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Hank Desroches May 2012
I’d like to think it was a great poet who once wrote
“Got too much to care about; it sends chills up my spine: Too many feelings, with less and less time. Breaking my back and breaking my heart, these loves are tearing my mind apart.”
It wasn’t.
It was me.
This has nothing to do with anything.

I’m glad the galaxy doesn’t revolve around me; my lack of gravity would send everything spinning off into black.
If I spin faster, can I shake off the world?
Is her persistence merely delaying an inevitable departure, or is she here to stay?
And what about her?
Can I trust her, or am I entertainment -- her own personal car crash, her own train wreck?

Your cynicality is an inversion of your Romantic way.
Your alternate poles are respectively sadistic and masochistic, and it turns your world around.
Like a dog chasing its own tail, your paradoxical continuum will eventually tire.
Strong hands are worthless with weak knees, my friend.  

Maybe you ought to lie down.
Hank Desroches Mar 2013
part of the issue is that people spend so much time
          trying to quantify paradise;
                    trying to delineate
                              what exactly it would look like,
                                        and what the air would taste like.

that’s not necessarily plausible.

the imaginations of men
          are acquiescent to their

                              as a species,
                    we form opinions based on
          societal designs that stress a need
for instant judgement.

we’re contained in
          an age of information and instance;
                    an age that has rendered
                    and reflection archaisms --
tasks delegated to philosophers
          and poets
                    and writers for literary magazines,
                              and other ‘nonessential’ social functions.

“nonessential” because of a permanent,
          entirely pervasive air
                    of cynicality
                    and ignorance
          that has descended upon us
as a species.

I digress;
people decide
          what they delight in, and
          what they detest;
                    what they revere, or
what they repudiate,
                              based on quick decisions
                                        and first impressions.

                                        this is paradise

                                                            and there is nothing else to see

                                                                                          seen it all?
Faizel Farzee May 2020
Enchanted a vision of pure plendour, graceful grandeur.
Like that of a starry abyss
Your eyes beckoned my soul to a journey of promised heavenly delight.
Your smile whispers my name, I immediately find me gasping to breathe.
Grasping in tandem at a  heavenly love we share.
A match adoren in heaven, our souls combined hearts beating as one, it completes us.
As your silken hand rest in mine, with unspoken words dancing around our single world.
The song in our hearts the only music we love and cry to.
When we embrace, I feel you holding as if I am the only one to save your soul.
In this instant, I hold on tighter.

You are my guiding light in a darkened world.
My oxygen in world choking
You eridicated cynicality,
I now shake the hand of optimism, I once again wed hope.
I like to think our love is pure
Untainted by the hate in the world
You equivalent to hatreds cure.
I appreciate you wholeheartedly
Today , tomorrow and forever more

— The End —