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The time to wail has always been here
Every day we suffer the consequences owned by the heirs
Not for once have they worn our shoes
They have refused to please our clues
Yet they devise new means of sitting on the throne
Without giving in to our daily moan.

Meetings upon meetings
Agbada upon dansiki
Designer upon latest trends
Convoy upon macho guards
Yet they proclaim it’s all vanity.

In the end of the fashion rally at the house,
Worthless Nothing of importance is established
But the cake is diminished
And then they blame it on poor rats.   Hypocrites!

Blame them and no one else!
Because it’s their selfish interest they fight for and not us.
From the doom by boko haram
To the slaughter by herdsmen.

Don’t we see it!
The people get to die
But they live to see their greatest grandchildren
While their billion dollar ready made coffins rot in the backyard.

God is the ultimate judge
Only God can make the evil one right in his sight.
Peter Praise Oct 2016
GbeGbeleku can never dance, the tune of bata seem silent too his feet, his dansiki made of the grate aso oke says no to the wind when she blows.
Omele from the rear thunder boldly whom changes the steps of men and takes them to the surrealistic world seem powerless in his ears.
Gangan the hopeful one a lion of sound 
who speaks the truth to the one with the gifted ears
Giving the body strength like never before, with saworoide he gives his cap,  still he gives no interest.
Oh Oh my sekere with your million babies you make no difference
To the company of truth.
Oya on the chirot of the gods tells me you lost hope in humanity
But you I ask if not for anything at least for the strength used in invoking the gods take a step make that change.

— The End —