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1.1k · Feb 2010
the mole and mouse
there was  a little mole who met a little mouse and both together they decide to build a house
they gathered up some sticks  and gathered up some straw  and picked up lots of leaves as a carpet for the floor.
when  the house was finished in the woods so deep. the both of them moved in and both fell fast
1.1k · Feb 2010
the man from galilee
once there was man who went to gallilee
and he got some fishing nets and put them in the sea
he placed them in line all across the shore
so the people of galilee could be fed once more
as the tide came in and swept across the shore
you could see the fish coming by the score
when the nets were open there was only two
all the other fish some how they got through
the man from galilee then produced some bread
and told them all now they could be fed.
1.1k · Mar 2010
the mummy
a light was shining in a mummies tomb
through a whole across the room
the casket opened a mummy lay
covered in bandage so dark and grey
this was such a scary site
and i was really going white
from his coffin he arose
had a sneeze and blew his nose
i didnt know just what to do
maybe he had caught the flu.
then back in to his casket
that was long and deep
pulled across the lid
and fell fast asleep
1.1k · Apr 2010
little moth
i saw a little moth just the other night
busy as can be flying round the light
he had lots of colors of blue and green and red
hovering round the light flying overhead
he flew round and round attracted by the light
flying round the bulb that was shining bright
i turned out the light see what he would do
then out through my window the little moth he flew.
1.1k · Feb 2010
romantic crabs
i saw a little crab walking on the sand he was with another holding hand in hand underneath the moon way up high above they stopped and had a kiss i think they were in love. as they strolled again further on the shore there they stopped again and had a kiss once more it was very funny and i began to smile watching what i saw that night was really all worth while
1.1k · Mar 2010
my little place
theres a little cabin by a little lakethat i often visit when the holidays i takesurrounded by the woods and trees so very talland a babbling brook by a waterfallthere are lots of squirrels that are red and greyand i sit and watch them gracefully as they playthere are lots of falcons hovering in the skyand lots of eagles that are nesting near byyou can see the moutain tops and the valleys in betweenthe leaves on the pine trees so bright and very greenit would make a painting to hang upon the wallthen this little place i always will recall
1.1k · Jun 2010
pixie in the wood
there was a little pixie he lived in the wood
he was very happy and he was always good
he had bright green suit as green as green can be
always bright and cheerful a happy chap was he
oneday in the woods while sat down by a pond
he heard a little cry coming from beyond
he strolled along the forest and climbed up in a tree
where the noise was coming from he could plainly see
he saw a little bird who had fallen from his nest
and landed on the floor where he came to rest
the poor chick was crying and clearly in distress
his feathers they were ***** and he was such a mess
the pixie said dont worry i will do my best
i will climb the tree he said and put you in your nest
pixie took him home to where the chick should be
high up the branches to his home up in the tree.
1.1k · Apr 2010
love is a roller coaster
love is like a roller coaster it takes you for ride
up and down emotions go swaying side to side
leads you down a track going very fast
never ending circles quickly going past
up and down it goes moving too and fro
when your ride will end you really just dont know
1.1k · Mar 2010
global warning
the world it is changing it doesnt seem the same
all because of warming thats causing global blame
everything is different not like it used to be
natures now in turmoil and no longer free
the winds are getting stronger bringing up a storm
the sun it has changed. and getting far to warm
nothings quite the same its changing everyday
changing very quickly in every single way
icebergs getting smaller melting in the sea
turning in to water where it used to be
this is global warming changing the planet fast
we really just dont how long its going to last.
1.1k · Apr 2010
saviour in my dream
i dreamed i was in jeruselem in the days of old
and listened to stories of a saviour that was told
he laid in a stable in a manger for a bed
he was to save the world or so the story read
a an infant in a cradle so gentle and so mild
the saviour of the world who was an holy child
he suffered lots of pain so we could be free
put upon a cross for all the world to see
but he is still with us and he will always be
the saviour in my dream was the one who set us free.
1.1k · Feb 2010
the cherub
i bought a cherub for my garden it was made from stone i put in my car then i took it home
i put it in the garden  and placed it on its own my lovely little cherub that was made from stone
later on that night as i went up to bed i saw  a big bright light i thought was coming from my shed
then it seem to move and go in to the air i went outside to take a look but cherub wasnt there
they angels must have been and took the cherub home now is for real and no longer made of stone
1.1k · Jul 2010
live in harmony
let us live in harmony and live a life so free
fill the world with love the way that it should be
let us all unite from each and every place
fill the world with harmony for each and every race
let us live together and unite as one
hand in hand in harmony we will carry on
1.1k · Apr 2010
peaceful shore
i walked along the beach and sat down by the shore
i watched the tide roll in coming home once more
then i took a paddle and walked in to the sea
as i watched the waves rolling over me
the water it was warm i could feel the heat
as the tide was rolling covering my feet
it was very peaceful as quiet as can be
just being on the shore made me feel so free
1.0k · Mar 2010
the weasel and the chicken
there was a little weasel a funny chap was he
he lived in a field underneath a tree
he like to roam around in and out of hay
searching for some food in his weasel way
oneday when he was searching he saw a little hen
he had broken loose from his chicken pen
the hen he had got stuck the poor little thing
he had got his leg trapped ******* in some string
chicken he was sad stuck in all the hay
weasel he was clever and chewed the string away
chicken he was free and went back to his pen
he was very happy and never broke loose again.
