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With proud and respect,
Lives the elders here,
With pride and head held high,
Lives youth here,
With dedication and devotion,
Farmers ploughs field here,
With confidence and sacrifice,
Fights the soldier here,
With love and laughter,
Grows the kids here,
With intimacy and simplicity,
Wives manages house here,
This is my country,
None other like this exists.

Slowly the country moves,
To become the golden bird again,
No enimity with any nation,
Making it's identity alone,
With peace and humility,
Becoming a symbol it stands high.

It has never divided nor will ever divide,
This is united India(country) of mine,
Built by Lord Krishna and Ram,
Dreamt by Maurya,
It didn't break when it was  ransacked,
Though weakened for a second,
But became stood rock solid and strong.

Each drop of blood flowing from,
the nerves of each individual here,
Shouts and recites loudly
Great is my country,
Great is my country.

Sparkle In Wisdom.
Translated work from my Hindi poem,
Bharat desh mahan mera!
Simpleton Oct 2018
I have hated you since the mention of your mere existence
Held an enimity against you in my heart like an obsessive compulsive disorder
I have despised your very being
The one who holds my future
Whom my dreams and desires shall be entrusted to
The person who holds the key to the decisions I should make
A husband
You have been tied to words like permission and submission
Not love nor admiration
You are the cage to my past and present
The prison of a future
I am destined to experience
From the moment of birth
Squeezed, suffocated into a box
And the only time of release
would be until another box would lower me down
Only now aged like wine
I think of the poison I was fed
How my brain was tied and folded
Pressed down
And made small
So that it could fit for everyone around me
I wonder if I am an anomaly
I have grown into me
Not what he would like me to be
The damage was undone
When you became part of the solution
Lerato rikky Apr 2021
Can I tell you a story of a man
Who left it's throne to a world
That was so devastated.

A man that was not fertilized
By another man to be born
It's existence in ****** mary
Is still a mystery yet unveil

He came to be like us
That angels was so jealous
That they ask the creator
Why are you so mindful
Of man that you gave
Them authority over everything.

He replied and said
"They are the apple of my eyes"
No wonder he gave his only
Begotten son to this Earth to
Be a man that would bore the
Pains and suffering of the world
He created.

He was called the prince of love
So he can take away the pieces of hatred.
He was called the prince of joy
So he can take away the pains of men.
He was called the prince of healer
So he could take away the sick and suffering
From mankind

Like that wasn't enough for just one man to bear
He was taken through a lonely journey of life
For our sake so that we can be liberated from
The laws of the cage life

So, as we go through life journey
Let's reminisce on those days when he
Was rejected, abandon, Forsaken, forgotten
To perish alone.

Those days were days that he could have
Given up But no!!!
He said this price have to be paid
Even when he was rejected
Even when he was abandon
Even when he was betrayed
Even when he was deny by
It's most trusted disciple peter.

He still paid the price on that lonely highway!
Wasn't this enough for just one man to bear!
But still!!!
He took the cross so that he could break the
Enimity between us and his father.
He became our mediator
He became our savior
He became our light.

So why do you cry
Don't worry, don't cry
For he has risen and taken
Our burdens with
Him at the cross, the
Greatest love and true
Love humanity and beyond
Would ever experience in years to come

His name was called Emmanuel- God with us
© Leratorikkipoet
KV Srikanth May 2022
Core of my childhood
Standing tall till adulthood
Central theme of existence
Is a best friend coexistence

Love the very concept
When identified and accepted
By society as friends
Who stood the test of time

Divinity brings together
Souls in sync with each other
Destiny united a brother
From another mother

His victory mine
My defeat his
Sorrows we share
Two bodies one soul

Lay out life
On the line
For one another
Take the world
Enimity on together

Come across as
Two but see one
Any other way
Not acceptable ever

Eat drink together
Life death together
This entire lifetime
Future lives too

Experiencing the above
Is absolute happiness
Friend for company
Is a soul without worry
KV Srikanth May 2021
Difference of opinion
On a small issue
policy decision or
Matters in the public domain

Hate without reason
On wrong assumptions
Other compulsions
Yarn weaved to create the emotion

Abhorrence for injustice
The seeker of justice
Must learn to practice
End up as a novice

Forgiving the other
Option is better
Load carried lesser
Mind utilized better

Start an argument
Ignoring an option
Verbal abuse to mention
Faults of the other person

Dig deep into the causation
Emerges the correlation
Ego and pride hurt the reason
Cause of this whole phenomenon

Maintaining the balance
Straddling the silence
With bottled up violence
Rational in abscence

Loathing the being
A reflection of your doing
Positive energy evaporating
Outside world never changing

Hostility to another mortal
Mirrors your downward Spiral
Attempt to change others futile
Forever live in denial

Disregard for others
Splitting image of self
Respect yourself
But naturally respect the rest

Branding them enemy
Unforgiving and Apathy
Filled with despair
Too late to repair

Thinking becomes disoriented
Brain guided by hatred
Ego gets inflated
Soul no more sacred

Relationship gone for a toss
For absolutely nothing at all
Over the years build a wall
Alone and lonely a free fall

Characters that you despised
Continue to lead their life
Your anger makes no difference
Only you remain frustrated and with grievance

Best is to let go
Ignore the issue from the word go
Reversing the relationship a no go
Mind becomes a merry go round

Highest form of maturity
Dont show the enimity
Always show Social decency
From the heart never let them in your freqency

Thoughts facing the opponent
There is no opponent
The word I does not exist
Everything falls in place as it is
KV Srikanth Jun 2021
Hurting someone  purposely
Injury caused previously
At the Recieving end
Wanting to tie loose ends

A matter of memory
Exact opposite of Harmony
Filled with enimity
In line with its enormity

Got away with their deed
Harming intent their seed
Impetus to cause insult
Resolute in their conduct

Unapologetic demeanor
Justifying their behavior
Their motive your failure
As a result of the orders order

Success in their pursuit
Kicking the ladder under your boot
Shake you at your very root
Whole life have to reboot

Predictable in its unpredictability
Lawful lawlessness
Impermanent in seemingly permanency
Order in Chaos judgment delivered finally

Wanting to get back
Hurt them on their track
Insult added with interest
Their fall the required result

Natural feeling of revenge
Time to settle the grievance
Use all the weapons
They repent their actions

Matter of pride
Chance to deride
Proving the self right
Time decides might

Feeling replaces thinking
Heart the deciding *****
Futility of such actions
Void of knee **** reactions

Hurting the other
Makes you no better
If you had to suffer
Was decided by the maker

Learn from the insult
Giving it back doesn't change the result
Patience is progress
Brings forth your strengths

Mind looks inward
Vengeance a step backwards
Action not growth oriented
Even a thought not worth invested

Forgive them forever
For yourself not the other
Not your business to deliver
Or to see if its delivered

Change in a person
Brought by action
Nothing more delusional
Than to make it personal

Learnt his lesson
Karma knows its mission
Our own conclusions
Lack of Transcendence

Settling the score
Remove from the core
Forever remaining sore
Spiraling down asking for more

Let them be
No choice than to be
Our nature is not to be this or be that
It is just to be

On the contrary
Wish them to be happy
Their nature is to sting
Our nature is being Zen

Revenge is a dish best not served

— The End —