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Esther Sep 2013
Oceans of the Mind

To be destructive ,they say,
Is cathartic.
Burnt limbs,sockets that stare,
Innocence ripped out of the womb.
Burnt branches silhouetted in a
sunset landscape.
Assimilating annihilation
Is our Right

To walk on the sea,they say,
Is Belief.
Lost Children of the Promised Land
Fanatic faith,Salvation,Forgiveness.
Innocence strapped to fire.
Crucifictions on channels wide
With apple juice to pep up the fun.
Manipulation for birthright
Is our Covenant-yes,by Might
David DeMille May 2016
Walking the tight rope over quick sand
An umbrella in my hand, a snake as the handle
Fear of life far exceeds fear of death
The time is now, now I must fall
But wouldn't you know it, there's a net
Like the cartoons I shred to pieces
blowing in the wind I land in the mud
Take me to your master the worms say
Ha ha ha, ask me again on Sunday and I'll take you to a circus
Not any old circus, one with crucifictions
and thorned crown wearing clowns
tripping over their big shoes
falling in the holy water and melting away.
Sunday is the day we all have fun under the big top.

— The End —