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Jun 2016 · 912
Marry Merry Mary
Dance like a bee.
Read in the library.
Drink tea.
Sleep under a tree.
Be a fairy.
Watch the sea.
Marry Mary.
And do whatever makes you merry.

*But please don't tell Cherry.
Jun 2016 · 905
Tea Time
Darling, thank you.
Your love had made me
But please forgive me
for sanity had never been
Jun 2016 · 552
Passing Summer Day
is just a passing summer day,
but was never meant to stay.
Jun 2014 · 947
Wishing Well Gone Dry (15w)
Hope turns to desperation.
    You waste your pennies and wishes
    on a well gone dry.
Jun 2014 · 1.2k
The Truth About Summer (20w)
You loved me when
   I was loved by everyone else

but when I was lonely,

*you only made me lonelier.
May 2014 · 11.9k
Remember Me (20w)
For every shade
     of green you see
For every wave
       you catch in the sea

*I hope you remember me.
May 2014 · 12.8k
A Tribute to Papa
You may have died young,
        but as long as
        my words live,

*You will never grow old.
Apr 2014 · 1.3k
Only at Night (20w)
She is the brightest star
        in the night sky.
But in the morning,
        when the sun comes,
              *she is nothing.
Mar 2014 · 4.1k
Goodbye Butterflies (10w)
The butterflies*
        turned into ravens,
Feasting over
        my ***** feelings
Mar 2014 · 1.2k
We are the stars*
       stolen from the sky.
We owe to hide
       but we choose
       to *shine
Mar 2014 · 1.3k
The Unloved (10w)
Like people,
         books are waiting
         to be touched
         and loved.
Mar 2014 · 998
The Weeping Daisy (15w)
A weeping daisy*
     In a field of
     laughing red roses,
     *Alone and surrounded
     By thorns.
Mar 2014 · 1.3k
In Sanity and Insanity (20w)
Voices in my head,
            wanting to be heard.
            but even in the midst
            of my insanity,
            *I choose you.
Jan 2014 · 1.6k
Loving Annabelle (15w)
Time forgives and time forgets;
          But between cigarette smokes
          And spilled beers,
          **I remember you.
Jun 2013 · 1.5k
Perks of Dating a Poet (30w)
I speak in rhymes
But my love is divine.
And if you don't mind
Let's go beyond the lines.
Forget about the dimes.
My love will make you shine.
Jun 2013 · 1.4k
Dead Man's Tale
One day, under layers of earth
Where forgotten men sleep
And the rest of history are kept
You'll be worth more than gems and gold
Your memories will make the roses bloom
And grow a field of dancing daffodils
Or be a home to lonely birds
On the warm arms of your sycamore tree

And so if it comes
That time has to deny your breath
Do not be afraid.
Remember my love,
Even if you're six feet under
In all ways and always,
You are significant.
Jun 2013 · 2.6k
The Owl
The night is too old
Still I can't put myself to sleep.
The day is about to spring
But I'm dreaming
With eyes that are not close.
I hear the crickets sing,
I'll be missing the early bird's ring.
I watch Tuesday leave
And wait what Wednesday bring.
Dark as raven, the sky is dead
But with a few galactic kiss
The morning day shall live.
Stars are gone
The moon takes a gentle bow
As the horizon burns.
The sun will rise,
And daises dance
To the chant of early bees.
But I wont be there
To witness it all.
Because at six,
I'll be under the old crimson sheets,
Making love with my bed.
Jun 2013 · 1.2k
A Day With Da Vinci (15w)
Take me back to medieval Europe,
And tell me stories
That history did not know.
May 2013 · 1.1k
The Ceremony (15w)
Forgive me.
I left my love
On the balcony
Where I have buried you

May 2013 · 1.2k
The Raven
A black bird peaked
On my blue window pane.
Its eyes are ****** red
And wings full of taken dreams.
It flashed a smile,
One that was not warm nor bright,
Only dark and haunting.
Dare not to wink or blink.
For I have seen on its eyes,
A warning told by sight.
It's waiting for me to sleep
Under these old yellow sheets.
And perhaps sing one last lullaby
Before its silver judging claws
Steal my breath.
May 2013 · 764
Lost, Found, Lost (15w)
          we lose ourselves,
          find it,
          but realize
          **it's not who we really are.
May 2013 · 1.0k
The Visitor
Smiling, tiny shiny *****
Hanging on a dark, lonely ceiling.
The night dances as the wind sings.
A guest, ancient but unknown
**Has came to steal.
Do not let him in.
May 2013 · 1.2k
Dream, Sweet Dream (20w)
We are infinite.
For in my sleep
Where truth does not count,
Love is endless.
May 2013 · 2.0k
Eraser (20w)
A poem short and straight
A few spaces and phrases
Mistakes, need not be afraid.
I can undone the done.
May 2013 · 2.5k
Wake Up Betty Boop
Ticktock ticktock
Says the lazy clock.
Hear the morning sing.
Wake up! Wake up!
No more time for dreaming.
Bees? Snore?
You're still sleeping.
It's your boss calling.
Bang! Hurry! It's 8 a.m.
And the world keeps spinning.
Ting! You're late.
Prepare for screaming.
May 2013 · 1.7k
Ping Poem
Sunrise in the night, pony with a poem.
Heaven in Hades, angels are high, stones are ******.
A shoe with a pet, a bed with a curse and a spoon with a hat.
Flowers for the crab, a song for the cat and a pool for a rat.
Rain on Sahara, drought on Niagara.
How's my house in Libya?
A bride in the gun, a heart on the sand and a son of a sun.
**** for buts, a penny for a *****.
All for a naughty nut.
Sanity of a fool, a sighing dead .
It doesn't rhyme nor it make any sense.
May 2013 · 1.6k
Dark Wonderland
Innocent lily on a filthy pond
Young, untouched
Lost in Dark Wonderland
The biscuit, rabbit and drink
All is a trick
Run, take my hand
Let me save you
From the Red Queen's unholy land
The hatter is a beast
Who pays for a kiss
Alice, do not be deceived
It's the devil's hiss.
May 2013 · 6.4k
Poem Written on Your Skin
I'll write a poem on your skin
With my lips, our love tattooed on every inch
At the back of your ear, your delicate nape
Your perfect spine and cheeks like wine

