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Ambika Jois Nov 2015
I want to be your guitar
Run your fingers over my fret board
Pluck my strings and give me my melodious avatar
Sing to me and play that major chord

I’m feeling your song through and through
You don’t need a plectrum, you’re a born original
Work your rhythm baby, let’s get on the groove
Your fingers are enough to create our music wholly attritional

I will reward you myself for how you release my tension
I will resonate our love song through longevity
You’re a prodigal performer, I can feel you in tune with locomotion
We will move from verse to chorus under no shadow of ambiguity

I want to be your guitar
Let my moans reverberate off your walls
A finer touch for our creativity – a sitar
Let’s Indioul our way through these musical waterfalls
No name Nov 2013
A boy holding a blade to his wrist
Pondering on whether he should lacerate his skin..........

who wants me here?
who cares about me?
who accepts me for who i am?
so why sit around to pretend i'm ecstatic about life
when i am being contused?

Contused about having rainbows in my brain
getting beat by my dad
he says hes going to beat me until all i know is straight
straight mind
until i stand straight
until i am straight
i thought he loved me
i thought he accepted me for who i am

i have been abandoned by the ones i thought was friends
unaccepted by churches
treated differently by teachers

i have been referred to as "it" numerous of times

at times i feel unusual , like i'm not human....  

Society dosen't care
they don't care

When i am lying on the floor
blood leaking from my cut s
my body has discontinued the flow of oxygen and blood

when i am cadaverous , deceased, vanished
that's when people will start felling attritional
that's when people will understand

But its to late for that.
i am dead
because you couldn't open your eyes and realize what i was going through

I wanted to know you understood me before my life was non-extant
Ephraim Feb 2021
Seal this poem in a sheath of black and red lurex.
Attend a Hamar bull-jumping and seek whipping. Preserve scars in honeydew and kykeon.
Walk your familiar for at least an hour. They’ll be tired and won’t try to eat you while you sleep.
Drink a brew warm and entheogenic. Leave space in the morning to feed visions that may have spent the night.
Listen to a soft but attritional piano to wear down the centers of ennui. Satie works best.
Assemble a snack of pomegranate and snow. Shun sleet! This atrophies the gyri and leads to flower amnesia.
Arrange one’s hair into a Fresco.
Follow the pentagram of Venus through a telescope of Zeiss lenses the colour of blood.
Recline on a sofa upholstered in chintz patterns of Low's pitcher-plant.
Settle all debts in this life and the next.
Light beeswax candles and let the moths in.
Unsheathe and read this poem aloud through a conch dipped in soy paint.
Note the hour of Saturn's return.
Burn this poem.
Arthur Cole Feb 2019
Brave men of war, taken before their time,
never knowing their fate, no reason or rhyme.
They gave their lives, on far foreign fields,
a was so destructive, no side would yield.

No man's land strewn, on bellies crawling,
mustard gas, shell, death angels calling.
Battlefields littered, so much blood and gore,
brave comrades slaughtered, an attritional war.

One hundred years on, we must never forget,
a generation lost, we're forever in their debt.
We  must remember them forever, all those who died,
our country they served, with valour and pride.

Arthur Cole...All Copyright Reserve.
Big Virge Jul 2021
Now It’s Fair To Say...
That The... " Medicine “...  
That Was Written About...  
By... “ Ralph Ellison “...  

Is Something I Now SUFFER... !!!  
The Status of An Invisible Brother...  
Cos' I Won’t Let Suckers...  
Mould or... “ Sculpture “..  
Who I Be...  
Cos' My Medicine DEALS....  
..... REALITY Meals..... !!!  
Medicinal... Attritional...  
Because of The Conditional...  
Need For My Visual...  
In Fact... NOT Visible... !!!!!!  
As If My lyrical...  
For These Individuals...  
Who CLAIM To Be Quite Spiritual...  
When It’s CLEAR That They FEAR... !!!  
Or Gets To Be...  
What’s Heard And SEEN...  
On TV Screens...  
Or... Radio Shows...  
Where Musical Tones....  
Have Lyrical Flows...  
Like Todays Street Teams...  
Youthful Teens...  
On Villainous Missions... !!!!!  
But It’s EASY To Blame...  
When Your Everyday...  
Because of Where You Stay... !!!  
Far From....... ESTATES........  
Or Projects Made...  
To KEEP Black Visions...  
..... “Hidden Away”....  
You Can’t Blame The Youth...  
For Expressing Their TRUTH... !!!  
Or For Making Moves...  
That Most Would View...  
As Being RUDE And Uncouth... !!!!!  
When Hollywood News...  
And World News TOO...  
KEEPS Giving PROOF...  
That WEALTHY Dudes...  
And Quite A FEW In Crews...  
Who Wear Actors Shoes...  
Are A Breed of FOOLS...  
Who Are FAR FROM Cool... !!!  
Who Seem To ABUSE...  
More Than They Eat Food... ?!?  
As I’ve Said BEFORE...  
What Would You Do... ???  
If The Threat of WAR...  
Sat Outside YOUR DOOR... !!?!!  
Are You REALLY Sure...  
That You Would Endure... ?!?  
And NOT Have Others Feel...  
A Sense of What It Is...  
That Is... “Concealed”...  
And Their Media Teams....  
How Things REALLY Go Down...  
When Poor Folks FROWN... !!!  
So Where Are These MINISTERS...  
When Things Become SINISTER... ?!?  
They Seem To Be... "Invisible"...  
When TAKING AWAY What’s CRITICAL..... !!!  
... EQUAL Opportunities...  
For Yute’s In POOR Communities... !!!  
The DARKEST Seeds... !!!  
Who Are ONLY SEEN...  
When It Suits The News...  
That They CHOOSE To FEED You... !!!!!  
BELIEVE Me It’s TRUE... !!!!!!  
Deceivers RULE These Media Crews...  
So Are QUICK To Defer...  
To What THEY Prefer... !!!!!  
A Vision More Light...  
Than Us DARKER Types... !!!!!  
... Of Course I See...  
That Blacks Are Now SEEN...  
On TV Screens And Political Scenes...  
EVEN IN... Western Countries.... !!!!!  
But... " Mister Sheens "...  
Are STILL Trying To CLEAN... !?!  
Some Darkened Skins... ?!?  
Now... Isn’t That SICK... !!!?!!!  
Racist Marketing Schemes...  
And Skin Lightening Creams...  
Give Proof That THEY...  
STILL PLAY The Game...  
of Cotton Picking...  
... RACIST Thinking... !!!  
...... MEDICINE......  
That Should Be BANNED... !!!  
Because It’s LINKING...  
... CERTAIN Hands...  
With The Type of Man...  
Who Currently RUNS...  
... America’s Lands... !?!  
I Suggest You People...  
... THINK About THAT... !!!!!  
As Mos’ Def’ said...  
"Fame and Cash...  
CAN’T SAVE YOU Black !“...  
UNLESS You’re QUICK To SHED Your Skin...  
So That YOU Can FIT RIGHT IN... !!!  
I Guess That’s THAT.  
And Is CLEARLY Why...  
A Man of My HEIGHT...  
And Lyrical MIGHT... !!!  
Whose Able To...  
... Articulately VOCALISE... !!!  
Is Set To Be ******...  
Just Like RALPH ELLISON's...  
..... " Invisible Man "..... !!!!!  
Being Treated As If I Don’t Exist...  
Is NOT A Position That I REVEL IN... !!!  
But Has Been My Lifetime’s....  
..... “ Medicine “.....
Being Dark Skinned Has It's Problems .....

— The End —