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Scotty has a girlfriend,
But Scotty likes to wear dresses..
Is he gay?
Of course not! He loves girls!
underneath his bed,
there's a box full of secrets..
secrets so big;
it's impossible to keep em'.
What would she do..
if she found out he's been with another guy?
She'd break his neck,
as she runs to the corner to cry!

sexually confused!
Scotty doesn't know,
he's sexually confused!

She walks into her high school class,
people can't help but stare.
They don't know what it is;
blue eyes?
dark hair?
Nope. It's what's going on,
the thoughts inside her head..
It's this other girl..
"She snuck into my bed!"

sexually confused..
her peers don't know it yet,
but we're all sexually confused!

Nick has a secret,
you see hes got this fetish.
All he does is
sit around and act it.
He sneaks into his sister's room,
and tries on her clothes..
He walks around the house,
in her skirts and underwear.

Sexually confusd,
he's sexually confused!
It started with being dared to wear a pair..
look what happened,
now he's sexually confused!

Claudia's depressed because
her feelings are always surpressed.
She burries her mind with drugs,
never admiting her passion,
she's made fun of for the way she's dressed.
There's this girl, you see,
she's got dark hair and blue eyes..
they can't be together,
because well..
us sexually confused like to hide.

Sexually confused..
You see once they know,
you know, that you're sexually confused-
you'll be taunted, made fun of,
a victim of verbal abuse.
sexually confused!
Am I sexually confused?
Kate-Lynn Walsh May 2012
The human mind
Acts as a gun
Reacting violently
As statements
Leave idle mouths
Unagreeable to one's self

Firing out harsh phrases
To amend the unagreed upon
Bullets under idle skin
Missing vital places for life

Leaving holes,
Leaving wounds,
And leaving alone
Barely breathing

Idle people
Sick of gun battles
Take those matters
Into their own hands

And another parent
Burries their child
From the world of
Gun fighting words
In bullying
Mahesh Hegde Sep 2013
Stairs were moving up and he was treading down,
Audience were clapping their hands with laughter for this old clown.
Eyes weary, smile his companion, his moustache and the beard were brown.
Humiliating bullets manyatimes fired at him, he would take it without a frown.

In his room went he and locked himself inside,
Sat on the floor and opened a book that was beside.
Some pics of shattered houses while some of people on a roller-coaster ride,
His face which was used for creating expressions comic, tragic and at sometimes pride,
Now was so expressionless like the beach at high tide.

His heart bore too much to take more in it,
But vague just another friend of his helped to take in bit by bit.
Passion of his used as a sample for experiments taken on a slit,
Happiness was like somthing which didnt arive even in discreet.
And the tests of life, still he undertook, with full grit.

So the book contained nothing but his family memories,
In those was living his soul where he loosened all his worries,
Remembering the days when his daughter in her tiny hands offered him some berries,
But then these memories so silently he burries,
And these surreal moments he drinks off with perries.

Closing the book, finally he got up filled with sustain,
Cause fate was decided, and now, didnt matter, even a prickle of pain,
Opened the **** he passed through that smoky corridor again,
Going to the people to be a clown for them all that wid him which remains,
To spread smiles and laughters on faces of people hiding his own pain..
midnight prague Oct 2010
I see no degradtion
in my broken passion of words
these words I speak from my deepest creases
my secrets hidden in the birds

I let you read me in my peices of peices
and I am called absurd
I let you let me shift you with my magic
now your vision of me is more blurred

Ill let you hunt me down
so lopsided and up and done battered
I open the door hallucinating and tattered
its not not like you never mattered

I just have remote in my hands
I have intrusive in my wastelands
now my lungs expand

I lift my eyes and bend my head
without voice I preech muse of the dead
Im yearning for more than lifes bread
and we yell enough
was said
but I get on my knees and I beg
life I say might there be something better that you can
to express myself in ways purer than this
because I feel that I cant

