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8.1k · Jan 2016
Journey To Mecca
Willard Wells Jan 2016
Growing to a man and embracing my life.
My commitment to Allah, a journey begins with no strife.
Once in a lifetime, a pilgrimage to Mecca must be the end,
To my commitment to my religion and forgiveness of sin.

Number 7 has meaning as the journey begins.
First stop Medina, as I seek out peace.
Hajj station to Bath, dress in the Ihram.
Praying at Masjid Nabawi, purity, equality for all.

A statement of intent, I commit to all.
Entry to Masjid al-Haram complex is now allowed.
Circling seven times Kaaba as I pray to God.
Sipping water from Zam Zam to keep the law.

Walk through the hills of Safa and Marwa times seven,
Where I pray seven times more.
Prayers along the way to my God,
At Mount Arafat then other sacred sites.

Kneeling down to pray to Allah, Day and night.
Sleeping the night with 5 million strong,
Then rise up to stone the devil to atone,
Shaving head for cleansing, showing respect for God.

Sacrifice lambs to feed the poor.
Onward to Mecca, back once more.
Circle Kaaba, pray to my God
Repeating Tawaf on each turn of seven and no more.

Circle Safa, Marwa then on to Mina.
On to Mecca again for more prayers to my God
Enter Makkah performing Hajj,
Before the faithful return to Mecca on seven then do a farewell Tawaf.
A friend made the pilgrimage and I wrote this to honor his trip.
5.7k · Jul 2015
Journey to Mecca
Willard Wells Jul 2015
Growing to a man and embracing my life.
My commitment to Allah, a journey begins with no strife.
Once in a life time, a pilgrimage to Mecca must be the end,
To my commitment to my religion and forgiveness of sin.

Number 7 has meaning as the journey begins.
First stop Medina, as I seek out peace.
Hajj station to Bath and dress in the Ihram.
Praying at Masjid Nabawi, purity, equality for all.

A statement of intent, I commit to all.
Entry to Masjid al Haram complex is now allowed.
Circling seven times Kaaba as I pray to God.
Sipping water from Zam Zam to keep the law.

Walk through the hills of Safa and Marwa times seven,
Where I pray seven times more.
Prayers along the way to my God,
At Mount Arafat and other sacred sites.

Kneeling down to pray to Allah, Day and night.
Sleeping the night with 5 million strong,
Then rise up to stone the devil to atone,
Shaving head for cleansing, showing respect for God.

Sacrifice lambs to feed the poor.
Onward to Mecca and back once more.
Circle Kaaba and pray to my God
Repeating Tawaf on each turn of seven and no more.

Circle Safa, Marwa and on to Mina.
Then to Mecca again for more prayers to my God
Enter Makkah performing Hajj,
Before the faithful return to Mecca on seven and do a farewell Tawaf.
A friend made his pilgrimage to Mecca last year and I finally wrote him the story of his trip in sort of poetic form.
4.3k · Feb 2016
Willard Wells Feb 2016
sunkissed silken skin
long dark hair of shoulder length
legs smooth long and lean
island beauty such a treat
dark eyes watch me watching her
3.1k · Nov 2015
My Orchid
Willard Wells Nov 2015
Beauty of Orchid
Beyond Compare

Petals Soft
And Color pure

Stems Sleek
And Leaves Soft

Beauty of Orchid
Beyond Compare
" My muse name meaning Chinese, Vietnamese From Chinese Viet "orchid” "
1.8k · Sep 2015
El nino
Willard Wells Sep 2015
Years of drought
and the grass is dry
the trees they die.

We love the sun
and clear skies
for fun all day.

Winters ahead
and we pray
as never before.

That the rain
will come
and not too fast.

As El nino strikes to end our drought.
California Prayer
1.8k · Jun 2015
Willard Wells Jun 2015
ride into the wind
feeling the breeze on my face
it renews my life
1.7k · Sep 2015
Willard Wells Sep 2015
They run from the bombs,
avoiding invading soldiers,
as they run through fields.

Taking with them
all they can carry in the escape,
to find a home and safe place.

Stopped at borders
begging for help
yet often rejected.

We hear the reasons
and are given excuses
of why there is no help.

