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Pearson Bolt Aug 2015
there is a nascent impulse that
echoes in every heartbeat
living within our blood
to regard one another with the new eyes
science has built for each of us
to see the world independently
unaligned with ignorant ideology
untainted by nefarious nationality
but nurtured rather on the premise that reality
is the faculty of the mentally complete
who realize if we don't pause in our
crusade to exterminate each other we will
ultimately deplete what it is that makes us

sentient beings possessed with the will to
determine our own future
divorced from the vestiges of arbitrary
authority we might still muster the courage
to reject this putrid dichotomy that inundates
every aspect of our humanity with utter
lies and disjointed hypocrisies

we dare feign innocence when
blood saturates our hands
from the drones bombing
Yemen to the murdered children in Pakistan
our politicians are manufacturing new enemies
with every shot that rings out above
blood-soaked foreign lands
our taxes are their supply
endless war is their demand

it's written in our hallowed declaration
of independence whichβ€”of
lateβ€”seems groundless and impotent
that each of us are intrinsically
entitled to life and liberty
and the pursuit of happiness and that
it is not merely our right but our
obligation to abolish this
representative republic so destructive
to those ends

anarchy is our next great adventure

after all it seems glaringly clear to
me that there are few distinguishable
differences between the eighteenth century
monarchy and our present day corporate oligarchy
the interests of the people are mitigated to
pitched elections between two indistinguishable
political parties that infuse our world not with
democracy but with hegemony
they're content to watch the world rot

this is not the land of the free
it hasn't been since bison roamed
across midwestern plains and
Native Americans communed with
the Mother we all share
everything changed when white
puritans fleeing persecution
spread religion like a festering ulcer oozing
poison into the zeitgeist psyche
a hive-mind mentality that fosters
brainlessness and stifles free inquiry
gods gold and glory

we need to learn to disobey before
it's too late to erase the mistakes of
the apathetic elite who've apprehended
our liberty and co-opted our ingenuity
for projects feeding capitalist insanity

we must rekindle the insurrectionary spirit of
the creative, dedicated minority
who rose up in the 50's and 60's and
fought not with fists and guns
but with words and deeds
against war and poverty and
white supremacist patriarchy

nurture the embers and fan the flames
of the Black Lives Matter
organizers swarming the stages of
defunct politicians like Hillary Clinton
and Bernie Sanders who propagate
the status quo
pour gasoline on the fires raging
in the camps of Occupy
in Oakland and Wall St.
our modern day dissidents serve time in federal
penitentiaries for blowing the whistle
languishing in exile half-a-world away
they wear Guy Fawkes masks and hack
anonymously from the deep web
exposing state secrets and war crimes
sometimes they look a lot like you and
you'd best believe they look like me

no longer can we trust self-styled
leaders of the free world
if we labor to cultivate our
own communities that vaunt
authenticity above authority and
integrity instead of inanity
perhaps then we might recognize that
the impetus rests within the crux
of self-acceptance
and we all will say in unison
it starts with me
Marshal Gebbie Jul 2017
Tantamount to traitorous slime slips through
Unknown to me and most certainly to you,
Augmenting the treachery, bilious and bold
With a heart bent on glee and a conscience onsold.
Wither he goest the admirers do flock
With an indolence bent on quite mindlessness stock
And the weft and the weave of the right and the wrong
dedicate the tonelessness found in the song
Where an emptiness lurks in it's grey woven gown
'Cos the crowd's given up and gone out on the town
And the brainlessness bent in solutions then sought
Means the curtains are closed...and it's all been for nought!

6 July 2017
Pearson Bolt May 2015
happiness habitually tends toward apathy
permitting brainlessness to fester in the
throes of misanthropy while indefatigable
entropy saps the mind and heart
robbing the joyful of their shared humanity

emotion's heady debris linger in hapless
inanity while infatuation produces a stupor
unmatched by the strongest of spirits
reducing the compassionate to one-sided
and ambivalent caricatures of divinity

have we been deceived
force-fed untruth from birth
on celluloid silver screens
did we barter literature for
delusions of grandeur
in frivolous narratives manufactured
to distract from reality or detract
from the movement to abolish hateful
programs perpetuating poverty

or has cynicism left me jaded hating
that which is most precious in the human
experience because past horrors and
present woes cannot permit the possibility
of future redemption to overcome these
walls i've built around my dismembered soul

as is often the case i see the answer's far
from crystal clear it's amorphous and contorted
caught somewhere between two distant antitheses
which create a spectrum of relative ambiguity
amidst a reality neither certain nor secure

nevertheless i'll try to unearth the truth
whatever it may be and wherever it lies buried
harboring the knowledge in the back of my skull
that there may not even be such a thing
i'll salvage courage from
the wreckage of wistfulness
a wanderer waylaid in the chasm of gray matters
"Happiness in intelligent people is the rarest thing I know."
Ernest Hemingway
Ana Velasco Jan 2017
watching trash TV for thirty or forty
minutes refreshes my brain for the seriousness
that boggles it
the an-
xieties of money and va-
nity and my place as an im-
migrant and the fears
and confusions
of being a woman

but on this day i
tried to hollow out my heavy heart with the kar-
realizing, in seconds
how monstrous this culture has become

it is not a break from reality, it is watching it
and it is no longer funny
and it is no longer passive
because reality tv is a reflection of rea-
lity and the brainlessness with which we want
to interact with it

while I have no hate towards the new joneses
they are from the same consequence
and same principles
that now frighten our existence
Norbert Tasev Jan 2022
From the torn stillness of nights it rips with a thunder, A capricious edge, a wide tear of memory's storms! Rust-resistant, twisted honey-coloured pitch bubbles, While from the distance some forlorn desert of stone Seems to rise and rise in search! Purple Sisyphean rocks teach patience, and mature silence for themselves, To prophet-wise, and to those who pass through themselves!

