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Ciana Sep 2013
(Children in unison)
I pledge of allegiance to the flag
of the united states of america,
and to the republic for which it stands;
One nation, under god, indivisible,
with liberty and justice for all.

Hey! Hey son!
Here, have a beer.
I hear there's not much to drink
but have no fear!
This is for your country
You were born to be here
And tomorrow, oh tomorrow..
You'll go

Hey Ma'!
There's plenty of beer,
and too many women to count.
We've got cheap herb and opiates
But have no fear!
There's plenty of needles here!
and tomorrow, oh tomorrow..
Lt. Calley claims the rain will drown our sorrows

Hey! Hey son!
Here, have a beer.
I hear there's not much to drink
and the drugs are really cheap!
But this is for your country
and tomorrow, oh tomorrow..
You'll go..
Be a hero!

Hey Ma'!
Today I shot a boy.
We set the village ablaze
gunned the innocent
tortured the children
and I helped to hold the girl down
and those..
those heroes ***** her
and they asked me
the-they said
"them zipperheads ain't nothin'
they deserve this! And you!
You sonny boy well I'm sure a fine time
with this young dime gon' do ya' just right!"

And hey Ma',
don't be disappointed in me
but I was wrong..
I was..
I'm not strong!
I'm no **** hero!
Ma', I'm comin home from My Lai
cuz' the guns and drugs ain't too far from my way
the women still get treated like dirt,
and the felons and murderers and predators walk away
as the man who stood innocent lending a hand for help takes the blame
and he gets a life sentence because he couldn't walk away!
I'm no hero!
And the man is the devil!

And hey ma',
I'm comin' home
you'll see me no more
cuz' the boy you raised
has too much shame

But Ma',
Don't tellem' what I'd done..
I was a good man, an honorable one!
But Ma', don't tell no one..
Don't tellem' what I'd done..
(shots fired)
Martin Bailes Mar 2017
So frightful beautiful harridan
your extended & startling tongue
red rapturous rolling eyes
dark, dark skin,

sword, sickle & trident
already stained,
dripping ...
& lapped by the dogs
at your Divine feet.

Around your neck
glazed eyed
threaded, beaded
blank faced,
your victims skulls,

surprised no doubt,
at your swiftness,
caught in mid-flight
in activities bold
& terrible.

Lieutenant William Calley,
Captain Ernest Medina,
Lieutenant Frank Barker,
So, so many from Charlie Company
guilty on that fateful day
in My Lai 4
South Vietnam
March 16
WEB: The My Lai Massacre was the mass ****** conducted by a unit of the U.S. Army on Mar. 16, 1968 of 347–504 unarmed citizens in S. Vietnam, all of whom were civilians and a majority of whom were women, children (including babies) and elderly people. They were beaten, tortured, and mutilated. While 26 U.S. soldiers were initially charged w/criminal offenses for their actions at My Lai, only William Calley was convicted. He served only 3 yrs. of an original life sentence, spent on house arrest.

— The End —