1.0k · Mar 2010
diy disaster
thought i would have a go at doing diy
dont know what im doing but i had a try
first i got my tools out hammer drill and all
so i could put a shelf up and hope it didnt fall
first i drilled some holes and put the raw plugs in
i made lots of noise creating such a din
then i got my shelf and ******* it to the wall
hoping it was straight and that it wouldnt fall
i stood back to see if i had done it right
but it had a tilt slightly to the right
so i drilled more holes then i tried again
by the time i had finished there were nine or ten
i couldnt get it straight it was plain to see
now all there is holes where the shelf should be
1.0k · Feb 2010
indian boy
there was a little indian boy the he thing like to dowas sail around the river in a small canoe.he just love to paddle along the riversideuntil oneday he paddled but the river had gone wide and towards a waterfall he began slide so he paddled faster and tried to miss the fallbut he was just a boy and really far to small.noticed by a bear who fishing near byheard the little brave as he began to cry the bear he was big and also very strongso he grabbed the boy then pulled the boat alonghe took him the place where he was beforenow the boy safe again and paddled on once more
1.0k · Mar 2010
barley field
i wandered through the barley so beautiful and gold
so wonderful to touch so wonderful to hold
underneath the sun growing oh so high
standing very upright reaching for the sky
growing very free growing in the wild
looking very lovely so gentle meek and mild
such a lovely site and growing oh so tall
the day i walked through barley is a day i will recall.
1.0k · Jul 2010
thing called love
love is full of splendour a very wonderous thing
makes two hearts beat as one and makes you want to sing
makes you feel so happy secure and so bright
the feeling that is love brings you such delight
something to be proud off a gift from up above
this  feeling that we share the thing that we call love
1.0k · Mar 2010
i was thinking of the cavern club just the other daywhere in the sixties all the groups would playthere was lots bands who came from miles around  they put it all together and made the mersey soundmy favourite was the beatles in there beatle suitswith there  beatle haircut and winkle picker bootsthere was john and george paul and ringo toothey made lots of songs that everybody knew.there was many others so many i cant namethe beatles were the ones that always had the famethe  music is still around to this very daythe sounds of the sixties will never go away
1.0k · Apr 2010
friendly beetle
there was a little beetle and i called him paul
all around my garden the little chap would crawl
he climbed along the fence and all along the wall
hanging on so tightly so he wouldnt fall
he run along the path then climbed upon the tree
sitting in the branches as friendly as can be
he would roam for hours he just loved to crawl
until it was time for him to go then off to sleep he;d fall
1.0k · Feb 2010
natures bad day
earthquakes begin to rumble breaking up the ground people all in panic running all around. tsunamis bringing waves destroying all the shore mother natures angry and she wants a war people losing life just simply washed away all because of nature having her bad day the world it can be cruel and this we cant foresee but i guess in nature its the way it has be.
1.0k · Apr 2010
hope and faith
never give up hope always believe its there
always keep your faith and tell youself you care
when life it gets a burden and the going it gets tough
dont give up and tell yourself that you have had enough
hope is always there when everything has gone
have faith and hope together and your life will carry on
998 · May 2010
orphan boy
i saw a little orphan boy as sad as sad can be
looking for a home so he could be free
the tears they were rolling down his lonely face
all he ever wanted   was a warm and loving place
we walked along together walking side by side
i wiped away the tears that the boy had cried
i took him to my home and there he stayed with me
now he had place called home and his life was free
992 · Feb 2010
the mouse and mole
there was  a little mole who met a little mouse and both together they decide to build a house
they gathered up some sticks  and gathered up some straw  and picked up lots of leaves as a carpet for the floor.
when  the house was finished in the woods so deep. the both of them moved in and both fell fast
992 · Mar 2010
amnesia night
i thought i had amnesia  when i tried to sleep
i was very tired and tried to count some sheep
but i kept losing count after nine and ten
back to the start i went and tried counting once again
now it was getting worse i only got to four
then i tried again to count them all once more
my amnesia it was worse i couldnt count my sheep
though i was very tired i forgot to go to sleep
986 · Mar 2010
guide dog
there was a little guide dog he was very kind
a very special dog  he used to guide the blind
he wore a metal harness he was very strong
he would guide the blind and help them get along
stopping at the kerb until it was safe to go
then across the road the little dog would show
he would use his paws to open up the door
and move any objects that were lying on the floor
a very special fellow as clever as can be
by guiding them along he helped the blind to see.
