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Sous la canicule du Sahel
Et sur les terres arides
Les deux chevaliers
Forts comme Charlemagne
Et patients comme le Christ
Avançaient à cheval
Lequel caracolaient infatigablement
Pour couvrir le monde
De la saine tunique « nouvelle »

Mais l’ange noir voulu
Que leur besogne s’éteigne
Et que les yeux des leurs
Se couvrent de brouillard

Mais la fin d’une vie
Ne met point un terme
A l’action du défunt

Un arbre qui se fane
Laisse les grains qui poussent
Et le perpétuent

Ghislaine et Claude
Et leur action pour le bien du monde
Qu’AQMI voulut qu’elle soit fade
N’est que tatouage à la Radio du monde
ConnectHook Dec 2019
Jimmy Savile
Edward Heath
Ghislaine Maxwell
Dennis Hastert
Jeffrey Epstein
William Clinton
Harvey Weinstein
Alpha apex
First letter of the law
Cornerstone and capstone
Novus Ordo Unum Eye . . .

Have a nice conspiracy theory.
That ol’ letter ***
ConnectHook Aug 2019
This procurer of underage tail
made the Post, and then later, the Mail  
Let us sing our refrain
for recruiter Ghislaine:
we would like her detained without bail.

While her In-N-Out burger went cold,
Madame Maxwell was looking quite old.
Let her smile for the Times;
and then pay for her crimes
after all of her secrets are told.
♪ Bang bang Maxwell's silver hammer came down . . . .♫
july hearne Jan 2022
now that the season turned to hate
i'll take this hate and take you down

for a time, times, and the dividing of time

you do not see your own reflection in the iced sidewalks
never salted, never shoveled
just ***** ice to trod upon

the slippery filth of hills to

skip and laugh and break a neck
pet a dog who will soon maul all your children
but for now your laughter is an ugly war cry in the air

a ghislaine maxwell with longer hair
all her customers going free
a negligently tolerant church bell ringing somewhere

dog takes a ****
for a time, times, and the dividing of time

pack the filthy ice and pet the ******* dog
every time joe biden ***** his pants
for a time, times, and the dividing of time
And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time. (Daniel 7:25)
Dal90 Jan 2021
With trepidation I say
Hello 2021
I hope you’ve brought your ‘A game’
It’ll take some effort to better last year’s fun
So don’t think about setting Australia on fire
And if we’re dealing in favours
Leave behind that global pandemic
And those backward white supremacists with their guns
Then I reckon we’ll be on to a winner
We’ve already done ourselves a favour by removing the supposed leader of the free world
With a shockingly legal election that relieved the unbearable tension
For now at least
There’s one less person in power who’s a glorified sinner
Even though he’s still somehow revered by millions
Who’ll now have to operate as postillions
Now the “coachman” is as elusive as Ghislaine Maxwell
Nahhh, I shouldn’t be silly
If I think about it I really should become a Palaeontologist
Because I’ve got one hell of a big bone to pick
There’s more problems at play than millionaire paedophiles
Even Harry and Megan leaving the monarchy pales into insignificance
Despite the global shock
Ringing out like the independent chimes of the Liberty Bell in ‘Philly’
Because down in the abandoned streets that I frequent
The dark truth runs a little thicker
Leaving the “real people” rightfully embitter
Did Tashan Danial deserve to only pre-exist?
As knife crime continues to be unaddressed
But what reason is there for these senseless deaths?
Unless those in power are fine with their child growing up as a potential killer?
No, I didn’t think so
And if it is here’s your time to confess
To the continuous incompetent acts of negligence
But even if you looked straight into my eyes
Still, I wouldn’t believe you
Still, I wouldn’t believe you’d know what to do
To turn around the fortunes of a generation trying to survive in unforeseen circumstances
With limited chances
That stems directly from your lack of attention, empathy, opportunity, and hope
But nothing’s changed
You, the Government, still have the means to make it right
Even Taylor and Em had time in a year to release 2 albums apiece
So surely you can up the work ethic
Improve support, funding and increase numbers in the Police
Not by figures, but by actual bodies
And while we're talking about bodies
That’s without mentioning the years of maltreatment of the NHS
Instead you’re all sat at your computers being utterly pathetic
Straight up useless
With more delays than the next James Bond
The only attribute you covet is the ability to cower and abscond
And wait for Marcus Rashford to tackle poverty like he’s got his boots on at Wembley
When the reality is It’s your responsibility
Not his
So take inspiration in 2020’s various acts of tenderness
Rather than solely relying on it in a poverty stricken crises
Because truthfully
You’re operating like you’re unannealed
Far from a position of strength or courage
Unfortunately, there’s thousands of people out there just like you who are failing us
Yet there’s only one Kevin Sinfield
****, what a shame
Because although this new year might be different
The challenges remain unremitting and the same
If anything they’re emerging on the horizon even more ferocious
So take the initiative
And make this year one to remember for the right reasons
Rather than headlines of ongoing intentional malfeasance
Where facts get magically erased and replaced
Hmm has Prince Andrew spoke to the FBI yet?
I guess I’m asking too much in that case
Wouldn’t it be great if there was a coup de grâce?
But don’t ask Jeffrey Epstein about that if you’re looking for an answer
Well, unless you exhume him like a necromancer
Although If you had that power I’d use it for better purposes
To end discrimination and perfect vaccine formulas
On first impressions
I did have you down as a doctorate in witch-doctoring
Because it’s hard to tell where the lies end and where the truth begins
When all we can do is hope for the best
I suppose that’s the point of your potion explosion
Providing the fixated audience with a mass distraction
In our newly affirmed state of vulnerability and despondency
That we’re so desperate to fight ourselves out of
If we’re given a chance to leave our houses that is..
That would be nice
ConnectHook Jul 2020
P.C. 31 said "We caught a ***** one",
Maxwell stands alone;
Painting testimonial pictures,
oh, oh, oh, oh
. . .
[P. McCartney]

This procurer of underage tail
made the Post, and then later, the Mail  
Let us sing our refrain
for recruiter Ghislaine:
we would like her detained without bail.

While her In-N-Out burger went cold,
Madame Maxwell was looking quite old.
Let her smile for the Times;
and then pay for her crimes
after all of her secrets are told.

In the woods of New Hampshire, the snake
Tried to give her detectives the shake.
Fake news will now spin it
Pretending to win it,
Assuming you're still not awake.

— The End —