I will carry my mind somewhere further than any foreign land
somehwere to a brutal coma
where little aliens of dripping uphoria exsist
hidden deep in every uncharted abyss
they will come up from the mudd
I will unravel them with the unraveling of this flower bud
I will lift my head up then nudge
in acceptence of all these empty cabinets
they have been emptied out by my wet mouth
to ease the pain and **** the drought
that burries itself like a baby
under the sheets of blood in my eyes
midnight prague Oct 2010
I want you to understand
every strand of hair on my body is in pain
my blood is a knife
flowing through me
secretly whispering your name to my skin
and my skin burns and falls like ash

my sheets are stained with the deader parts of me
my body lays on the bed
and in the dark hallway
I am peering into the room
watching the love rot away
and decay

the moon burries itself into the sun
and I bury myself into everything I cant reach
and I sink so

will you create those little things
when you look back and think of all the memories
like a picture
old snap shot
tattered edges

wearing all white I hold my breathe
next to the massive body of water
Im made out of salt
and I melt on the lips of the winds
the humidity is staining my fingertips
and Im closing my eyes immersing in the
dysphoria of all of this

posture comes to my bended bones
when I realize I am a waterfall
stuck in the drawer of an old mahogany vinaty set
laying somewhere in a abandoned house years
and ages away
miles and miles far remote from this place
I stare in haste

I collaborate with the atoms around me
the molecules that form my wasted id
Im a child, my hands are still small
but they are rough

Im at the park, its the closest I can get to my seed
the dirt that I am made out of
cause nothing here is natural anymore
take me away please
somewhere where I can walk on history
not in a land were the worst genocide took place
an annihlation that was dressed in a costume
oh no it was a cleansing

I rather walk on gravel
broken roads
then on fresh paved streets

I rather live in the forest
than in this so called democracy
Karijinbba Jun 2019
Once Upon A Time
I once stood up ****
immortalized in photoshoots
as my lover's VENUS.
Down I laid in deep shame
more than to pose for
an unanounced **** Cannon
photo shooting spree there
upon a cut tree I stood prompted
to lay down on it.
A tree of life simulation a second chance to birth a new dream
the huge cut stump sadness
signifying our child lost!
Our magestic forest land dream
upon that Hill was born.
A new Adam a new Eve a new beginning.
Stonned by past orphaned wars
unawareness dormant beast
was the pain of denial my abandonment syndrome.
It all proved futile yesterday
but today I share my true story.
all awakened struggling to heal

I hate this car filled city
my heart breaks in loneliness
I surely must love the suburbs.
being sociable realizing my lossess
where i missed my marks

My secret friends are trees
ancient green cedar woods.
Others are masked behind this cyber mirror eagerly reading me
some even ask me, hey
How do you do?
To not let the dark
get to me!
commenting and cheering me
so, the mystic forest trees
see me, hear me
re-burrying my past secrets
and pots of gold in roots

I do love the woods now
that always had terrified me
since my dad was shot nearby
in our forest land's I was five .
I still hear the gun shots!
I hear my babies cries too
in the enemy's hands hurting

The stump became
my millionaire mystery bank
burrying all our cash loot as dowry
my grieving lover twin flame divine
with insignias it all had arrived carefully inscribed
"Great fortune to Believer"
"Fame true love to the adventurous clever digger beauty"
"Deathly curses, bad luck,
great calamity poverty to the
foolish desserter unbeliever"
urgently advising to
"Hurry up it's all time sensitive!"
yelled my fiancee's love letters.
A stump, a tree and a elite lover
among magestic tall green trees,
carved my fate today to return!

And in that mystic Hill far away
And once upon a time true magic touched me thus changing us both
and with this mystery to rejoice
life makes sense where love lost.
All trees now tell me bittersweet stories and I bitterly weep.

The stumps chopped trees
in the nearby streets hurt deeply
I was once that Queen bee of
Once Upon a Time
chosen to change Earth
where rich could marry poor
women not men would rule
Where wealthy share
their treasures earned
or inherited cheerfully so
changing lives by the score.

I was promised nine diamond tiaras
For each baby ours born of twin flame twin souls our "glued together baby."

Our Memoir book to linger forever linked by the magic of true love.
I found my old dream of dreams
my peaceful own Reign RDDBBA!
That was then joy happiness lost
it's life saving rejuvenating today.

Although the trees in
that forest lands adored me
they too detested me.
Covertly wearing masks too
furious with my dead calm silence
then misunderstood no more tonight
all tests buried to be worthy ofof joining my lover's world
Green yellow leaves thundering
in wind murmuring sad songs
no one but me can now hear
their frantic Psalmic cries;
Nature it seems it too
takes back as much as it gives.

