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Fate18 Nov 2018
"She writes poetry out of every little thing in life,
From silly chats to ramdom smiles,
She evaluates every little emotion inside of people's heart,
And then composes lovely antholgy of harmonies,
She spills magical tea every where she goes,
Leaving behind the traces of her ingratiatory existence,
She turns everything, that she kisses, into a masterpiece,
And whispers like the thumbelina;
"You're beautiful" in every single aching ear,
She smells like fair roses;
So pure, dreamy, elusive and rare,
You'll confess the charisma too
Once you see it yourself;
That she's a true enchantress, savior, heroine
And most of all, a living poem herself."

~ fvtimvh18
Jenny Gordon Feb 2019


Not Main's antholgy, nor as wont fr'intents
MY sanctum, that dear "corner" I'd avail
Me of for reading ancient poets' tale
Of what was then and beckons too for sense
To aught who'd listen, no.  Yet ah, from hence
Lo, Francis Palgrave"s auld collection--hale
With their sweet flavour--whom Main refrenced--bail
For blackest coffee til mine eyes saw...whence?
Haha.  Well, children, like the Scriptures fer
All that declare:  yes, nothing, nothing's new.
O! which sweet courtier inked the tale men cure
This "modern" day with, moaning folly to
The tune of "girls are fickle!" which in poor
Scuse Jane, um, Austen cried false?  Say we knew.

L6--Main referenced Palgrave's Golden Treasury, which having found, does not compare to his 1881 anthology A Treasury of English Sonnets, yet has some excellent pieces nonetheless therein.
Jenny Gordon Mar 2019
Wonder what on earth THAT designation means, again?


O do the violets peer ere yet March fail?
For how the Goldfinch merr'ly sing from hence
While lo, which sparrows woo as Mavis thence,
And robins knew to lilt?  Ere shadows trail
Across the blacktop, doilies to avail,
As blue heavns seem so warm, 'til I fr'intents
Maunt bear to stay indoors, how sweet tis! whence
Read through th'antholgy which auld flowrs detail.
Now I've a taste of Andrew Marvel fer
All he's been touted for his sonnets through
Suggestion I leave off the rules in poor
'Scuse, likeas he did with an extra two
Lines for whatever, I maunt yet bestir
Me to be naughty, tho' I wish he'd woo.

I'm certain by this late in the month they do.

— The End —