Have they not looked into the eyes of the child.
1.5k · Sep 2015
Willard Wells Sep 2015
falling from the sky
moisture that seems lost in drought
just makes me giddy
1.3k · May 2015
Lightning (Haiku)
Willard Wells May 2015
Lightning strikes earth
                     Exploding timber and grass
Flames licking tree tops
1.3k · Dec 2015
December Rose
Willard Wells Dec 2015
Winter arrives
as the green of summer turns,
darkness creeps into our minds.
As we struggle to survive
another dark season.

Cold all around
as nature fights
itself in winter,
a single December rose.
Standing solitary.

Alone on bare branches,
withstanding the cold,
going against mother nature
and her regulation.

It may not be perfect
as roses go,
but standing alone against the cold
as the only rose,
made it the most beautiful.
This piece was inspired by a single rose I took a picture of this morning. When I at some point publish the picture goes with this work. Sorry I could not share it with you.
1.2k · Jun 2015
Dem Pants
Willard Wells Jun 2015
See dem pants hangin down
Be look'in the part of the gangsta in town
Don't be doin no crime
Or you'll end up doin time
Cause you can't run in dem pants
Society in review
1.1k · Jul 2015
Dreamland (Senryu)
Willard Wells Jul 2015
wishing you sweet dreams
as your sleepy eyes close tight
drifting to dreamland
Travel message to my love
1.1k · Feb 2016
Moon Beams
Willard Wells Feb 2016
Dancing in the moonlight,
riding moonbeams
in the search of my love,
in my night of dreams.

Vivid dreams before my
eyes, even when closed.
Sliding down a moonbeam,
hoping to awaken from my night of dreams.

Moonbeams fading
as the orb slips away,
along with the vision
of my love, in my dreams.
1.1k · Jul 2016
Simple Island Life
Willard Wells Jul 2016
Peering into the night
of Naval, Biliran.
I am reminded of time
gone past that wants
to draw me near.

Streets are dark
lacking substance,
along with any human touch.
Yet it draws me into thoughts
of yesteryear, places
frequented in my life

A simpler time,
with no cell phone.
A wave to the neighbor,
and good morning all.
Times do change
for better or worse.

So I savor my time
to be at peace with the world.
As I step back to reflect
on past time in life.
A simple life is where happiness is found.*

© 2016 Willard Wells
Simply is good, but much suffering and poverty
1.0k · Oct 2015
Caibiran Girl
Willard Wells Oct 2015
she's easy to spot,
long dark hair,
eyes like dark
pools of chocolate.

skin with the
softness of silk,
with ruby red lips,
that beg to be touched.

she walks the shore
beside the sea.
stealing all the
beauty there is to see.
971 · Dec 2015
Daily Love
Willard Wells Dec 2015
The day grows quiet,
time passing slowly
as my day unfolds.

Some days are empty
leaving me possibly
concerned with my daily life.

No matter what the thoughts
of my life that day,
I feel blessed and happy.

Knowing that by
the end of day,
You will be in my arms.
942 · May 2015
Blink of An Eye (Senryu)
Willard Wells May 2015
Time moving faster
Yesterday I was a boy
       Today almost dust
941 · Dec 2015
Forest Nymph
Willard Wells Dec 2015
In the dark of night
my mind turned on bright,
with thoughts of you
my forest nymph.

Slender and small ,
with wings transparent
and light.
Lifting you up to explore the night.

Flitting here and flitting there,
you fly so fast
so no one sees,
for my eyes only.

Coming to rest after long night,
reposed on my bed
me holding your head.
As I give gentle kisses to my forest nymph.
938 · Dec 2015
Past Memories
Willard Wells Dec 2015
Taking an excursion in my mind
can get boring given time.
You see I have been there before,
oh so many times.

Seeing the same old thoughts,
memories I thought I had forgot.
Remembering now that time
back when.

But as I age and view again
the memories of past,
they seem to take on
a different hue.

Then one more time
I view that thought
with a joyous heart,
of that moment in my past.
this was a personal test to see if I could get my brain to use past and not passed. It was a draw as I corrected the one's in error. Thank you for playing todays game. A winner has already be selected and notified.
927 · Sep 2015
Island Girl Beach Walk
Willard Wells Sep 2015
We walked along
the water's edge,
as waves
cascaded down
upon the sand.

Holding hands
in the late
afternoon sun,
walking barefoot
with sand
in between our toes.

Dressed in island
with me in shorts
and her
a long sarong
of floral design.