Our bitter harvest dreams
burried abandoned sleeping
where our road fork bent in
as I laid posing his Venus of Urbino
in the **** back then;
stonned bewildered scared
feeling abandoned alone,
all by me as punishment seen!
All a secret remained a lifetime.
So heartbreaking it is.
the nagging pain won't subside
Without timely Second Chance Vissions
our awesome dreams
couldn't breathe in the face of reality
my lover's gap dividing.

In the end my tree of life sighs
as it burries my body
deep dead asleep
under its mighty living roots
the stump and the tree
left behind devour all
all whats left of me,
By: Karijinbba
All rights reserved
revised a 6/29-19 /10-2020
In the end we matter only to those kindred souls who remember us in our true light understanding
our inner core loving us
as we were
in good and in bad times.
thanks for reading
midnight prague Nov 2010
I see no degradtion
in my broken passion of words
these words I speak from my deepest creases
my secrets hidden in the birds

I let you read me in my peices of peices
and I am called absurd
I let you let me shift you with my magic
now your vision of me is more blurred

Ill let you hunt me down
so lopsided and up and done battered
I open the door hallucinating and tattered
its not not like you never mattered

I just have remote in my hands
I have intrusive in my wastelands
now my lungs expand

I lift my eyes and bend my head
without voice I preech muse of the dead
Im yearning for more than lifes bread
and we yell enough
was said
but I get on my knees and I beg
life I say might there be something better that you can
to express myself in ways purer than this
because I feel that I cant

I will carry my mind somewhere further than any foreign land
somehwere to a brutal coma
where little aliens of dripping uphoria exsist
hidden deep in every uncharted abyss
they will come up from the mudd
I will unravel them with the unraveling of this flower bud
I will lift my head up then nudge
in acceptence of all these empty cabinets
they have been emptied out by my wet mouth
to ease the pain and **** the drought
that burries itself like a baby
Muck monster Mar 2016
Bright lights dance and flicker up above this cave
Swaying, dancing with the rythym of the waves

Hope and joy mock me right past the wrinkles
Of the ebbing, flowing sweet water ripples

I shove, i stroke, i reach out as far as my fingertips will strain
Trying to pull against this weight, this ball and chain

I envy the water, how it engulfs, enshrouds, and even embraces
It burries you in silence, and dulls down your senses

Its more than me, i cant fight against  its vigour
Stuck swimming in place, against this current so rigor

A weight so heavy keeps dragging me down
I struggle and gasp trying to escape from the drown

Desperately swimming up, its even difficult to think
Cant help but feeling that its easier to sink

The raw wording behind this poem:

I cant take it anymore
No matter how much i swim upwards
The bright surface only seems to be getting farther
Im stuck in place
The current is too strong
I hate the water
It surrounds you
Its more than you can ever be
Im envious
It envelopes you
Burries you in silence
Dulls all the senses
Mateuš Conrad May 2018
what the hell is to be "won"
or "lost" to earn the
status of either "winner"
or "loser"?
    came the concern:
i never gambled...
          ans the next best thing
concerning the
existential vector?
   one vote, one veto:
the democracy of death...
and the intermediate shoving
and tugging, pulling?
    such a concern for a mere
but once...
   what a harangue...
    like an impetus for keep
the snowman rolling:
   can i simply opt out,
disconcerned for
an objective?
               never found a
lizardly lazy...
as pleasurible as
fattening doughnuts?
               keter through
to a yesod,
and... oom... glum...
no malkhut...
  left reads the right,
up and down
        and then somehow
is read backwards...
  what the **** is won
in the mortal frame?
panicky would
be ****** stemming
from Dubai...
              rich, rich, rich...
baked Alaskan he-he....
            i won and you lost
and then came
the riddle of the mortal confines...
    some sort of tomorrow...
i can almost feel
for those lazied bodies
imitating mammal grief...
   because the Pontius
Pilate gesture has
become the impetus
to counter out-reaching
crux and the bitter
it can hardly become
worth an inquiry,
to mind oneself,
within the zoological
mindset of:
    a "grieving"
having lost
                   a replica...
to Marx...
Adam Smith is so
shyly cited as
the father of capitalism...
david bowie
    moments to attempt
           might i suggest
a loss of keeping up
with familiar terms...
      given that capitalism
doesn't have
a personal name to mind...
there is no Smithism...
              i'm just worried
that the "intellectual"
discussion is too one
     given that capitalism
has none,
   and can only feed
on the imperfected argument...
becauae who is
to be blamed of
the supposed capitalist
   not once has Adam Smith
been cited...
                best talk
about the unread books...
who are the infantile examples,
who are the capitalist
             just one will do,
to counter: marxism...
            some -ism...
       some necessary -ism...
             no one has bothered
to give one example in
the past year...
             the intellect of capitalism
needs to be known though...
     out of curiosity,
i'd like to know the anti-marx...
just one citation...
               adam smith?
vaguely cited...
   because i can't hide with
an orwell argument,
giving the missing point
of a huxley...
                    what is
the intellect of capitalism?
        god the dumb in me...
               i simply don't know!
then again
socialism as counter
   the post world war II
     western european
marshall plan...
        in the east...

