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My ******
When I asked you what part of me was sexiest, that's what you said.

It weirded me out at first.
I mean,
I have a nice ***.
Great ****.
Good hips.
Vaginas are icky.
They smell and leak gew and blood.
But I don’t know,
now I like it.
I love the fact that you love it.

Maybe because it's the most intimate part of my body.
No one's wanted that part of me before.
No one's touched me like you touch me,
kissed me where you kiss me.
It’s deeper with you,
and I guess that's because
you love me
When I asked you what part of me was sexiest, that's what you said.

It weirded me out at first.
I mean,
I have a nice ***.
Great ****.
Good hips.
Vaginas are icky.
They smell and leak gew and blood.
But I don’t know,
now I like it.
I love the fact that you love it.

Maybe because it's the most intimate part of my body.
No one's wanted that part of me before.
No one's touched me like you touch me,
kissed me where you kiss me.
It’s deeper with you,
and I guess that's because
you love me
When the horns wear thin
And the noise, like a garment outworn,
Falls from the night,
The tattered and shivering night,
That thinks she is gay;
When the patient silence comes back,
And retires,
And returns,
Rebuffed by a ribald song,
Wounded by vehement cries,
Fleeing again to the stars—
Ashamed of her sister the night;
Oh, then they steal home,
The blinded, the pitiful ones
With their gew-gaws still in their hands,
Reeling with odorous breath
And thick, coarse words on their tongues.
They get them to bed, somehow,
And sleep the forgiving,
Comes thru the scattering tumult
And closes their eyes.
The stars sink down ashamed
And the dawn awakes,
Like a youth who steals from a brothel,
Dizzy and sick.
entropiK Oct 2010
Lati ball dressed for the costume party with relish.
She wanted to look pretty.
She wanted to look mysterious.
So she took a mask from her closet of witches, tied the lace bow around her head.
"My" she said as she stared into the mirror.
She thought 'the men will ask me to dance, the men will forget the rest.'
Lati Ball went to the dance, the mask fit on her face tight.
The people did not reconize her. But she was the best!!
"oh who is this women!" they all cried,
"she walks like an angel, and floats like a swan!"  
She swept around the floor into another land.
The night gew late, Lati Ball had to stop inbetween dances to rest.
Then the clock rang 12 times, and a cake was brought out.
A cake of 12 candles.
Lati Ball wondered whos birthday it could be.
So she hurried to hear.
The hostest of the party laughed and said
"the cake is for you, the cake is for the best! now take this knife and cut some for the rest!"  
But before Lati could cut the cake, she wanted to make a wish!
So she leaned over the cake and said to herself
"i always want to be the Best; Better than the Rest!"
So she blew at the candles.
But the cake was made out of wood, and caught fire.
It burned her face, it burned her mask.
Soon the mask was part of her face,
and she looked like *death.
this is and old 'story' i wrote too. lol, its like, things about, be careful what you wish for, karma, what goes around comes around... things like that. i like the way it sounds all wonderful and amazing, then just ends with disgust.   : )  like most of my things.

