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Holly Zangara Nov 2012
everything is changing
i feel like my train is late
and im not sure i even want to get on
doing this scares me
i envy all of you
you who jump in headfirst without thinking
i wish i was more like that
not calculating everystep
wondering when its all going to crash around me
feel the air around me
like i could walk on clouds
flying in the sky
not being afraid of falling down
letting go of it all
just being
for once
i just want to be.

is it too late
or is my train still waiting
will it take me there
to the place where the air is all around
where clouds are soft and fluffy
where i can jump and not be afriad of falling
is this my train
im not sure
i guess for now ill keep waiting
im just not sure
cause right now i just wanna jump and fly on my own wings
no train is gonna take me there
There comes a point in life,
when you find someone you love.
They wanna be more than friends,  
but thats not what you're thinking of.  
Putting yourself in the position,
where you might not ever be friends.  
Is not what you applied for,
not a message you want to send.
You dont know how to tell them,
or even how to explain.
You try to walk it off,
but instead it starts to rain.  
The weight upon your should,  
with every footstep on the ground.
Each one seems to get heavier,
their voice the only sound.
Choices seem to be flowing,  
inside your thought filled head.
Everystep picking your path,
for your journey up ahead.
Make sure you think things over,  
before you break their heart.
There  comes a point  in  life,
when you can't always restart.  

          Taemica Hammick   6-1-10
this is goood...
Cameryn Micheal Jan 2015
Who left me in tears,
Watching her walk away,
Was crying everystep of the way.

Dorothy of OZ,
Who walked down the old path with out looking back,
Walked alone.
Dorothy never asked for help,
Because she didn't want them to touch to tarnished bricks,
That used to be bright but now brings depression,
A curse to all who tread its endless path.

Dorothy,  won't you come back,
So I can walk with you?
I know Im not the greatest person,
Annoying and helpless,
But I would follow you anywhere.
You aren't alone.
Lets bottlefeed each other the first
steps in love
With everystep , let love resound
Lets learn to strum the right strings
of our hearts
In one key ,let us play a spanish
Lets dare the cupid, let him strike
his arrow
With a single shot, lets get a Romeo
and Juliet Ride
Escape a one night stand , just
holding each other all night long
Lets melt in each others arms with
so much care
Lets dare sin and teach each other
how to kiss
Feel the warmth of our lips ,as we
hearken to the beat of our hearts in
a duet
Pounding in unison, in reflection to
our affection
Whisper in my ears the vapour of
your smooth voice
Lets feed each other the cereals of
The protien that determines the
growth of our love
Lets put a rock foundation to the
empire that will last
The tests of approaching stormy
and rainy seasons
Lets not wish and dream of
diamonds and roses
Lets teach each other how to trust
Care about us and last the length
of Life
Lets teach each other how to love

— The End —