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Warren-Johnson Aug 2019
Time spreads thin
Memories grow dim
Life goes on they say
Trying to keep hurt at bay
Miss you we do
Feeling lost
Empty at times
Hurts more at times as these
But you my friend in our hearts always you reside
Warren-Johnson Aug 2019
Reckless and ruthless
Like a pit filled with vipers
They lash out
At most far more brutal!
These vicious serpents have no match!
For there be no blade as sharp as the toungue!
Slicing our hearts to shreds
Or demoralizing our souls so we could wish against existence!

Astonishingly they be the the kindest at times
Even Producing melodious harmonies
Or swooning our hearts as if sweat nectar to taste

But give them a chance and they will show you severe agony and pain!

Beware of the tongue
For you have one too!
Warren-Johnson Jul 2019
Eyes on fire
Her beauty ablaze
With heart of gold
True and bold
Rare find I'm sure
But beyond her beauty
It be her heart to amaze!
Warren-Johnson Jul 2019
Society today be mere puppets at play
Led by there noses what media should portray
A negative society!
With it's morals in decay!
Oh but it be our choice where to tender our time,
Open the good book and read of pure joy!
Your father in heaven
Has better news for you yet
For this he gave his life
Without any grimace
Yes how awesome be that news!!
No matter how often I hear it
I find myself in awe!
He died for me and you!  
Wow how special are we!
That the Son of God has washed our sins clean! And set us free!
In awe I stand!
Thank you Jesus!
Warren-Johnson Jul 2019
A new venture of the heart
I climb out this protective shell
To once again explore the dark caverns where our hearts us do lead!
Where we often fall prey to our weaker side
They called emotions
Often they be poisoned or attacked by the cancerous Big scary monsters
Treacherous they be in all their forms
Some Dont survive
We never be as before
Scary places our hearts us do lead

They say nothing ventured nothing gained!
No pain no gain!

But I'm no child and I chose her for her heart!
As I once again put mine on the line
Seems like a sure bet!
Well then I'm going all in!
For the jackpot, all in I say!
Warren-Johnson May 2019
We live our lives in trust
Give out our heart to many
To Friends, family, loves colleagues and many others
But truly only few who deserve us
And the many who take for granted and just use us
They lay rot to our hearts
Stealing away our ability to eagerly give lovingly

An innocence in trust fueled and blinded by love for them
A beautiful trait mostly?
Or a weak flawed character?
They tarnish our hearts as if leaving blemishes that slowly turn into stone!

No weak we are not being of pure heart and lovingly give thereof,
It be thier character that’s weak
We need know there demure
So for them we can turn those stone blemished hearts to their court

But need not allow  ourselves to be less for our hearts we can keep pure and true!
We will often run to their aid but call on them and  you will age waiting!
It be only a few who hold out hearts true!
Stand strong and alone you will know who you can rely, when absolutely necessary!

Don’t miss a moment to praise those  
For those truly worth
Love, a true accomplishment worth bragging about,
let them know and sing Their praises!
They be not to be labeled that tarnished name, (friend) no they hold a far greater unsaid name boasting in our hearts, love!
For the handful at most they be
They be of us! and our own!
Happy not just a state of mind, for it be a place
Oh so much so it’s a place, a time, a destination and a goal
It be where we should reside

When you walk into my home I want you to feel it!
When you look at me my heart will show it! For happy is where my heart resides!

Happy I need for me first!
If those that hearts are set in unhappiness they need know it remains their choice!

My Happiness is mine! no one else can steal it or navigate it!
I am the captain of this ship!

Oh happiness is mine!
I own it’s title deed

As a lush garden I aim to keep it in bloom!
So who ever should visit even a fleeting moment in my life! Should know happiness be mine!
For the True
Warren-Johnson May 2019
To prosper in life, for many would mean,
And so the list will stretch on!

My hearts desires achieved would they also not deem me prosperous?

So to be me the true prosperity be,
My faith to show fruits of what i'd love to achieve for my Jesus!

My family bond
Hearing I love you
And saying it often too
Our loved ones gladness in hearing from us, wow it be paycheck never turned down!
Knowing my love is endeared and never taken for granted! I love true and with all I am!
Often leading to heartache!
That be a thing of the past in my hearts prosperity!
For my hearts prosperity would be for ever and true!, And only written in love
With a bit of faith I am certain, Gods path for me will be a prosperous one indeed!
Happy not just a state of mind, for it be a place
Oh so much so it’s a place, a time, a destination and a goal
It be where we should reside

When you walk into my home I want you to feel it!
When you look at me my heart will show it! For happy is where my heart resides!

Happy I need for me first!
If those that hearts are set in unhappiness they need know it remains their choice!

My Happiness is mine! no one else can steal it or navigate it!
I am the captain of this ship!

Oh happiness is mine!
I own it’s title deed

As a lush garden, I aim to keep it in bloom!
So who ever should visit even a fleeting moment in my life

Should know happiness be mine!
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