Tea Dec 2015
Life is far from fair. He was born to this place, but his ancestors took it by foot. So long ago he can’t remember what being the immigrant felt like. Can’t remember the xenophobic slurs were placed in other people's tongues to whip the different out of him. This took place so long ago now he doesn't remember what blood spill looks like, can't remember his fist drawn back. He is the **** Italian immigrant, the fire crotch Irishman, the Gew the ******* and now the towel heads. He is everyone who has made himself at home hear afraid again, that a new immigration will take all the parts of their home  he loves the  most. Forgetting quickly he was the ones marching last time around. Refugee is so much more of a statement then immigrant. An immigrant is looking for a better future. A refugee is looking for any at all. They fleeing from war torn promises and bombs that fall from the skies like rain. My government fears ISIS, those towel heads, they all look the same to our fear filled eyes, so we through them to the wayside. My government does not speak for me, I would welcome every refugee.Anyone who has that common enemy, who wants to fix it with love and a new life, I open my eyes and my arms wide.I remember that I didn't  belong here at first, that we were promised something more. I can't deny that to you and yours, I welcome you. Life's not fair, it’s clear to see, I am sorry that you are you and I am me. Difference only in where I was born, difference in this is already my home.I am sorry. Sorry that those with fear filled hearts have no room left to welcome you. That they are so worried about what pain might feel like that they can not feel sorrow for the pain you are already felt. I am sorry. To every middle eastern refugee that has been denied the right to live humanely… all I can do is be sorry.
Knight pen Oct 2024
If truly it's known,
By all hearts like tone,
Our love shall be immortan
we shall be free of slave dark groan,
And pious to the hell of love gew-gew.
Drive me whereever you want to settle,
And heal the incurable disease you've done,
To sell the chain-of-rock to our bones,
And leave the pain in our flesh,and around the cruel fireof hell.
In ****,utter a deep rumbling in a distress;
We preffer to be left alone in peace,
But?love had come to soar our peace.
Where's our destiny?sourrounded in evil aure,
we seldon see throug the mist;
The scene on a tall summer that so pale,
Across the blue sky,the white cloud float shoals,
Or?disapper and quitly sail,the wast time;
Swell and fell into dream's haze,
Where eyes look long like a lover's gaze
What time in mists shall we tast?
Calmto the battlement of enternity of love;
Till the sun be set;they are all gone.
Maight the timid heart ,quiet dispassionate moon?
When the agony of nightmare caurse begin,
Or,a devil that rides human soul?
Shall wondered around our souls?
AH!It's too late to goven the kid of love's soul,
For the day evil-light shouted daze,
By hopes and fear,cried our souls,
Like the shadow's flames which the sun throw,
Even,more like the shadows of lives than life's blow.
In move,yet with something beauty very rare,
Traced,do they live on slop,
Pearhaps,be of noblest hopes,
The trace of intention that maight have been fair,
For purpose,each man's action must be hidden from scorn,
Hope like nature,oaktree man's saddest,
We loom in the world without watching time,
A wast so far,dark night is near,
To flash us back to the hell,where no wind breathes or ripple stires
We wish we were given a chance to restore the unwanted past!
An elegy love poems,that showed the negative effect of Love 💓
You were my first 'real' boyfriend
And it went well, for a time
But you pushed me beyond my limits
Made me do things I cannot forget
A small innocence lost
And trust impaired

You whispered such sweet things
Into my hungry ears
That craved a love I thought we shared
You whispered the same things
Into many ears
You were the angel I gew to hate

I buried myself
In every crevice of your being
And let you steal pieces of me
For 9 cruel months
In return for the 'love' you gave
We are both alone now
And no less sad

You are perfect
In every atom and fibre
But you came into my life
At a time where I lack  trust and compassion
We are both broken things
And by trying to put out our fires
We do fuel them
I want to love you
A knock upon my door quiet late
A very upset angel standing there
Can I talk with you awhile asked
Yes sure come in pull up a chair

My partners gone to see his mistress
I found out about it not that long ago
I'm angry upset sad and bewilded
Not sure what to do feel badly its so

I living now alone in my own home
I said well first you get rid of that
Go grab a gew things then come back
By morning you'll be fine thats a fact

Comes back takes a shower has a wine
Then has a few more feeling better
Whats good for goose good for gander
She said dressed only in an old sweater

By morning all was feeling wonderful
Vowed to let him unknowing have his way
What he does'nt know won't hurt him
Now all is just fine come whatever  may

( as I was told )

terrence michael sutton
copyright  2018
Pick it up,
Set it down.
It was working fine yesterday,
But today it won't make the right sounds.

Pick it up,
Set it down.
Sometimes it's receiving information,
Sometimes it's just loud.

Pick it up,
Set it down.
Sometimes there is nothing
Sometimes I don't want it around.

Pick it up
(noah dee ya what activated the
followwing mumbo jumbo gumbo

Within this cavernous mounting,
and hollow belly aching
numb skull dud jar re: o' mine
mailer daemons craw ling
besieging, bemoaning, and
begrudging silence, a sibling
heart of darkness changeling
swapped within freshly

     earthen grave dug -
corpse heard feebly echoing
sound of deathly hallows heaving -
off vitiating undertakers jabbering    
rodomontade synchronized tolling
tintinnabulation subterranean spilling
repercussion, repeating,
     resonating, reverberating,

where fecund imagine nation
     of mine be whit ching
usually thrives amidst long fostering
     linkedin lovely double crossing
bones (of yours truly) ordinarily inundated
     nonstop ear writ hating
brothers Barnum and Bailey ringing
sear kiss clangorously leavening

