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 Feb 2013 Whiskurz
Nicole Fox
We are a generation
Of instant gratification
Most of our lives
Confined to LCD screens
And large comfy couches
We are fearless;
Behind the username and password
Of a social network
Our words are no longer spoken
But formed by a repetitive tapping of our fingers
An act of bravery is now defined as
Sending a risky text
Our mornings and sleep patterns
Depend solely on
Good morning/night beautiful
Carefully handwritten letters turned into careless emails
And break ups are just
A click of a button on Facebook
Trips to the mall became
Hot cocoa and credit card debt
We learned how to surf
With just a keyboard
And our laziness transformed the English language
Into LOL and TTYL
And how silly it is to think
We made ourselves this way.
 Feb 2013 Whiskurz
Krysta Conklin
Leather and Lace
It's a killer embrace
wrapped up in sin
a mischievous grin
lock the door
clothes on the floor
your eyes are on me
my heart beats wildly
pull me close
breathe my name
I've never been one for your
The bed is soft
your hands are rough
"God you're so beautiful"
I don't dare call your bluff
shallow breaths
and heaving chests
there's lust in your eyes
fingers caress my thighs
you smell of leather
as you pull down my lace
I snap my eyes shut
and drink in your taste
once I was cold
but now I am burning
burning and yearning
for more of that embrace
it's killer
it's wicked
and I can't get enough
my insides are stirring
my heart skips a beat
my mind is far gone
I realize you've won
but so what if you did
because in the moment
in that very
I've never needed you more
The feel of your pulse
it races against mine
my heart thuds once more
and then I open my eyes
hooded stares
shaky limbs
I fall to your chest
and breathe in your skin
it warms and tingles my inner core
sending a shock wave until
lust and love
I couldn't tell the difference
i just wanted you to stay
and hold me
and wash all of it away
the sorrow
the pain
the loss of innocence
the darkness beneath
and the lack of what once was
the feel of your body
it lingers against mine
as you reach for your leather
and I pull on my lace
I turn to your face
to see the emptiness still remains
You pull me in your arms
one last time
no words are spoken
and the silence echoes
Your arms fall to your side
and in one long stride
you unlock the door
The silence is broken
by the slam of the door
a mirror falls off the wall
and just like my world
it shatters
I'm alone again
and left to contemplate
is it even worth it anymore?
some people
are like dried red chillies -
dangerous looking.
when in hot oil
they jump, splutter,
threaten and make a lot of noise
but then
you realize
that their heat is impotent
as the seeds inside
are quite dead

- Vijayalakshmi Harish
   Copyright © Vijayalakshmi Harish
on evenings such as these
everything inside of me
finds a mirthful memory
to indulge in its revelry
on evenings such as these
my heart hitches a ride
with these soft winds
that barely make their presence felt,
and soars towards the last
swash of the orange sea
on the horizon

evenings such as these
are when
i wait
for you
to find

- Vijayalakshmi Harish
   Copyright © Vijayalakshmi Harish
 Feb 2013 Whiskurz
Anon C
Like fade to white, fade to black
snippets eroding in and out
flashes on the screen
obscured in white noise
your lips
am I dreaming
when I am awake
I drown in your dark hair
when I allow higher brain function
and your eyes
float on clouds for eternity
I feel more at ease in the night sky
looking down
sighing, my breath the wind upon this planet
 Feb 2013 Whiskurz
Kate Bethanie
My hopes and dreams came to rest
On a city made of smoke and concrete,
Where the air tastes like grease,
And the people look only ahead.

That's what I decided I wanted;
I wanted the underground,
The names from the Monopoly board,
Black taxis at street corners.

I wanted glamour without expense,
The streets without the litter,
The grit without the pain,
And the reality without suffering.

I wanted the city to reach out,
And grab me by both hands,
And confess its undying love to me,
Desperate to prove its worth.

But the city did not care for me,
Its arms were busy juggling
All the people walking or laying
Down on its endless streets.

I got questions instead of answers
Perspiration instead of inspiration
From fast-walking to keep up with a pace
That would never match my own.

I got none of the things I wanted,
And I know that I'm to blame for this
For resting my hopes on miracles,
And the views on picture postcards.

I got sick of my illusions,
Sick of the reality, sick,
Sick and tired of this ******* city,
Sick, yes, but mostly tired.

Maybe if I were famous or wealthy,
Maybe if the city really had
Taken me by the hand and led me,
Maybe then things would be different.

And so my hopes and dreams flew away
On the back of an old wrapper from
Somebody else's fish and chips
I saw floating in a cloudy sky.

But in the end this is my fault,
Because how naive could I be
To think that the capital city
Would ever choose a nobody like me?
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