She pulled me
away from
the water edge.
Up to the site of
the mango grove.

Slipping into
the shadow of the
Mango trees,
my Island Girl
pulled me close.

With her sarong
now free
she embraces me.
And we lie down
under her sarong.

In the grove of Mango trees.
Continuing Island Girl writing until it dies in my head.
923 · Oct 2015
China Doll
Willard Wells Oct 2015
her skin so soft
like a porcelain doll.
dark eyes cast down
in shy repose.

hair long and fine
to my touch.
Arms reaching out
to draw me near.

to feel her touch
and hold her close,
making my life
full and complete.

My China Doll!
902 · Jan 2017
New Beginning
Willard Wells Jan 2017
Yippie Ki Yay,

We ride the wave
into a new year of adventures,
happiness with friends.

Let the fun adventure begin
with the midway of rides,
flashing lights,

With children at play
in the adventure
we call life.
Willard Wells Dec 2015
I was only 9 years old and I lived in North Vietnam where I was born. My family is Chinese, but work was in Vietnam so my father had moved us there long before I was born. I had 5 brothers and I was next to the youngest, but my younger brother got sick while we were hiding in the mountains to avoid the bombings. He did not go home with us and mother was very sad for a long time.

There was really nothing to do for entertainment. My day was made up of sleeping late in the morning and school in the afternoon. We only had about three classes, which was giving us a very basic education. I had many friends in school and good number of relatives.

My older cousin and I played together often, just spending time together. Over loudspeakers songs of the people were played to encourage hard work and loyalty to the Communist Party. Everything in the country still ran as it had under Uncle **. You never speak bad of Uncle ** or you might not make it until tomorrow.

Since we had so little entertainment we found our own. She and I would go up during the day and sometimes at night to listen to the workers in the factory sing praise of life, progress and Uncle **. Now I was very small, but crime was not a factor and so even with me being so young, my cousin and I were always off on an adventure.

A big event where I lived was a marriage. It was a beautiful event with the bride and groom dressed in wedding clothes. A long high necked dress for the women and the man in his best white dress shirt. I know this because when my cousin and I were out one night we saw a wedding party walking down the street. It was so beautiful and exciting that she and I joined at the end of the procession.

I expect our age helped as we were welcomed to the celebration. Eating candy, cookies and sticky rice, special treats for the wedding party, but a special treat for a poor little girl and her cousin. Both welcomed by the bride and groom.

My cousin and I did this twice that I recall and the songs still resonate within my head of a beautiful moment in time and a break from the bombs dropped almost daily from the sky.
A child of '70's Vietnam.  Stories told to me by my muse and love. This story mostly made me smile, but many bring pain to my heart of the suffering she lived and saw. But she has a very positive view to the time and I hope to share more.
875 · Jun 2015
Hand in Hand
Willard Wells Jun 2015
Walking hand in hand along the beach
Water crashing down on sand covered shore

Foam forming on salt water peaks
As the sun gleams on swelling waves

But the beauty I see as I stroll along
Is the wisp of hair blown about

Around the face of my true love
As we play and stroll

Along the beach hand in hand
A day with my love at the beach
866 · Dec 2015
Surprise Ride
Willard Wells Dec 2015
Now awake
on the other side
as the pain did subside,
giving me a lightly clouded day.

Shadows first,
that come before the pain,
then when all is done,
the shadow goes as clouds descend.

Happier times today
the veil of dark
had gone away.
Laying in wait looking for a place.

Night descends
with parting clouds.
Shadows moving back
into their comfortable place.

Pressure building
around my face.
Not to fear I say,
remembering my mistake yesterday.

I waste not any time
to attack the pain
while the control
is mine.
In a rollercoaster of headaches. Which also gives and emotional ride to dark halls ways sometimes.
860 · Jun 2015
Night Light (Haiku)
Willard Wells Jun 2015
Beams of bright starlight
Lighting the night with the moon
Earth bask eerie glow
A piece inspired by a Haiku by Donna
858 · Jul 2015
A Word
Willard Wells Jul 2015
searching for a word
to describe my love for you
those words don't exist
853 · Dec 2015
Christmas Thoughts 2015
Willard Wells Dec 2015
I have nothing to wish
for Christmas cheer
as the world is in tears.

The only thing I will ask
and wish for you and for me
is peace around the world.

For all humanity.

