on, to try and make new friends
But then after a week or so, I was met with all dead ends
No one would talk to me, the way you guys did
So I sought you out, but of course, God forbid

Happiness is now a dream that's never meant to come true
I don't even have enough friends for a table of two
One would be empty, filled with thorns and vines
With no one willing to risk treading on this field with mines

I may always seem open, but I hide my feelings deep
Because I never want to be again, the one and only black sheep
The differences become wide, people start drifting again
But friends aren't the only things of which that I abstain

It's not the food I miss, just the sharing of it
We switched all the time, emptying the containers bit by bit
Laughing and talking with our mouth wide open with food
But it didn't matter, all that did was that our lives were good

I also miss, the bonds that we shared
So close, with our weird antics that people had often stared
I remember the crazy stunts we once did
Holding hands laughing, gigling, annoying that one kid

Now I'm all lost I don't know where to go
With no goal in mind, not without the flow
I've got no reason, to keep going on this way
"So maybe it'll finally end," I think, as I start a new day
Sitting on the first bench stretched with keen attention,
Writing down the points went on and in,
As the church Bell struck two
I was made to stand and answer,
Lost in the depth of question
Blinking I stood wondering how I could solve
One or two started laughing loudly
And gigling in-between
Be littled I stood there staring at the question.
Sometimes being a little and getting belittled coincides.This is how it merged for this little girl.
Biraj Lahkar Nov 2017
(English translation of my Assamese origin 'Bhaal Manuhbur')

Its easy to mark fine people
Fine people know not to deal the market
Rotten potatoes fine people carry home
Infants from fine people's abode shrill a lot
Fine people fall sick to diabetes soon

Fine taste they possess

Bare footed they stroll to Panbazar
Amazed discourse in arbitrary quietness
than the gigling in the dining table
Water you'll find beneath their eyeballs
If pebbles are thrown
mini waves are behold
A little vile...
Most of the fine people delight
Being the chimney of ciggarette smoke.

— The End —