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The closer I draw to you Lord
The more I see of myself
The sinful man
I know that I am
Needing you more than life itself

Until I no longer can stand
Falling into your mercy and grace
For it's all that I see
Being all that I need
You above everything else

Not dwelling on countless misfortunes
Rejoicing when trials begin
Knowing inside of the fire
I will be refined
To where I should always have been

Held tightly to your *****
Tucked safely under your wing
Where given the chance
I drop all pretense
And you then are all that I see
Ashes to ashes and dust to dust
Call this assurance if you must;
But when it's time to say Farewell
To one you love, it's just plain hell.

There are no words, no healing balm,
To fill the void, to ease the calm;
And not a thing that one can say
Will drive the quick hot tears away.

We look upon the empty chair
And seek the one no longer there;
And so heartbreaking is the pain
We question if we'll meet again.

How grim indeed, if death should be
The Bitter End--- Eternity;
Just some vague dream conceived by Man
And not a part of any plan.

But God has taken such great care
To note the sparrow in the air;
His Love alone can cover all
And Mark a simple Sparrows' fall.

And if he cares for the birds that fly,
then he must hear My Anguished cry;
"Dear God, I yield my grief to Thee
For Thou alone can comfort me."
To Everyone who is struggling with Grief
There is a lot of
Meaning in the four small words
"I didn't sleep well"
Starting to dabble in haikus let me know what you think!
 Jul 2014 Winter Summers
I promise you, I will try
To make it better
I know I cannot ease your pain
But if I could, I would
I wish I could dry your eyes
And wipe the tears away
Help convince you that it'll be better
Before tomorrow comes
I feel helpless watching you cry
You can always come to me
And sob into my shoulder
Oh, my poor girl
How it hurts me
Seeing you whimper
And watching the tears fall
From beautiful chocolate brown eyes
Why can't I take your physical
And emotional pain away?
If only I could, I would
My poor sweet girl

For my Mom, Hilda, who was stung by a bee today!! ~~~<3
She was also reminiscing some sad memories
Of her late sister, Joy!!! ~~~~~~<3
I just wish I could take all her hurt away...
And if someone must feel her pain,
Then I would gladly feel it for her....
Just knowing she would feel better
Would make me happy and be my
Greatest reward!!! ~~~~~~~<3
Dearest Mom, what can I do to make you smile? ~~~~~<3
You look so sad...~~~~~~<3
Oh, and Mom, just feel free to cry into me anytime
You want to...just let it all out, just please tell me
If there is something I can do to make you happy again!!! ~~~~~<3
I hope you enjoy this poem!!! ~~~~~<3
I sit and watch her bottom lip tremble,
And know that it's my fault.

The pieces that she can't assemble,
Are locked within the vault.

I sit and watch her eyes cloud over,
And have to look away,

She stills calls me her sunshine,
But I blind her with the rain.
She still calls me her sunshine,
Dispite the weathers change.
My mistress’ eyes are nothing like the sun;
Coral is far more red than her lips’ red;
If snow be white, why then her ******* are dun;
If hairs be wires, black wires grow on her head.
I have seen roses damasked, red and white,
But no such roses see I in her cheeks,
And in some perfumes is there more delight
Than in the breath that from my mistress reeks.
I love to hear her speak, yet well I know,
That music hath a far more pleasing sound.
I grant I never saw a goddess go;
My mistress when she walks treads on the ground.
    And yet, by heaven, I think my love as rare
    As any she belied with false compare.
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