982 · Jul 2010
i like it
i like to watch the rain i like to watch the snow
i like to watch the sun as he begins to glow
i like it when its autumn when leaves begin to fall
i like it when its christmas the best time of them all
i like to watch the children when they begin to play
opening there presents on a christmas day
i like to watch all this its such a sight to see
it makes life worth living and makes life feel so free
982 · Feb 2010
bumble bee
sitting in my garden underneath a treewhen i heard a buzzing from a busy little beelanding on the flowers he looked so very funnycollecting up the pollen so he could make some honey.he sat there for a while then he looked at mewondering what it was sat underneath the treethen he flapped his wings this made me feel alivethen of the little fellow flew  back in to his hive.
977 · Mar 2010
burnt offerings
i had a go at cooking tea
bangers and mash was the recipe
i cooked the spuds and began to bash
whipped my spuds in to a hash
everything was going well
when from the oven there came a smell
the sausage i had cooked had been far to long
now had blue smoke and and a smell that was so strong
the sausage they were burnt way beyond repair
i openened up the window to let in some fresh air
i still had my spuds so i ate them on there own
and as for the sausage i left them well alone
977 · Jul 2010
the sun can make you happy
the sun can make you happy when it comes shining through
high up in the air in the sky so blue
sending out his light to brighten up the day
making you feel happy making life so gay
you can feel the heat as it begins to glow
flowers with there colors putting on a show
making life so bright in the sky above
the beauty of the sun is something that i love
976 · Feb 2010
jack the ripper
they never caught the ripper perhaps the never will the legend that he left is with us day still.
he roamed the streets of london many years ago but who he really was no one will ever know.
could he be a surgeon or  a millionaire no will ever know no one was ever there.
he would leave a message and sign it in it his name though they never caught him the ripper kept his fame.
976 · Feb 2010
love birds
two little love  birds sat in treevery much in love it was plain to see sat with each over and they began to kisssuch a lovely sight and oh so full of blissthen they sang a love song of love so strong and true.then a kiss one more time and off the love birds flew.i thought about the love birds every single dayand the very thought made my heart just fly away.
974 · Mar 2010
ant dance
while i was in the garden i walked across some ants
a couple of seconds later my legs began to dance
jumping up down and leaping in the air
those cheeky little ants were climbing every where
i was really dancing faster than before
evertime i looked the ants were getting more
so i brushed them of and i began to to laugh
took of all my clothes and climbed in to the bath
968 · Mar 2010
little bulls dream
there was little bull a friendly little thing
he would dream off bull fights and being in the ring
he pictured all the matadors  that he had to fight
waving there red capes in there suits so bright
he dreamt he run around as the crowd did roar
from ths little bull the crowd they wanted more
he would tease the matador as he waved cape
straight in to his eyes the little bull would gape
he was only dreaming of what he'd like to do
maybe when he;s older his dream just may come true.
967 · Apr 2010
hickory clock
in the land of hickory dock
there once stood a great big clock
people came from miles around
just to hear is ticking sound
on the hour he would chime
counting seconds and keeping time.
then one day there came a mouse
he climbed inside and made his house
inside the clock he would stay
and listen to it tick away
when the mouse got tired
he would go to bed
deep inside the clock
to rest his weary head
966 · May 2010
dancing pig
in a big straw cottage there lived an irish pig
he loved to play a fiddle and do an irish jig
he would dance all day as happy as can be
while playing on his fiddle an irish melody
people came see to him and listen to him play
and watched the little pig as he danced away
then when he got tired he took a rest and then
underneath the moon he would play and dance again
961 · Feb 2010
snow covered boulevard
walking down the boulevard the snow is the ground
watching  people slipping falling all around
neon lights are covered in a sheet of white
no longer flashing beneath the snow so bright.
snow flakes they keeping coming faster than before.
not making any sound as they hit the floor
children building snow men happy as can be
on a snow covered boulevard is the place for me
961 · Jun 2010
name in a riddle
i will set a riddle a sort of little game
and with in this riddle you will find a name
i have a little arrow and little bow
and when my arrow hits your love will start grow
i have little wings and my hair is curled
and i can send my love all around the world
so now you have  clues to my little game
to help you with this riddle so you can find my name
959 · Mar 2010
fish trance
i was looking at my fish tank and mind began to stray
thought i was in an ocean very far away
swimming in the coral in a great big reef
deep down in the water swimming underneath
i saw lots of fish blue and green and gold
swimming oh so closely near enough to hold
then i saw a shark as friendly as can be
swimming all alone in the deep blue sea
then i saw a jelly fish do a funny dance
it was just amazing in my little trance
then as i was waking up again feeling oh so free
there i had my fish still in front of me.
