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A May 2020
I wanted to see the neighbourhood for the last time.
To experience life before it all slips away from my hands
But it was all the same as usual;
People driving to work, all stressed and tired,
Shattered bottles of Budweiser from the week prior,
The ***** pond in the park, with plastic bottles floating like a ship
Etcetra, etcetra...

Until I see it.
The most magnificent thing you’ll ever see.

A single lotus calmly floating on the surface,
And seemingly, without a care for the world.
With the roots  reaching down to the soil where no-one can see
So no-one notices,
no-one ever seems to see the thin thread she’s hanging on.
Because their used to her float.
Being graceful and content.
Preventing not even the trash
To bring her down.
Jenny Gordon Mar 2019
...I'll tell you in a later stanza.


Swear that I don't know what to scribble, frail
As aught excuse--as traffic chases thence
Dear whither in the dull lacklustre sense
The region clouds (which Shakespeare to avail
Knew best to frame) drive forward, white so pale
We put our music on or yes! fr'intents
O me! the news, this time of breathing hence
Mair stale than praps the ancients knew to scale.
I've read not license plates for sense in tour,
But like the girl I am--just which or who
Made each car, truck, etcetra, like's not poor,
And relish evry bird's voice like tis to
Effect a ransom for my soul.  Geese fer
Good measure honk in passing, and what's new?

Hmm.  Typing this up to post it, seems as if I wrote it but minutes ago.
Jenny Gordon Apr 2019
Or, the kind of page which you find buried out of sight cuz it wasn't fit to be seen.


O let me roll his name in sheer betrayl
Across my tongue and savour that fr'intents.
"He" turns my storms to sunshine with a sense
Of happy songs in every step, t'avail--
With just that note "he" cares is't?  Swear I've bail.
I yearned to crawl off somewhere to weep thence,
But "he" stepped out to smoke, and all cleared, whence
Dear me!  I've nary tear to shed, to scale.
Don't tell me tis a dream I'll rue in tour--
Note how "he" called "his" fellow--was it to
See that "he'd" culled a smile by that as twere?
Go laugh at me, and give your lectures through
Experience and etcetra.  Though tis poor,
Nor sense:  I'm banking on "his" caring too.

Laugh at me.

— The End —