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harry and the force

you see young harry stone who was only 13 years old, started being trapped by these

weird paranormal forces beyond his control, well ted bundy, says, i think there is a bit

of hooligan in his itchy feet, and harry hated this, because he was only 13, and he was

too young for tinnea or dermatitis or anything else like that, you see the forces would reach

out into his body, to grab the computer nerd, and said to him, you are scared harry, and we

are trying to **** you ok, harry screamed, LEAVE ME ALONE,  and the forces said, neh oh neh

we will never leave you alone, cause your still a little young dude, harry, harry, wanted to be free

from these terrible forces, but there is no way, known to man, that forces want to leave harry alone,

harry said, leave me alone, i am only young, i am only young, let me go, i am too young to

to be trapped by paranormal forces beyond my control, but the forces said, you are never too young, buddy

we will push the computer nerd away from you, and in the meantime, we will reach in and grab

your little young dude or your hooligan, and harry said, leave me alone, i am not a family person, like that

i am a tad too shy to be a family person to a kidnap, i want to get out, i am too young harry screamed

i want the forces to treat me like a family hooligan, but the forces said, no, i will make you suffer, and harry

was starting to get upset with the forces, but couldn’t control himself, you see he said, let’s put twisted sister

on for a party, and then buy fish and chips, and then harry went away to squeeze himself through a drainpipe, and

one man put a bin lid on both sides and asked someone to hold it, so harry couldn’t get out, but harry can’t escape

and was terribly scared, saying please, take the families, not me, take the families, not me, but the forces said

i prefer to take you, trap your feet, because you are scared, and instead, of making you run away from  us, we have

our ways, to get caught up in your tinnea itchy feet, harry asked, can you left me go, or i will get this fist, and put it

right to your head, and then the forces pushed his feet down into the carpet, and every friend harry had, was forced

by the forces to be harry’s kidnapper, and every time anyone teased harry, the forces will make the teasers kidnappers also,

and harry said, i am a family person, and the forces said, yeah a family person to a tease yeah, don’t be like us harry,

be a little shy boy, allow us, to push your feet down, harry got sick of everyone treating him like a hooligan, but everyone

was having fun using harry as the forces little skate goat and you see all the itchiness, if you look at the X-ray of his foot

ands the paranormal activity, which is forcing harry to be too shy to muck with the families, but the real reason, harry

was saying, i am not like those families who get kidnapped killed or murdered, i hate family people who go to bed early

harry also said, he likes family life, but he likes staying up, while the nerdy family people (little going to bed cool kids)

go to bed, and harry would listen to music watch youtube, perform on youtube, watch TV, and read street machine magazines

but the forces made all his mates like his family better, because they went to bed, so much in fact, they went to bed leaving

harry to be a little young dude staying up all night, playing cool for nerdy families who head off to bed, you see harry loved

to stop up all night, he found that fun, but his father and mother were getting worried about harry, but harry said, he is young

and he runs free, you see every time someone teases him, he would feel kidnapped by the nerdy family people, and

would go home and keep his feet planted on the ground, with the forces saying, harry, you are a family person alright

a family person to a tease, and harry was very upset and yelled out, LEAVE ME THE **** ALONE, his friends said, neh oh neh

you are still a hooligan, harry, but harry got sick of this, in fact he hated, saying just because he stays up all night, doesn’t mean he’s a hooligan

in fact harry is a stay up late little cool dude, and all his mates found harry is cool, and they all said, your like us now, harry

and harry yelled out it’s my life it’s now or never i ain’t going to live forever, i am going to live while i am alive, it’s my life

my heart is like a open highway, i am going to do it my way, it’s my life, and harry then told the forces, don’t you think bon jovi

is really inspiring, man, and the forces said to harry, we are going to keep your feet glued to the floor, like your a hooligan or a nasty

little young dude, and the forces then said, you sit up all night, we go to bed saying don’t be like us, harry, don’t be like us, harry

be a little young dude, buddy, you like us, as they would say to a person who loves to stay up all night, and the forces begin

to bring out a methane filled python and it took a bite out of harry, and harry cried for days, after he woke up with his family

standing on each corner of the bed, and harry noticed the python bites on his fingers but that was to improve the quality of your life

and harry’s sister said, your one of the young dudes harry, and they all went into the kitchen to have breakfast, and the forces

stayed away till the next night, where they can capture harry again, but harry likes staying up all night, playing cool for his nerdy family

HARRY IS BASED ON MYSELF AS A KID, the forces forced me to tie myself up, i have a mental illness all my life, even as a child

i really never thought it was a big deal, don’t follow my path, beat the forces, ok beat the paranormal forces, i was and i stress was one of those crazy people

BUT STAYING UP LATE IS COOL FOR AN ADULT AS WELL, i really don’t want the forces to trap me, anymore, because playing cool for my nerdy family is cool
Aoife Mairéad Feb 2012
Domestic violence is far more glamorous than contact dermatitis.
Feel disgusting. Fall face down in bleach, it’s the only way to go.
You only write a mere two lines then leave.
Jude kyrie Dec 2015
Manchester in 1950