Sunyin yet ***** the end-shadow of the red-skinned skeleton-sidereptile, declaring war on the screeching flocks of ravens! Let the well-known, acute or even trivialised lies begin: the obligatory, preaching holy commandment of saving lives, and unworthy, reengineered echo-songs that the mouldy plaster on the walls of our health care system is getting more and more rotten, and the cracks in the wards are growing! - We can only rarely count on the kind attention of our mortal, and therefore evolving, brother states!

A swarm of pigeons, falling from low heights, splashes over our heads, and some would sell the final product for sweets, if it were all that could be gained by the deliberate explosion of sound they themselves create, to enliven their wealth, the truth they have dripped is clogged up! The proliferation of idiotic, idiotic exceptionalism in a self-expanding space is incomprehensible; idiotic constructions should be replaced by stable and balanced production instead of the brainlessness of oligarchs!

Caravan routes often **** in the lost man if he is not careful! Self-righteously, who can still dare to swing stubbornly confidently in people's tin-can ring cannot remain in his honesty!
David Zavala Nov 2018
The situation is an integrative biologist
We say: "It is my understanding that to unfold time as if we are
not a series of images, solid in nature, are proposed as a steam of thought or intelligence."

It is a situation of integrative biologists to say:
"It is my understanding that to unfold time as if we are not but a solid nature of images to be proposed as a stream of thought or intelligence." A first philosophy of agreement but to ignore them, to us, accept then a contention of ignorance, a singular feeling, a difficult intention which I hear is vivid and green, fresh as it is a fashion. I made a mistake, I admit. I had a sense image and I enjoyed the particulars which in the language of William James is animate and inanimate. It is the living constitution of our fore fathers, as Virginia Woolf argues, is nothing but a brief and wondrous time of being, that is proposing that past motives are a mere nothing - it is a very large world and is therefore complicated, the matter about
which we will contend
will be written by learned men
by men of the ages
who speak only of a solid nature
are as they argue, if on the whole they can prove, that they were the matter of relations to wisdom. Therefore, it is a concept only which I put forward as a situation suddenly as a flood
which allows me to appear to be an antiquated matter, but which serve only as a time in time corruptible like an emotion, an eruption of being into a disposable nature. The unfolding of time is then, as I have mentioned, similar to the integrative biologists, as they say "it is a solid stream of intelligence, it is the intention of a vivid nature" which we fathom as a irritable matter like a master piano playing at the will of the people. Nakedly they sit in their homes, even if a mistake is a sense which in my mind will constitute a time-being consciousness, a subject of sorts, the subject of sorts, the contention of which there is no object, there is nothing which is animate or inanimate, only that which is nothing but rather is only but a work of art. Stated let me say:
"It is the constitution of the ladder of wisdom that a hierarchy which
Β Β Β Β exists and which is a severing a function which equips the natural order for to be in
other forms to exists is that which is a being or equation could be said to be if not on the whole it is then nothing but a being to such a point. It is other than the form of entertainer, it is other than what keeps me satisfied?" To do one's duty or not. In my place, I suggest that I leave my home and travel, I go to Bill Millers and keep account of the disposition forced upon me by the very large and persons of moral character and of no good being and of nothingness which a person is of no moral good being or is it evil? Will ever amount to? I am ignored. By this nature I am confused and my thoughts which I confess are nervous and are a thing which I ascribe to, I cannot express them, I cannot be, they are mere relations of events in time and even are as so a thing to be of wanting-ness to be as if they are in front me, as so they probably are, I want still more to be able to explain why a career is only a want, nothing other than a want, an expression of myself in the smallest and most minute way, the building up of a tallest tree which allows me to form an arguable proposition that l will contribute to a class of men who object less capture inside of me a will of fore sayable future. I am without wealth, we are without wealth. We leave no fortune on this earth. In space therefore it is time and it is wealth which makes me the eyes of the traveller going through an inbox, infringing on my rights to be a man, as I understand them. A proposition of brother-less time and a nature of being, a time thing constrained to that which is a strained muscle, I have wept and before me are our former histories of time and might and will - the concrete and arguable - spherical visions of a nonsensical act of complete madness. What classical insights do you have for me tonight Virgil? I am the vertices, I am the axises, I am in turn the turn of which the world decays, in a sad and considerable way. May I reject such a caused event as a caused notion only on my account of my own ignorance? A philosophy of time! Sure! Wisdom! The one! Sir! Timelessness! Brainlessness! Dead friends! Alive friends! Something we can believe in! The essence of time and being! Isn't it fun to be without a thought or to be a thing!? Virginia Woolf is a very complicated person I agree.
and unable to pass a civil service test because of the brainlessness
of her skull. It's a far cry from a close whine; a wince in a
pinch; a pocket of small pox; a bird up the tail pipe.
and unable to pass a civil service test because of the
brainlessness of her skull. It's a far cry from a close
whine; a wince in a pinch; a pocket of
small pox; a bird up the tail pipe.
and unable to pass a civil service test because of the
brainlessness of her skull. It's a far cry from a close
whine; a wince in a pinch; a pocket of
small pox; a bird up the tail pipe.

— The End —