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Winter Solstice, ***-hi Day ,Hanukkah , d al-Adha , Kwanzaa.

I am sure I have missed some cultural, ethnic and religious celebrations at this time of year. But the idea I want to express and project is we are all humans no matter what and I wish you all the best and peace and happiness in your present and or future life.

God Bless and Peace Out.
852 · May 2015
Willard Wells May 2015
I've grown tired of labels in life
Are you White
Are you Black
Are you Asian
Are you Green

There are so many labels in life
Are you Muslim
Are you Jewish
Are you Catholic
Are you Agnostic

They continue to put labels in life
Are you a homeowner
Are you a renter
Are you in an apartment
Are you in a house

They're driving me insane labels in life
Are you Democrat
Are you Republican
Are you Green
Are you Independent

What does it mean in the big scheme of things????????????????

Nothing at all as the only label that matters is

847 · Dec 2015
Cheesecake Delight
Willard Wells Dec 2015
smooth silky and rich
chocolate delight and iced
it's this cheesecake gift

take just one small slice
as it melts in your mouth then
brings smile to your face

take just one small slice
as it is so rich your mouth
gives smiles in return
patty m. aske me to write and low and behold I may have got it right.
847 · Feb 2016
Great Beyond
Willard Wells Feb 2016
When my journey comes to the end,
let me find the strength
to know the truth.
Showing some kind of dignity
as I pass to the great beyond, near my God.

I leave little behind to know of me,
except the words I have penned,
with very little hue.
Just my heart and soul to view.

The words I write are my truth,
right or wrong, good or bad.
It is my truth of who I am
or at least as far as I can tell.
" Final Word? NOT, for many years. "
829 · Jan 2016
Mendenhall Glacier
Willard Wells Jan 2016
Stand at waters edge
ice floating across the lake
as cubes in water
with eagles perched all around
watching with an eagle's eye
Outside of Juneau, Alaska to the north. I was there many times with the trees filled with  bald eagles.
823 · Jul 2015
Willard Wells Jul 2015
a cold starry eve
homeless huddled in doorways
some will die this night
I took a turn to the darker side of life.
820 · Jun 2015
Coffee (Senryu)
Willard Wells Jun 2015
as I wake morning

       coffee cups dancing in head

caffeine is my friend
As I sip my morning cup in thought.
815 · Jul 2015
Finding Peace
Willard Wells Jul 2015
Standing at water's edge
As the sea laps at my feet.

Beauty reaching my soul
As the tranquility

Washes over my body
Like a wave

I am at Peace
815 · Feb 2016
Be Heard
Willard Wells Feb 2016
It's expected that the level of
medication needed to maintain
the level of sanity found in writing.
Would be found to be cost prohibitive to sustain.

Going forward, the prescription that
will be prescribed first,
will be for pen and paper
or any source at hand.

Find you voice, speak out,
sharing what is fun for you.
What drives you, your passion.
Then move on to the next project.

Be your own force,
Even if just a voice of one,
you were meant to be heard.
803 · Jun 2015
Rose (Haiku)
Willard Wells Jun 2015
petals of red Rose
dripping early morning dew
opening at dawn
798 · Jul 2015
Willard Wells Jul 2015
Looking into her dark brown eyes,
Reflecting sunlight from the sky.
Glowing skin under shining orb.

To have her gaze upon me with her eyes,
So bright in this day's shining light.
As she steps close, her skin so soft.

I melt from her gaze,
As she takes my hand,
And we stroll along the boulevard.
797 · Aug 2016
Filipino Fisherman
Willard Wells Aug 2016
the water, blue-green,
as it recedes from the shore.
thin clouds overhead,
fishing boat now setting sail,
ready for the day ahead,
family hungry again
780 · Oct 2015
Finding The Way
Willard Wells Oct 2015
Light from heaven shines
into a life of sorrow
bringing a new day
778 · Jun 2015
Hip Life (Senryu)
Willard Wells Jun 2015
Worn done over time
Bones worn and chipped in decline
Movement will bring aches

Drift into sleep now
Hip replacement to end pain
From skilled surgeons hands

Now walk without pain
Skipping and dancing all day
Brighter days ahead

A new life to see
As there's no pain hip to knee
I'm going dancing
As I wrote this a friend was having hip surgery and I wanted to write something for him.
778 · Oct 2019
Ginger (RIP)
Willard Wells Oct 2019
hear the drumbeat now

jazz, blues, rock and far beyond

ginger baker rocks
755 · May 2016
Clouded Future (Tanka)
Willard Wells May 2016
Darkness again brings
the night. In my dreams I want
to chase all the clouds
away that keep my view of
my future travels in sight
747 · Oct 2016
Life, A Journey
Willard Wells Oct 2016
Choices in life are often limited,
the wise choice is not always the profitable
or quick profit, but the pain
in your body and stress in your life,

Is directly connected to these choices.