958 · Feb 2010
the mermaid
as i was sailing on the irish seai saw a mermaid in front of mewith flowing hair and a nice gold crownbobbing in the water going up and downwith eyes that were bluer than the sky abovelooking as peaceful as a dovethen she came and said follow me then she took me out to sea.i followed behind her and watched her tailswimming as graceful as the whale.she took me to a cove where she stayedeverything inside was gold inlaidher own little palace in the seaand she showed all this to me.the tide was turning it was time to leaveas i sailed away from this make believeso i set sail and headed for shore.and i wont forget the things i saw.where everything was peaceful and so freethe day sailed the irish sea
952 · Feb 2010
forget divorce
put some love back in your heart forget divorce make a brand new start when you feel that love as gone find your heart and just move on. dont feel down just find your feet and give your a heart a brand new beat. forget the past and start a new then your heart will come back to you
949 · Mar 2010
washing day blues
i thought i would do some washing on my washing day
doing what is normal in the usual way
i sorted out the colors and put them in a pile
there was lots of washing so it took a while
then i put the washer on.set to wash and spin
then i got the clothes and slowly put them in  
it was spinning merrily go round and round
then it went on spin and made whirling sound
the weather it was nice the sun was in the sky
so i got my washing and hung it out to dry
it started getting windy blowing really hard
blowing all my washing way across the yard
then i picked my washing up it was ***** like before
it really put me off doing washing anymore.
936 · Feb 2010
weeping willow
i saw a weeping willow a lovely willow tree weeping in my garden very said was he the teardrops they falling down on to the ground there were lots of teardrops lying all around i stood there for a while and watched  him as he cried so very very sad i filled up inside then the sun came out to brighten up the day the willow he was happy and the tears just dried away.
929 · Jul 2010
puzzle time
ill give some clues within this rhyme
solve the puzzle take your time
i am long and have big teeth
i live in mud buried uderneath
my jaws are wide and i can snap
when closed together they can trap
people they are scared of me
who or what can i be
928 · Feb 2010
blind dog
Poetry Control PanelPlease enjoy your visit. Poetic-Verses     4239 Poems Read.blind as bati have little dog as blind as blind can bewhen ***** his leg he seems to miss the treehe likes playing games chasing his favourite ball but the poor little dog always hits the wall i took him for a walk the thing  he likes the most he would bang his head as he walked in to a posti took him to the vet to see what he could dohe gave him some glasses now he has a viewnow he can play his games. and he can catch a ballno longer does he run in to any wall
924 · Jul 2010
gertrudes wish
there was a little cow gertrude was her name
she wasnt like the other cows her thoughts were not the same
she long to be a horse as black as black could be
grazing in a field roaming round so free
thats all she ever thought of she was rather strange
hoping for the time that someday she would change
then one starry night she saw wishing star
then she made a wish on the star so far
she woke up in the morning and into a horse she grew
gertrude she was happy her wish it had come true.
923 · Feb 2010
the mole in my garden
theres a mole in my garden friendly as can be while hes digging holes he sits there watching me.
kicks the soil behind him. kicks it in a pile then he takes a rest and sits there for while.
then off he goes again digging deeper in the hole such a busy little chap and such a friendly soul.
922 · Jun 2010
lifes journey
life it is a journey that dosent have an end
a long and winding road with a curve on every bend
a journey we must travel a journey we must take
a road that has decisions  ones that we must make
we must travel forward each and everyday
the paths we have to take are there along the way
it is a rocky climb life has made it so
where our journey ends we never really know
921 · Mar 2010
mamma said
when i was a boy i lay in bed
and i would listen to what mamma said
she would sit upon my bed
cuddle me and stroke my head
she said in life you must walk tall
bit by bit you must crawl
never try and run to fast
take it slow and make it last
dont let the world just pass you bye
just look the world straight in the eye
i always listened to what mamma said
her words of wisdom inside my head
now im grown and life is bright
thanks to mamma her words were right
919 · Feb 2010
the fox
there was a little fox he lived in a hedge one day when it was snowing he built himself a sledge
he pushed in the snow till it began to slide then he jumped on top so he could have a ride
he it took  a hill and pushed it from the top till it reached the bottom then he made it stop.
he was having fun on his little sleigh then came out the sun to the melt the snow away
then the fox went back and climbed into the hedge waiting for the snow again so he could use his sledge.
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