The war was getting forgotten now
except in the movies John Wayne
saved the world alone.
And he always won every battle.
I was a boy conceived in the mayhem
of civilian bombings by the Luftwaffe.
TV was yet six years into the future.
Ration books limited the food of the poor.
The rich had the black market.
I did not know any rich people.
We were ten children and mom and dad.
Very few toys happened back then
So we played soccer with a misshaped ball.
Tennis with jumble sale racquets
and a bald ball borrowed from the dog.
Mom worked in factory that made
Rubber parts for things.
Her arms were always skinned from dermatitis
rashes due to the chemicals she used.
I had a key on a string hanging around my neck.
To get into the house after school.
I did not know back then how poor we were.
But reflecting back I understand now.
In the great depression Manchester
was hit hard.
My dad was put on one week of work
On week unpaid.
My mom cleaned houses to make money
For a meal for her ten  kids.
Her pregnant belly
almost touching the floor.
As she cleaned on her knees.
Just days before giving birth.
I think those days were the hardest.
Even the choking smog caused by the use of
Soft coal on fires in homes and the relentless
smoke of the industrial north west of England.
Left a trail of victims after each foggy attack.
It was then in a dark foreboding world of post
war England.
I swore to all that was holy
I would get out of there and make something
of myself no more poverty.
Education was  escape tunnel from that prison.
That and a burning hatred for want and ignorance.
I became the only one of my family
To obtain a degree from university.
I took my skills and verve
to America and Canada
Opened my own business
And lived the dream.
My children now grown
Have never seen need or want.
It was a miracle to me.
Except sometimes
Even now after all these long years.
I dream of Manchester after the war
And breathing is difficult
As the acrid smoke of the blackened
Chimneys chokes me even in sleep.
And I see mom in the dream
she is so beautiful
to me and I can’t help her
because it was too late.
I love you
For being you
For stirring me
For never letting me down
Even in the darkest times
I can just imagine
Lying down in
Your arms
Looking at my future
In your eyes
You stir me
You like the taste
Of the raw honey
You get
Having undressed me
My soul
To the deepest cores
Of existential truths
In my heart
This is what I
Love bout you
The mornings
When I find
Myself chipped
Ashes flying
All round me
You see a loving
Patient of dermatitis in me.
My love is beyond
Just testosterone
It's adrenaline rush
Which makes me immerse
In you
My dear!!
▝ ▙  We are being fooled & manipulated. Anorexia nervosa (fear/phobia of food) is a sub-clinical symptom of pellagra (a vitamin B3 deficiency). No amount of encouragement, or self assessment makes any difference. All pellagrans (those suffering from pellagra) suffer through the 3-D's: dementia (psychosis/depression), dermatitis (skin inflammation) & diarrhea. Buy a bottle of vitamin B3 (also known as niacin), and take 500 m.g. with each meal (never on an empty stomach). Buy flush-free niacin (a "niacin flush" entails a false allergic reaction of itchy, red skin that lasts 15 minutes).  You can't over-dose on a B vitamin as its excess is excreted in *****. Vitamin B3 turns *** somewhat orange. 90% of Americans don't get enough B3. You have to supplement. Try it. It'll end your insomnia too. You'll be dreaming in vivid color within several days.

Megavitamin Therapy for Psychosis by Abram Hoffer, M.D., Ph.D., F.R.C.P.S. (Can.) Twenty Years On Orthomolecular Therapy
On December 8, 1976 Mr. CR, age 25, arrived in my office. He complained that he was much better than he had been but that there were days when he was nervous and depressed. Six years earlier he had become very depressed. He was treated with electroconvulsive therapy receiving about 11 treatments. His memory had been bad before the treatment and was worse afterwards so that he could not remember what he had been like. But most of his depression had been lifted. He married a few years later. His wife told me that his episodes of depression had been getting worse. During these he would become quiet, and obsessive. He was still taking Haldol regularly. He added that he had, in the past, believed people were staring at him, had suffered visual hallucinations and had heard voices but had not experienced these perceptual changes after his treatment. He had been started on large doses of the B vitamins, with zinc gluconate and brewers yeast. I added niacin 500 mg three times each day after meals and advised him to remain on his Haldol 2 mg daily. One month later he was normal.
We're being fooled & manipulated. Anorexia nervosa (fear/phobia of food) is a sub-clinical symptom of pellagra (a vitamin B3 deficiency). No amount of encouragement, or self-assessment makes any difference. All pellagrans (those who are afflicted with pellagra) suffer through the 3-D's: dementia (psychosis/depression), dermatitis (skin inflammation) & diarrhea. Buy a bottle of vitamin B3 (also known as niacin), and take 500 m.g. with each meal (never on an empty stomach). Buy flush-free niacin (a "niacin flush" entails a false allergic reaction of itchy, red skin that lasts 15 minutes). You can't overdose on a B vitamin as its excess is excreted in *****. Vitamin B3 turns *** somewhat orange. 90% of Americans don't get enough B3. You have to supplement. Try it. It'll end your insomnia too. You'll be dreaming in vivid color within several days.
There are 2 major vitamin-deficiency diseases that cause suicidal depression. One is beriberi. It's a chronic vitamin B1 deficit and the other malady is pellagra, which causes a melancholia that's even worse. Pellagra (sour skin) is a vitamin B3 deficit known for it's 3-D's: diarrhea, dermatitis, dementia.
One is beriberi. It's a chronic vitamin B1 deficit and the other malady is pellagra, which causes a melancholia that's even worse. Pellagra (sour skin) is a vitamin B3 deficit known for it's 3-D's: diarrhea, dermatitis, dementia.
Anonymous Feb 5
I wanted you to care for me.
Instead, your touch
gave me contact dermatitis.
Copy/paste from the Notes app on my phone.

— The End —