with plethora yeast heard dough ping
pong of competing
ideas grotesquely aping
charade, facade holographing
instagramming, jangling,
kindling ludicrously masquerading,
but now at this moment
     drawing nothing but blanks

     that only bring stint ting
lee reddit (Matt Scott) tickled
     yule us *******, where
     gray matter sluggish plea zing
the missus, who asked
     herb huzz zah (pair sight feeding)
insinuating yawping lovey
     dovey mulcting quivering

consternation droning, mocking
     twittering bird like,
     while (I) sought
     out (on a broken wing),
and pitiful prayer, squeezing
my trap pea zoid cinched cerebral
     cache sheared thinker
     watt bright idea
     to write vapid lee intra sting

poppycock to unsuspecting readers
mush doo doo about no thing
substantial, cuz no fanciful, nope
     not even a sing
gew(gaw) lure idea lamely, grandly,
     nor blandly forthcoming,
     which mental impasse,
     wretchedly, viciously, unduly

     thoroughly, roundly severely it ching
most unbearably torturing
of any crisis assaulted, experienced
     and/or imagined by scriveners xing
themselves setting themselves like yang king
doodles precariously balance sing
their quotidian ying.
Across cyberspace,
the following epistle
yours truly (me) doth lob
as the figurative pressure
tightens on the virtual ****,
I would moost certainly benefit
from a part time job
hence this rather goofy atypical reply
crafted (at initial
ten plus years ago date)

following reasonable rhyme written
then gingerly trying
to remove pesky Windows kernel32 dll
or blue screen of death errors
(oh... how so yesterday)
(while gently inhaling) from
imaginary hand carved corn cob
from whittling fingers
of one named, (albeit alias) Mister Bob.

Anyway, this aspiring writer dejure
shoe lee mastered his a, b, c's
though during test time
experienced nonfatal forgetfulness disease
all my learning seemed to freeze
oh and although the following
non-sequitur added comment
moost likely irrelevant
back in the day o me early boyhood,
I passed thru initiation rite of passion

sans tickling ivory keys
in addition to learning
about human species,
whose relatively recent ancestors
incorporates caveman
argh gew hob bully naked ape,
who exhibited death defying feats
analogous to acrobat
holding fast to trapeze
of mine swung from sturdy trees
only pausing long enough
to smoke cigar and wheeze.

Additionally, I cobble, dabble
and gabble with double entendres, nibble
and tinker with byte sized words
monosyllabic terms
like this or that
as my pedigreed intellectual toy
with an intent
to affect, invoke and joke
with intellectual ploy
opening mine mien,
whether unknown reader
counts her/himself among Jew or goy
ideally to be witness literary employ
and earn an income oh boy
netting gold anchor ahoy.

Rational wordsmith asks himself why
he habitually answers
in his poetic way per responding
posting defies conforming
to the established formality,
yet nonetheless asks
**** sitter a shun sans my reply
ideally couched
with an affirmative decision
no less than
twenty thumbs up well nigh
to be extended,

and offered a hand
for me to join this outfit
as another common
Jimmy Neutron to help ward off lions,
tigers and bears oh my
powder milk chomping
Joe Schmoe type noir guy
essentially a human combination fly,
whose nom de plume as newborn cry
himself to sleep baby
nearly exhausted dry tear ducts,
the muttering bard of Perkiomen Valley
sometimes used as ruff lee an alley bye.

from: Matthew Scott Harris,
who might find himself booted,
knowingly, longingly, and magically
transported to Paris.
Insipid ingurgitating
it never hurt
I needed that it was never pain worthy memories

mine are
like a gew-gaw,
Shiny and strong like a dark horse
lathered in the sun
Shallow as a caliche grave

you are fearless when it's nighttime
dragging the corpse of my voice
by the knot in that bag of bones
You've been throwing around
like dice
That never play fairly

Always with a sharp tongue
a new plan and borrowed bad words
You'll find all that back for you awaiting the threshing
While here you reap

I have that
The narrows have been sounded
The depth plumbed
and only by the skin of my teeth
Did I slip from that
shallow grounding.

