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jeffrey conyers Aug 2012
You been torn down.
Mistreated and abused.
Misguided many times.
As if you didn't have a single clue.

Restoration , is what you need?
Restoration should be exactly, what you seek?

Your confidence has been shaken.
You need convincing to be awaken.
From all the drama you been through.

Believe this.
Restoration, is what you need?

I won't tear you down.
Just to bulid you up again.
I will push and motivate you.
To reach out and love again.

You should seek restoration.
You seen what it has done for torn nations.
And love is apart of that mix.
Think about it?
What hadn't love fixed?
Allison Nov 2013
You're mind is so powerful 
It stores so much of your life inside 
Your thoughts, dreams, memories 
Those good times and those not so good
The people you know to the people you want to forget about 
Your hopes and those little moments you play back from time to time 
Sometimes when I'm laying in bed I think about stupid things I used to do or
Good times when I was ten. 
You come to mind sometimes 
I can replay moments I feel should be long gone 
Your words in my head 
Little details of things you used to do 
Sometimes I can't get them out 
I'm happy that your just a memory now
You can't hurt me anymore 
It took so long to realize that, that's all I ever wanted you to be 
You used to bulid me up and would tear me apart  
I could only take so much that I needed those memories to make me feel like I needed you again 
I can do it without you 
I have been fine without you 
 I'm happy I only have a fading memory of are once called love
Candy Glidden Jul 2010
With each passing day
you are my sunlight
the breeze in my hair
the stars that shine bright.
You are my laughter,
You are my strength,
there is no better place
that I'd rather be.
Beside you always
to show you the way,
To give back to you
what you give to me everyday.
You're place in this world
is special, you see
for without you here
this world would not be.
There are memories to build,
many places to see,
as together our hearts
bulid love and tranquility.
My reasons for living
for a happiness so true
All of the reasons
Why I"ll always love you.
Copyright2008  Candy R. Glidden
Trenton Idom May 2016
I wish we were still friends
Now all we do is dispise
Our love was bulid so high
Now all i see is lies
I miss your touch your care and your sweaty hands
All i have to say now is this didnt go as planned
I was young and stupid and wreckless
And my love you wore as a necklace
And i was for you as you were for me
Our love was ******* helpless
Ill never forget your name and your number is burnt in head
Id love to call you and chat
But now our love is dead
This isnt how id pictured us now
never to speak the name
but if love is made for two
Then both of us are to blame.
Caitlin Sep 2015
Is this truly what pain feels like?
I don't need a razor,
You are the blade against my skin.
I don't need a savior,
I'm too far in this hell hole that I created,
I don't need advice,
I know what I'm doing, most of the time.
I don't need this pain,
You're my pain.
I never asked for this.
Is this what true pain feels like?
An already broken heart,
Being shattered again?
And again?
A world that I've worked so hard to bulid around me?
Coming down in pieces?
My walls, in parts and torn,
Being crumbled to dust?
Is this what pain is??
There's no chance
No way
That could make me
Want to stay

It hurts too much
The pain's so bad
There's nothing happy
It's only sad

I wish it was different
I wish it was not true
My heart bleeds
For love of you

I wish I could take back
All that we said
I wish I could wash it
Right out of my head

There's only you in my heart
Only you in my head
But you only see her
I wish you would see me instead

There's so much I wish
So much that will never come true
There's all these "if only"s
About me and you

Wishing only hurts
It only causes pain
The fantasies
Will drive you insane

There's no use wishing
None at all
They only bulid you up
To watch you fall

They make you see
What you want the most
Then take it away
Leaving only their ghost

Wishing does nothing but hurt
So please don't start
Unless you're ready
For them to break your heart
KV Srikanth Aug 2021
Bulid a bonding
With those offering
A helping hand in suffering
Using and throwing a habit
Some peoples tendency
Emotionally distant
Is the only way to keep your sanity consistent

— The End —