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Musings123 Dec 2013
To be one with my beloved was not my destiny.
Had I continued living longer, it'd have been the same waiting!    

2. I lived on your promise, thus-beloved, I knew it to be false.
For would not have I died of happiness, in case- I had faith!

3. Your delicacy made me understood that you have made a loose pledge.
You could have never broken it, had it been firm!

4. O’ someone should ask my heart about your half-drawn arrow.
Where would this pricking have arisen from, had it pierced the liver!

5. What kind of friendship is it, that friends have become critics.
If there had been someone as healer, if there had been an assuager of grief!  

6. Blood would’ve unceasingly dripped from the veins of stone,
Had it, which you are considering grief, been a spark!

7. Grief is, invariably, life-consuming; still one cannot escape as 'tis a matter of passions!
Had there been no grief of love, there would've been sufferings of livelihood!

8. To whom would I confide that the distressing night is a severe catastrophe!
Would death be bad for me if I died once and only once!

9. Since my dying disgraced me-- why wasn’t I drowned in the river?
Neither my bier would ever have been carried, nor would anywhere be a tomb.

10. Who would ever be able to see Him, for unique is His Oneness!
If there had been even a sign of twoness, somewhere He’d have been encountered!

11. These inquiries into mysticism, this eloquence of yours, Ghalib!
We would’ve regarded you to be a saint, had you not been a wine-drinker
Translated from the original Urdu verse of Ghalib written around 1857.
Jill Nov 2024
Nightly whiskey flow
stains a white-walled childhood home
Parents seem blurry
Love and danger co-occur
Paroxysms of anger

In childhood there’s no room for shades of grey
It’s black or white, confusion sits unused
A place for everything and each in place
And I am in control and thus to blame
Come adulthood to show me I’m confused

So, consequences passed down like a gift
In genes and in behaviours left unchecked
To witness fights, hard falls, deep burns, and pain
The trauma transfer, second-hand ingrained
With love and anger, care and dark neglect

Then later roughly realise there was wrong
The blend of wrong and love is hard to hold
Most often see the child who fails at school
With low self-concept, guilt, hot shame, and fear
But all built strength and power left untold

change for homeostasis
Strong roles adopted
Scars deftly hidden
Chaos-order alchemy

I must be The Responsible One
Parentification at maximum pitch
A list-making, chore-running, stable-housemaster
A self-worth creator from jobs neatly done
All leisure-time wary and leadership-rich

I must be The Adjuster as well
Will follow directions and bounce from extremes
A dime-spinning, change-juggling, fresh puddle-jumper
Surprise and emergency make me excel
More calm at the edges than flat in-betweens

I must be The Calming Placater
Maintaining still waters whatever my price
A vigilant, change sensing, smoothing class helper
To people-please acts as a guilt-shame assuager
All pliable, social, and overly nice

Imperfect but strong
coping mechanisms forged
Power in order
Capable, dependable
Psyche shaped by survival

The role descriptions in this poem (The Responsible One, The Adjuster, The Placater) are based on an article by Claudia Black (1979), called "Children of alcoholics," published in Alcohol Research and Health (4(1):23-27).

BLT Webster’s Word of the Day challenge (paroxysm) date 22nd November 2024. Paroxysm is a formal word that refers to a sudden strong feeling or uncontrollable expression of emotion.
SøułSurvivør Sep 2015
It was a very tough decision
but I think that it's important
to encourage the people on
site to help each other!


illegitimate no longer!

For the poem
Dedicated to The Sagest Persuader



to Amanda In Scarlett
for her DAILY POEM for 8/30/2015
The Gardener and the Seed
dedicated to Paul M Chafer



The Sagest Assuager
for the poem
The Fourth (incarnation)
dedicated to
illegitimate no longer

Winn for her poem
high road
dedicated to a poet who has
now left Hello Poetry :'(



I have another challenge!

Please read on the
site search engine
Lovefeat Contest by Soulsurvivor
for the rules

Put #lovefestcontest2 on tags

and good luck!!!

♥ Catherine
Sorry I have not been able to
be on site for a while.
The lady who I'm writing a book
with has been quite ill.
SøułSurvivør Sep 2015
What was meant to be a good thing
and a unifying factor here at HP
has become a disaster for me
personally. And I guess I must
have hurt feelings which I
absolutely did not intend to do!

The outcome of the Lovefest Contest
received only one like. And that was
from illegitimate no more who won.
I therefore can only conclude that
folks are upset.

I want, therefore, to apologize to the
other contestants of the contest.
Amanda in Scarlet
The Sagest Assuager
I have sent messages to them
personally as well.

My reasons for choosing the poet
I did I felt to be right. I still do.
The entire reason for the contest
was to encourage young and
new writers. People who may hurt.
To give encouraging support.

But even a good thing can be
misconstrued. I sure didn't want to
"diss" anyone. Once again
I apologize.

I have hereby cancelled
Lovefest Contest 2

♥ Catherine

— The End —