Coddle me,
Installment plan living,
while leaking vitality
my unused limbs
become no longer
of expression
but of badly pretended

Madame caterpillar,
Your butterfly brilliance
is now
patina still life,
Sepia celluloid memory clips
from some
Dark cutting room floor
of your own imaginings.

wicked worded one,
Leave my voice untouched
by the wind from your acid lungs
Return to your wilderness
Refuge is yours only there.
Ryan O'Leary Dec 2023
Money matters and work
Leave me feeling anxious and awkwardly wondering
What is it that I love to do most?

Burnt out brain, broken body, not even 60 years here and wishing I wasn't this souls host

Quitting would be easier than finishing my list of ****-tasks that I can't afford to hire someone else to do.

Pointless progress. Selling my soul for dollars...pitiful

Rust is what I'm made of.
That should tell you something.

Rarely inspired,
exceptions being; love of rocks and music and the things that make my love of those things more accessible

I believe that the frequency at which things vibrate is indicative of their nature.
Especially when focused on over a period of time, no less time

I'm quite nervous naturally.
I don't really fit in or feel connected, mostly, I guess

The sum of those parts being equal to or less than the fact that I really don't care what you think about me or the way that I operate. I adore freedom as a sovereign individual. Which means that I  would defend another's personal sovereignty as my own
As it should be.
As above so below.

And then there is the easy confidence that I am an innately decent person. I cherish loyalty and adoration of someone else. I can be impressed with etiquette, manners and control of ones composure.

I loath bullies and predation upon children and the innocent. I know what I would **** and die and live for.

I am not a stranger to oaths, covenants or agreement.
I am familiar with honor but cannot claim it.
Courage neither

I am familiar with failure and loss and grief and may lay claim.

I miss my kids. I missed being a father because I was full of self pity and my mouth was full of lies.
There are reasons but they are lies.
I simply failed as a father
I feel destitute when I think of it.

I like tiny things. Small boxes and trinkets and gew-gaws and what-nots.
I like grass and the smell of a pasture in the morning. I like blue sky. I like the feeling that I am on vacation forever. I like a road-trip.

I like dogs and horses and kids and my elders and loud live music.
I came here to serve my maker
I will not quit

Tomorrow then?
Ryan O'Leary Feb 19
Before I begin permit me to inform you that
Mare Nostrum is not a sea horse filly and
the old sea dog was sheep worrier down by
Ahakista in in west Cork where Sue Nami
said sea saw Ebb & Flo had purchased a
waterfront house called Tear na Nogue.

It’s just outside Dunes by the stretched sand,
or strand as it is known locally by the beach
combers wood drifters mudlarks & sea urchins
who are always there unshaven and unkempt.

I can’t talk, I’m a sort of a ne’er do well myself
I'm living down here in a camper van with a
fine  biteen of grey stubble too may i add.

Gew know what I noticed, when the sea wakes
it waves and down here we are very close to the
the sun sinks  and because the horizon touches
the sky it has to squeeze through and here’s
another ting I spotted. All  the winds blow from
west to east where it rises and that  is for the
same reason that  radiators are in the front of
cars so the avail of the head winds to keep them
cool it is the same reason the sun is like Wrong
Way Corrigan. Since I have been down here
I haven’t noticed once rising in the south and
sinking in the north but a local Vincent Ellis
told me that it is always like  that but the
Healy Rays tried their utmost to get it shifted
a bit more towards Iskaroon down by Cahir
Daniel where O’Connell was born but dim
hures would put a thwisth in a straight road
and sell eggs  from an up turned currach if
they thought there was muney in it.
Ryan O'Leary Dec 2024
A triangle points at Tel-
Aviv on the flag of Gaza.
Blood on blotting paper,
accusations in the wind.
A history in semaphore
of the Judaist Genocide.
Nakba 48 to Netenyahu
& his Holocaust of now.
Oh evil Gew how hated
thou hast been in history.
And how fitting a mascot
for you, INRI be, a nailed
up looser amongst thieves
abandoned by your God,
but not for the first time nor
be it the last instance neither.
Ryan O'Leary Feb 5
Nakba was the beginning of
the Palestinian postponement.

It was before duct tape which
holds two Dakota's together.

A two *** two state solution
is not really all that necessary.

Gaza is a mere postage stamp,
it may be licked, but not peeled.

The west bank is not monetary
based, it has Sheik's not Shekels.

It is time for the world to rein in
the evil gew & behead the $erpent.

— The End —