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Curtis C Jun 2017
Sat, June 27, 16
This morning as I sit on the steps in Memphis, TN, doing my morning thing. I realize that I am sitting enjoying a time of change.  It is a new day, a new moment, a new city, state, country, world because of change yesterday, there was a huge surge of energy, Love, Joy, happiness, amazement, positive, healing energy went off the chart and we all felt it, experience it. Yes even those who didn’t and wouldn’t accept it…they experienced it. For those who accepted it, it was a feeling that we have and continue search for…Freedom, Love, feeling the warm light of Gratitude.  Things they be changing for the better…for the Greater.
Yes, those who don’t accept change will try to build a wall or walls to block it, but they would also build a wall to block the change of toilet paper. The feeling of Freedom, Love, and Gratitude scares them. Some will hold out a hand and cry; “help me I’m scare.” Others will just fight…but change is here. Change is the mandate of time.  Open up to it, accept it, fighting change hurts and aren’t you tried hurting and trying to makes others hurt. Some will say; “NO!!!” and keep fighting.
But for the acceptors, receivers, the ones who look for the good, the ones who want to know…know how do we build for here and move forward. Time to step into Gratitude’s light and feel the warmth.
Me, I like this Loving, Positive, healing energy. I wake up everyday with it, looking for more. Friday, June 26, 2015 was a day of overwhelming feelings and sensations but I didn’t close down. I stepped on the ride, buckled up and said; “LET’S GO!!!” I Love the overwhelming feeling of Love that comes from around the world.
Open up to it – Love, Compassion, Forgiveness is Freedom. Don’t be afraid of these feelings of Freedom.  It is what we have been all searching for.  Stop judging, no labels…put holes in your walls and let the light in.  Open up and learn to live and work with this Freedom, you will be surprise at what you will find.
Let the Love, positive, healing energy take you on your ride. Let Freedom and Gratitude wash over you: You, We are not taking the steps forward alone…no never alone…
The Divine in me, see and acknowledge The Divine in You…Always!!!!
Have a Grand day of Adventures and remember…BIG SMILES!!!

June 28th
Are you not bored with hurting and hurting others? I see your face when you’re talking and hear the words you are saying.  I also feel your pain at times. But I don’t see Truth, your Truth because if I did, I wouldn’t feel pain.
We are all Individual Expressions of the Divine; the Universe; the Greater energy. Yes, there is something bigger out there but there is also something Bigger inside…Stop blocking it!!!! You are a Divine Being!!! I am a Divine Being!!! Yes, we are different but we are so alike.  It is the differences in us, coming together, like a jigsaw puzzle that makes the Oneness…The Divine!  Look at and for the Good!  It is surrounded by all the stuff we pile on top of it.  Clear away the stuff. Let that Divine in you, see that Divine in me.
Forgiveness, Love, Compassion. I am not stopping you from being who you are…I am Like You – An Individual Expression of the Divine! I shine my light and let others shine their light. I don’t ask you to cover your light…why should I cover mine?

God, there I said it! God… The Higher Power, the Universe, The Divine – Whatever name you choose to use (a Rose my any other name, smell as sweet.) The Power I know accepts, not judge. If the last word you say is; Forgive me! Then it is done. And if you believe in the judge and you can if you want, why are you trying to take his job?
He sent a teacher, Jesus, that other name…from my understanding, taught Love, Forgiveness, compassion…did you miss those classes. You are not under attack from the outside. You are under attack from the inside.  If you are going to follow his teaching, then follow and stop trying to take the lead.  There is more than on way to the mountain top. Let each take his own path.  Stop standing at the bottom of the mountain yelling; “you’re going the wrong way!” Accept that, not everyone wants to walk with you or walk your way.  Accept and start your climb, on your path, your way and let others do the same.

We as Spiritual Beings having a human experience, receive so much input…it is hard to get through it all.  I do know that part of the process in developing a filter to help us see; what is needed now, what should be prepare for later and what’s not needed at all.  The biggest thing is what to let go off and when, why.  In the filtering process, figuring out what not to take so personal. Oh! We all take input personal. Now some of us don’t let it live with or in us but we all experience the sensations and that’s okay.  It when we live in it or bury it deep down, to bring it up at a later time that it becomes bad.
So many people give us input. Some with the intent to help. Some with the intent to hurt. Some with no intent at all, just want you to know their opinion. With all that’s coming at us, plus what we input to ourselves, it can get overwhelming especially with no filter or a weak filter.
I reached a point, where I hear it all. Some is discarded as soon as I hear it.  Some I store because it’s not needed and will soon be release back into the circle to come back around again, when needed. Some I use when making up my mind but it may not show.  It just didn’t compute for my best and highest…
To be con’t…

The past is just a point of reference, not a way of Life. It’s oaky to visit, see the memories, use the sensations to refresh or make aware…but don’t make it a way of life.  You can’t change it but You can grow from it!

Starting each day…
Waking up to yes
Making choice to be happy
Moving from good moment to good moment, dealing with all the stuff in-between while continue to look at the good in everything.
Being aware and focus, living in the: Love and Gratitude’s light.
Looking for the lessons, passing on what I’ve learned. Putting it all in my hard drive for future use.
Surrendering, releasing, letting go and opening up to the highest.
Trusting “ME!”
Faith and Belief
Enjoying, laughing, smile and celebrating Life…

When I fee a lack of trust, I look within myself. Trust to me is an inside things. Trusting that I’ve made the right choices for me. For when I stand in Trust of myself, I have faith and belief in my Being. I have trust I the people, things and situation I have chosen to added/place into my Life.
Today I stand with joy and Love knowing I have support and Love. I know, feel and celebrate the support and Love I have for myself. I am open and ready to continue creating Greatness.

Are you listening to understand or listening to reply, with excuse and being defensive? But if you listen to understand, you’ll see there is now need for excuse or to be defensive for being who you are…unless you are not sure of that yet.
…just a question

Please, stop saying; “I’m sorry…” for doing what you wanted to do. If you said you are going to do something, but from something you felt was more important and higher up on your list…just say, I can’t. Don’t ignore…you don’t have to say what you’re doing…just something came up. But you wait time the next day with a, “Sorry” and a story…just no more sorry, maybes or whatever. Yes or no is find.
Never be sorry for what you want to do but be respectful for what you said you were going or maybe do. The story has a better ending that way.

Greatness comes in all flavors just enjoy it with no limits
Safana Jun 2021
A giver, always
is a richest among
Never open your hand to the people always put your fingers on a people's palm
Dr Peter Lim May 2020
We are different
but bound together
each as a singular witness
to life's drama
and panaroma-
critics, dissenters, chafers
haters,  accusers, grumblers
few as such are
willing acceptors, embracers
non-contenders, life-lovers
having been punished
bruised, burnt, scalded
in the crucibles of time
and there's no remedy
for our  ugly ,scathing
and indelible scars

tossed in the endless
uncaring and tumultuous sea
each element of nature
is but a faceless enemy
that has no heart
to be benign to our humanity

we are each
first and last
a witness
to life's open-lidded
Aniruddha Sep 23
I want
Grab knowledge
Instead of throwing it to trash
I will change this knowledge to wisdom
Then only
I will be able to share it with the real acceptors

— The End —