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She hears the heavy tread of his shoes,
carrying the weight of his mighty
is her sad and trodden Solitary Man~

Hurt by life’s emotions
she has traveled so far
found love once -
with this Solitary man~

One more journey
to seek his vision
and love
she looks for her
Solitary man~

But she knows the answers
already given to her lonely heart
as she travels his roads
her heart looks for him
to return to her arms
her Solitary man~

it is only a matter of time
till her solitary man
finds his way
to her bleeding heart
crushed at the sight
of Her Lonely Solitary Man~

Is it to late?
the love that once has been
is now down a lonely path
trodden with tears
to her Soliatry Man~

Debbie Brooks.. @ October 27th 2016;campaign=share&utm;_medium=facebook;_campaign=share&utm;_medium=facebook
Hank Pym Dec 2016
Bye Mom
Bye Dad
I'm gone
I'm sad
Bye Felipe
Bye Juan
I wish I could sit
And eat a wan-ton
Bye Evanthia
I don't want to go
I cannot stay
But I'm at an utter low
I've lost my first friend
Who was drifting away
Maybe it was destined
That our friendship
Would die out one day
I won't except it
I'm coming back
To get back my friend
Hold up! Let me pack
Back I arrive
Hi Dad
Hi Mom
I'm sorry left
I know I was wrong
Hi Evanthia
I missed your
Cute little song
Time to get her back
My friend of 'ole
I will see you after
I have accomplished my goal
Evanthia is my sister.  I love her very much.  She's my little Wasp.

— The End —