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Madokaxplorer Aug 2014
too much elicitation regards to my bicycle from four years ago
300 years of precipitation received below the bottom cycle
ago ago ur rotten bag is inside a banana peel
vice versa my own vices inside a banana peel
pressing keyboards onto people on monkey-bars

several years later a summertime in my yard
several kitchen appliances that I scarred
my face with as I examine Toy Story parts
in momentary glimpses of lost poems stapled to trees
Nintendo's E3 Treehouse livestream not Monster's University

67 eio eight octopus
Dan Hess Jul 2019
In she came
Like a gust of wind
Sweeping me off my feet

And in the air
I lingered there
And felt my mind retreat

It was loss of heat to air
Through which my mind became aware
And thence did doubt deplete

And as I lingered in the air
And as I saw myself engulfed
My eyes did rise to shining sun
Seeing visions of plenty; my whims undone

But thus, alas, as time should fleet
To harrowing mysteries before
My bubble burst at the seams
I plunged to dark, abhorred

Through questioning and recompense
I sought the light fore-met
And in the mind’s eye, new light shined
Through memory dispensed
So there I fell
To abject hell
And there my mind resides
Yet only in the shadow’s summit
Should inner balance, and life bide

Break free of fear
The dark is here
You harbor it inside
Make only effort to balance dark
With all the light you find

As love should take you places
You could never hope to see
Take care to love your many faces
Seek setting your soul free
Keshan Aug 2016
The radiance, a splendor indeed
Emanating was your joy, truly
A time ago, your disappointment was shown
Your pride rejuvenated, once more.
My sight you graced, by error
Another had I been seeking, when your return was made
The scrutiny showing no effect on your being
Your vibrance, I wished was my own elicitation .
Praise you earned; never undeserving
Your ethic thriving, as excellence you claim
The weight of many; your shoulders burdened
Honor brought by your words, determined.
A glimpse I stole, as our paths parted
My respect grown, by your smiles' gold.
Dennis Willis Jan 2022
a regnification
has taken place
that I missed
you've been seen
as unexpected
lees and more
comification is
yours elicitation
collared stiffens
allegings argue
that you exist
Therefore, I opted to
reduce heavy sedation
within unsuspecting reader rabbit
summarization superseded elaboration,
less reason spurring salacious secretion
i.e. a-z expletive epithet, et cetera laced

verbalization crucifixion subsequently,
neither nameless nincompoop (me)
crossing verboten drive,
nor this ditto anonymous
poetic purveyor to burden heavy
onlookers with elegiac colluding bugaboo

even daunting grizzly Adams,
endeavoring exclusively exercising
"E" valuation in futile attempt
to express mild exuberance
entailing English language.

Essentially erudition wrought
elucubration, ecstatic emotion,
enunciation, enumeration, eradication
narrowly avoiding writer's block
concomitent ebullition, emasculation
exacerbation, exasperation,

stepped up escalation elevation
malignant hypertension, encrustation
elementary (my dear Watson)
extemporaneous embarkation
severely affected non exlax induced
emergency enema evacuation,

but not even for the grace of dog
unstoppable elimination, ejection...
exhausting excavation
water closet expedition
elucidation, elation, edification,
vis a vis emancipation,

despite literary emaciation malnutrition
near extinction yours truly,
nonetheless... faint eruption
eureka ******* elongation
emanation awoke new edition
regarding neigh saying kid on the block

elicitation, elocution, energization,
eroticization, estimation, excitation
activated skeletal echolocation
eye opening entrepreneurial effectuation
analogous TVA electrification,
hence enervation equalization

relieved self cannibalization
thankfully discouraging envenomization
invariably in conclusion,
no exaggeration pronouncing
exemption verdict against
my extirpation sore disappointment!

— The End —