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You see after all i my mates laughed at me for being a little ****** kid

there was one friend called lyle who wanted to be my friend at school

and i at that time, thought this friend was cool, seeing i knew nobody else

but we had fun together, like a dream made me understand,that we used

to play basketball at the local courts which i thought was cool, and it would’ve

been nice, if my other school mates would join in, but we did play games

with other kids who dropped in, i just had a dream, where my mate the messiah

came in and taught me how to become respected enough to make it to hollywood

and before you say it, i know he isn’t my daddy, but i was a daddy figure to him

letting him stay at my house, you see we went to the movies and top floriade

and also to the national multi cultural festival, and the messiah said, instead of

shop food, how about you have multi cultural food, yeah, it’s tasty, hey, we also

went to each others houses, i had him sleep over, but i never slept over there,

mainly because, i have caused a lot of problems expecting to sleep over in my childhood

you see lyle came in my dream last night to show me the ***** cool kid, in the form of the messiah

he made the messiah, buy all these tickets to expensive events, like maybe a soccer game

between barcelona and ajax, yeah i used to joke with him, and we saw a stand up comedy event, and we find

that kind of thing very funny, but i heard the witch doctor who killed my previous life patrick dunbar

saying, hang on, are you the guy from the charnwood inn, and he told men to shut up, and i said

leave me alone, i am a family person, i don’t need the crazy demented witch doctor kidnapping my cool kid

the witch doctor, is trying to steal my mate patricks voice saying, i am not a cool kid, to make me too scared

and i really wanted a mate, and lyle was the only young bloke who gave a ****, like take me to bet on the footy

once we turned 18, but in school, we went to the footy and going over to each other’s houses, to play cricket or footy, and mate

lyle was a really big wild boy, he was, ya know a fast bowler and a tough footballer, and i tried to keep fit, so i can

outclass him, and i think i succeeded, but ya know, if you ******* a mate like lyle, he will get cranky, cause he has a

problem worth anger, we also slept in the backyard tent, where lyle said, i ain’t scared of the old boogie woman

but, i was wanting cool friends, as he liked the idea of going to bed early, and my family and lyles family all got together

and talked to each other, and i enjoyed my conversations with lyles mum, mind you, there were moments, where i was

scared to go over, because, i feel if i **** people off, i will have no friends, i remember me and lyle used to be big eaters

but, i don’t want to eat like that no more, because, i don’t want any blood clot, mind you i still eat a lot, but i write and do art

because i need to do things with my art, so my eating doesn’t get the better of me, there is more to brian allan than eating

too much, me and lyle were like two cool people playing bingo, and that was cool, you see,in my dream, my mum packed

a whole case of cakes, for me to share with all the young dudes at the festival, but the messiah felt uneasy and said i don’t want

to be a kid, he said he wants to fucken grow up, but i can’t understand why, he is telling me to grow up, and i hate the idea

of being treated like i am trying to be like other people, like my brother, i am like brian, just me, brian allan, i had fun with lyle

despite him being a loud mouth wild person who liked the idea of picking fights with everyone, but i have to understand

i ******* a lot of people, but this dream shows, all the fun times, i did a horrible crime, but i still think that it was my belief

of being greame thorne and pastrick diunbar in my previous life, being taken too young, was the reason of all my crazy person crimes

and dad couldn’t except i had a mental illness, and either can my old school mates, you see i ignored patrick at the st george bank

in the mall, and i heard him say get ****** brainy, like he was worried, why isn’t brian talking to me, and i said to pat, hi pat and

patrick went sarcastically hi brian, your brother isn’t around anymore, brian, we don’t have to be nice to you, i had fun with patrick

and lyle as well, in the new years eve concert to end the 1980s, me patrick and lyle went to the belconnen soccer club for the

end of the 80s nye party, and me and patrick and lyle had a few XXXX’s, and i got drunk and crashed over patricks house

and i crashed over patricks house, too much, patrick got sick of the fucken sight of me, i can understand in hindsight, that

i ****** him off, so i annoyed the mall crowd, and i was invited to a party, but because of the party i had at my house, where

my dad played taxi driver to all my drunken mates, and i wasn’t really a good host, because, i prefer the laid back lifestyle

partying out in the firehouse nightclub and the private bin in front of youtube, and i would love a televised youtube nye bash

on youtube, but they don’t, so i made my own nye bash, and it was pretty radically successful as well, i have still got my cool

jeans on, from those days, but i am a talented entertainer and actor now, and as much fun as i had with patrick and lyle,

those days are in the past, i am moving on now,

my granny took me to bingo too, my nanny watched the end of the 70s nye concert with me

i remember when jimmy barnes through beer cans at a concert at alberton oval, adelaide

yeah, totally radical dudes
Isaac Feb 2018
Isaac Lainez’s
                     Why no sunshine?

Why do i hear despair?                                        
Why do i hear the world will never be fair?
Why do i hear like life *****?
Why do i hear there is no luck?
Why no funtimes?

Why no sunshine
Is poetry about sadness
Expressed to it’s fullest
Is poetry for sad stories

And only wrote happy for comics
Is poetry expressing all feeling
But rarely using happiness
Is poetry for emo’s or goths
Expressing all sadness

Is poetry for facts that sound for opinions
And opinions that sound for facts
Is poetry giving news in an entertaining way
But if you laugh you are shamed
Am i aloud to express happily?

Or sadily and depressing
Am i aloud to express in all ways?
Or one, which will be the same
I want to be positive
But i'm neutral

Tell me something sad
Don't expect a tear
Tell me something happy
Don't expect a smile
Can a bring sunshine to this place

Or am i shushed and shamed
Can i be that small sunshine
Or is it despair all of the time?
Did i do poetry for no reason
Or did i hope this poem changed minds?

If it works i can be sad sometimes
But when it’s needed
And rarely joke in poetry
Or are jokes too much
The only poems that i can relate to are the ones from comics

But that's as much relatability of a dinosaur and bird
I don’t need to make laughs or smiles
Im as neutral as a public school teacher
But if controversy sparks it all changes
Controversy continuously crumbles society

I feel controversy dances and eats
Eats all of your life
Like racism it never leaves
It can’t be stopped

And it is hard to help against it
Is this it?
Is this why there is no sunshine
Because it poetry to spread controversy
And if you joke around with it

It’s more of a joke
And then you choke
On your words
Cant breath then you
SNAP and do a homicide

Then it's to late so inside you do a suicide
But the only hope you have a God
So you wait for a free homicide
But you cool down, but it happens
Then while you sit there with blood
And you don’t believe in your god
Then you die a sad life
Those words shall never live

Is that why there is no sunshine
I continue to think of ways to implement something funny
But i can't because maybe dark humor is banned from poetry
Maybe one day humor and even if its dark may bring sunshine...
First poem asking for answeres
Take my hand
Glean from crossroads
On my palm
The secrets of my heart

If  I ever loved you
Or wished you dead
And shoved
Into the abandoned incinerator
With mass of *******
Concealing you

Maybe I thought of numerous
Others and the funtimes
I could have with them
And not you

The trees shed their leaves
Sprouting with fresh leaves

You would know the thoughts
Of my heart
In time

As my actions reflect
The light and darkness
In me
Questions we have to answer

— The End —