Is it better to slowly gain your goals,
being there to enjoy the fruits of your labor,
or push so hard that others enjoy your labors,
as they lay you to rest?

The choices we make today
have a direct bearing on our future.
That future can be tomorrow or
10 years from now.

Each day we have to make
a decision of where we are going,
where we want to be.
Life is a journey. Peace be with you.

May you choose your path wisely.
736 · Jan 2016
Active Play Date
Willard Wells Jan 2016
My life has been filled
with words like high energy,
hyperactive and
uncontrollable at times.

Now from my view
from inside looking
out my whole life,
I was just expressing myself,
sharing my thoughts.

There is an old saying
about some things are
better in small doses,
that in my mind
has always been me.

Standing on the outside
looking in,
I look out at the world
that is often surreal.

I see faces, bodies start
to twist in the wind.
As confusion,
boredom set in,
I continue with
apparently no end.

Yet even as my mind
says stop,
I continue on at a
high rate of speed.

This type of mind
leads to other actions,
just as reactive
as my mind.

Seemingly out of control
to others standing,
watching to see
what I'll do next.

So as a young man,
say around 12,
my parents took me
to visit family friends.

While the parents visit
the children would play,
stay out of the way
as children did in the day.

We were sent to the
basement, out of the way.
The boy about my age
his younger sister
heading off to play.

As was my nature
having no control,
I started to take charge.
We looked at the toys,
playthings to share.

A bow and arrow
needed my attention.
After all, I was trained
as an archer when I was 8.
Time to show my
skills and marksmanship.

Taking the bow,
I strung it tight,
checking it's pull.
Grabbing an arrow behind the quill,
loading it carefully in the bow.

Then it happened as the
arrow took flight,
straight and true.

The squeal of a little girl
her brothers fast retreat.
Arrow finding it's mark,
now protruding half in
and out the basement window.

Only one thing left to do,
which I had done before.
Stand before parents
head hung low,
explaining the flight of the arrow
that was out of my control.
Hyper child
732 · Jul 2016
Reflections of Biliran
Willard Wells Jul 2016
Drifting back to only
a short time ago.
A place of green forest,
coconuts, mangoes, bananas,
fresh for the taking.

Water blue, then green,
as clouds float overhead,
casting colors as shadows
of light come gleaming
through bright sunlight.

Then comes the setting sun,
with small fishing boats
making a final run,
pulling nets with hopes of
food for family and some extra pesos.
One week back from month in Philippines.
723 · Sep 2015
Willard Wells Sep 2015
We have war
and much death.
What is being
taken in a battle.
Means little.

How did we
get to this point.
Or maybe why
have we not grown
beyond this level.

More people
yearly come
out of poverty.
But why is anyone
really in poverty.

I cannot believe
with all that the have, have,
that the have nots
cannot be brought,
to the point of having??

Food would be nice,
and some water too.
And to not be killed
over a piece
of dirt.

But there we have
the root of it all
when you have
you want more,
at the cost of human life!

More social commentary today and with sadness of those killed on their journey to Mecca. RIP
716 · Jun 2015
Bee's (Haiku)
Willard Wells Jun 2015
Our colonies die
Mother nature is in charge
Adapting to supply
Mother nature adapting ahead of our climate change
708 · Mar 2016
Embracing Nothingness
Willard Wells Mar 2016
the warmth of the flow embraces me
slowly it moves through my veins
carried willingly by my blood

touching nerves throughout my body
while slowly shutting them down
so the darkness comes closer

embracing my soul
with dark intent to leave all
feelings within a conscious mind
outside of my reality

so there is no need to deal
with life beyond the hand in my face
" Addiction is overtaking our world "
704 · Aug 2015
Willard Wells Aug 2015
blue is the vision
like a marble of color
oceans of the world
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