               what can authentically
make remarks of
a citizenship of Syria
along the lines
of making ordeal from
a butcher's status...
    i have not heard one,
not one,
   citation of capitalist
             with a Marx
there is no Smith...
    not too -ism relegated...
i'd love to know
the intellect though...
     given that
              for an intellect
to be so: down riddle by syndrome,
it somehow managed
to compete with
american imperialism...
and what is america
without a soviet counter?

legacy-media curator
             balancing censor-roles...

       who can become the Marx
to argue the intellectual
side of capitalism?
          Adam Smith?! ha ha!
          i can only wait...
    imagining the next
improvement of utilising
the toothbrush...

             no one can deny
that we never had it so good...
and that we also had:
so little to
     relive a desire for
   continuum to be prolonged
       do i have an existential
impetus to
  make more, of a failed
replica of "me"?
                no... not really;

the "useful idiots"
    can do that for me...
   having exacted
  the Attenborough saturation
quench of "argument"...

    i still don't know what
the counter-Marx
                relief in making
capitalism intelligent,
                     less than useful,
is to compensate
the current folly of
                 if socialism is so
dead beyond: gott ist tot...
  why revive it
            in making capital?

           thank god i'm just an idiot
with a keyboard and a blank
                 too much monkey
footage, too much objectivism as
sanitation, as: ethos,
  as: "sensibility"...
   to even mind humanity being
"quest"-riddle within
the focus of the former gamble
on the next Mozart, being merely
500 years apart...

              and then the demand
burries a Mozart
                   in an **** of rot
and ammonia dust...

                            it can only be subtle
to mind an intellect in
       crafting a critique of capitalism...
such vague...
               north of england...
                  pristine fathers of
                  some russians could say:
that there is no:
   all capitalism is good V.
  all socialism is bad                
                                   line of argument....
the counter-socialist
capitalist argument is akin
to premature *******....
                given that capitalism
is older,
    circa late 19th century genesis...

   nearing conversion:
and with death the sole abode...
    not, within, the grieving
confines of:
                a shattering scoop
of mentioning
a translation of mind into tongue...

but can anyone please cite
     a counter-intellectual output
to hide Marx and be worth
an -ism?
             the easy-target
brigade is:
but short of the idiotic stance
on seiving out a mark
                      of the first tattoo.
down in the deepest depths of the ocean
they understand your pressure
the cycle and the tides you put me through

they pour me drinks
say it comes from the heart
and that things will get better with time
but tonight
youre on my mind

and so i wait
for the time to be right
and long enough for me to be fine

here. we are we
still not old enough to know yet

is this love is this love that im stealing
every second for a sly reawakening.
hope comes unsettling
douses me with rust

so here we are
lovers in twos
stepping aboard the future that is
not how it was to you
im sorry darling
that our fairy tales real
no happily ever after
for the one that burries the other.

so here we lay
hoping that death take us in the same claim
our soul's eternal and undying flame
tourches my skin that is also yours
these are our teeth
chattering in the cold
naked enough to hold on this tight
enough for us to seal our fate with the same breathe
these are our lungs
this is our grave
they will find us and take pictures
and the caption will say
soul mates
twin flames
the inscription on a grave for two
danny Sep 2015
I probably should've known that you were gonna leave at some point. That some point, you're gonna leave me deserted in a place where the sun burries itself into the depths of nothingness or in a place where the flowers kiss the soil's soft texture. But either way, it's horrible. This place looks horrible to me. And it's because, I'm without you.
(c) dana garza

— The End —