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nicholas redden Mar 2012
Star shot blue eyes
a meatior shower starts to fall in my head my skin tightens
I see a faint flash nothing more then a flicker at first, a galexy was born between sparks of our laughter
I thought I knew but I wasnt sure I loved her at least these fleating moments I could
all the hot new stars started to fad to a deep terqose as our galexy grew old I say good night you shift your eyes and said the same and give me one more meatior shawer with a simple smile
in my dreams you came sailing along the soft light of the moon to steal me away once more
for two weeks I just traced my way through our constolation just finding little remnants of you just star dust now
I sit and wait under the night sky speckled with stars hoping you would deside to fall my way again and bring me back out to space to spin around and around like we did our first night in the sky
Kole J McNeil Dec 2020
Her eyes blue
Her hair a soft brown
She is perfect

She doesn't see her worth
She keeps going after the guy that hurt her
Over and Over

I wish she could see how much she is worth
She means the world to me
But she keeps hurtong herslelf for a guy who doesn't love her

I cant stand to see her hurt
She deservs the world
She is tall and smart and beautifull
She is funny and kind and soft
She has soft hands

She's loud but gental
She is a picture perfect girl

All I want is she
She is which I am living
She is which I am happy
She is which I long

She is my Yellow
My Blue
My Red
My Green
My Orange
She is my rainbow
She is my light
She is my stars
She is my galexy
She is my moon

And she is my insomnia
She is my reson
She is my guding hand
And she is the badage of the wounds I give myself
And she is the trash that took the blades
And she is the mended heart break
She is the bottle that I never picked up again
She is the pills I put back in the cabnet
She is...

— The End —