I'll breathe the words in your mouth
Let your soul read and keep my oath
Trace it in your waist and engrave the lines
Down to the lovely hidden shrine

Your eyes on my eyes, my warm hands on your hips
I can hear our poem inside your chest
The rhythm of our hearts will turn it into a song
And with your gentle kiss

*I'll write again.
May 2013 · 960
Ugly Hidden Truths
Lie and die.
Swear and perish.
Truth's not real.

Ask and seek
But answers never known,
Forever unknown.
May 2013 · 974
The Reaper's Party
By night at twelve,
You'll hear the cricket bleat.
Go dance the song of Death.
But remember to count your breath.
May 2013 · 1.7k
My Darling Succubus (20w)
I love the rush of blood
Whenever you're around.
Stay close
And touch me.
You've awaken my senses.
May 2013 · 919
Dream of a Highwayman
Dream of a highway man can't be burned
Nor it can be torn
It only floats in the air
Neither he can catch it.
May 2013 · 689
Autumn (10w)
Autumn falls
Leaves are gone
The raven had come
May 2013 · 814
Apart (20w)
This is ME.
This is YOU.
And even in a poem,
Still separated
By the words and spaces in between.
Apr 2013 · 1.0k
Maybe if I'll touch you
The way the summer sun kisses the daisy
*You will love me.
Mar 2013 · 5.0k
I am here. I am everywhere.

Every place you’ve been, I have waited.

Every face you’ve seen I have worn.

I have one name but thousands.

On your birth I am your twin.

At your death I shall be your shadow.

In a mother’s womb I have slept.

In a hero’s cry I have risen.

In the smile of a bride I took pride.

In a widow’s tears I am crushed.

I am the pledge of a groom.

I am the passion left by the dead.

I am the spark in every kiss,

The eternal flame of every vow .

Fourteenth of February I was born.

I am the spell in cupid’s arrow.

In the eyes of Aphrodite I am found.

Red as cherry I have been drawn.

I have no age. No gender.

I linger in your heart or perhaps in your mind.

‘Til eternity I shall live.

I am your hidden desire for others.

I am their hidden desire for you.

I am not LUST.

LUST is a friend and sometimes a foe.

TRUST is my companion. LIE destroys me.

BETRAYAL is my enemy.

TEMPTATION will lead you to another path.

Do not follow. You won’t see me there.

Don’t either find me. I WILL FIND YOU.

TIME is my deliverer. Be patient.

I have one name but thousands.

But you, you may call me


And I’m pleased to love you.
Adapted from Katy Towell's "Agony"
Mar 2013 · 2.3k
The Mo(u)rning
Long walks, long talks under the south sky, we knew it was love
December, snowflakes, cold night but you made it warm
White gown, black suits, sweet vows, but that’s not how it ends
Black lies, midnight fights, angry cries, we know it’s not love (not anymore)
This is the morning when the French man curses Paris
This is the morning when the sun loses its light
This is the morning when promises become lies
This is the morning when are love kisses the lips of goodbye
Because on the eighteenth, summer turns to winter
All that we have withers
Everything warm and bright fades on the arm of September
I can ******* tears, I can feel my fears
You walk away with no words of love to remember
Whiskey, dancing under the night sky, I have heard you died
November, tears fall, sorrow cripples like a thief
Ugly box, pale cheeks, another goodbye, I pray to see you breathe
Regrets, lost love, indecent goodbyes, you left me twice
This is the morning when the French man turns to dust
This is the morning when he takes his life
This is the morning when memories fake the aches
This is the morning when even fears and tears can’t bring you back
Because on the eighteenth, summer turns to winter
All that we have withers
Everything warm and bright fades on the arm of September
I can ******* tears, I can feel my fears
You walk away with no words of love to remember
Your awkward smile, your deep blue eyes
Old  photos will remind they’re once alive
Your broken dreams with an unfinished song
No more Tuesday nights for you to sing along
Because on the eighteenth of September there’s no morning, only mourning
Song Lyrics

— The End —