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Alexis Ulrich Dec 2018
I dream about a day where I don't have to hide
Every night I have cried
I dreamed about a time with happiness, beauty, and truth
Til the day I will lay down my blade and introduce

The girl unloved, the girl unsaved
forgotten, beatten, and scarred
With a smile on her face with a beatten broken heart
But sorrow in her mind and in her heart

She takes her best friend, he's silver and sharp
She sits down beside the tub
And slices away at her beautiful skin
Trying to win the battle in her mind

But all is lost as she gets back up with blood on her arm
She screams in her mind and keeps smiling beacause no one can see
She's broken inside unable to be fixed
She starts over the next day then the next
Breeze-Mist Dec 2017
Running down these vacant halls
Behind the stage before curtain call
In these moments, I'm taken back
Three years before the beatten track

And somewhere 'neath that cutrained hide
Comes a feeling from deep inside
Not quite joy, not yet grief
A fleeting moment, yet never brief
And with a gasp in the dark unseen
Comes my gasp, a silent scream

Not even audible, yet still a song
Brand new, but I grew it all along
A wish for a past away from this pain
A wish for future, never to come again
And as breathless words rise up again
I silently mouth my memoriam

For gone is the girl I once was
Yet still she's here, in every cause
Then I didn't know half of what I do now
Never had a clue as to what was about
To happen to me, to my loves and my mind
I want it so bad, like a fool to rewind
But I know to get better, I have to go on
Even if I miss those old patterned songs

So in an attempt to take a stand
Here I type a feeble memoriam
For I can't even start to change it all
My past will always have its power and call
But I must leave and I must grow
So wish me luck and here I go
For though I will fail again and again
Falling back on way back when
I will get up, and then will stand
Shouting in memoriam
About nostalgia and anticipation.
Ruth Mulvenna May 2020
Im fed up with my life                                                                                                                                              Just been used by others,all through it                                                                        Got nothing to show for it                                                                                     I have been abused and I have been beatten                                                                                                                            Gone hungry with no place to sleep                                                                                   Now I just feel invisible                                                                                               Have done good things in my life                                                                           Tried to help others through trouble and strife                                                               The dark hour has come upon me                                                                       No one is there that I can see                                                                                     Feel that I dont matter and Im just garbage                                                                Growing up I was told horriblr cruel things                                                                 That I would amount to nothing

— The End —