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Warren-Johnson Oct 2017
They enter our lives with oh so much to give. (well?)
Yet all they do is take.
Far from pertinent they consume our hearts.
Stealing moments we should only be giving to the deserved.
We never see it there until after the fact, and we await all the I told you so's,

But hope I have to have I'm sure she out there,
She has to be,
Or is this it ?
A miserable existence?
Amounting to what?
Work, work,work
And loneliness till expiration of existence lures?
Oh she has to be!
Warren-Johnson Oct 2017
They enter our lives with sinister plots that we do not see.
For we choose to be real, and expect others to show the same virtues,
We forget that in our strength of sincerity and,
Stature of what society should've been made to be,
We fall prey to that, far worse than wolves in sheep's clothing.
They be of human form, but we have hearts,
They be the acidic species,
Just there to use,
Just there for their gain,
A putrid lot,
Just there to watch their works erode the effect.,
The effect shown through a simple yet ernest smile appreciating friends,
Wake up! see through their semblance,
They pass off as friendship.
This title they claim be not theirs,
Oh no they are to be of that,we choose to dispose of.
They are of the past.
We will always see more like them,
Who enter our journeys,
For we are free loving,
Selflessly making acquaintances who should carry the title of My friendship with,
Ardent fastosus.
A title worthy of not much to those who know me not.
But as I value My  Friends see their sincerity,
They too see me for the friend I am proud to be.
A title I regard with much dignity for they bless me with their hearts open and call me Friend!
So begone you foul lot of underhanded scoundrels you have no place here amongst friends.
We know the worthy,as we see ourselves in them.
You get in, yes for we do not look out for the likes of you,
I know not how to be that vile insipid parasite.
Rather,we seek people we can look up to.
People we can learn to better from.
Who speak not with intent to harm,
Or just where they are to gain.
Finding joy in others hurt,
No we seek a superior being who is unlike you.
Someone really pure.
Oh just no false pretenses,
Oh and, so this all was not actually about those unworthy no rather,
The contrary!
To them an ode!
A tribute to my Friend's.
Warren-Johnson Jul 2017
A motivational speaker cracked a little joke the best years he'd ever had were spent with another mans wife!
The audience aghast with much disgust, He then softly said
She was my Mother

How true it is how the years spent being raised are what mould us and steer us on our paths and although mostly different challenges than our parents had experienced, but it's that foundation that leads us to make proud moral decisions!

If you still have the awesome privilege of having your parents thank them sometime!

Once they leave us on this great rock we call home it will be memories to be cherished and many a moment wished you told them even more how you love them, no Matter how often said!

I, like the artist David Gates lost my Dad and can relate to his lyrics In The song "everything I own"~
"You sheltered me from harm
Kept me warm, kept me warm
You gave my life to me
Set me free, set me free
The finest years I ever knew
Were all the years I had with you

And I would give anything I own
Give up my life, my heart, my home
I would give everything I own
Just to have you back again

You taught me how to love
What it's of, what it's of
You never said too much
But still you showed the way
And I knew from watching you
Nobody else could ever know
The part of me that can't let go

And I would give anything I own
Give up my life, my heart, my home
I would give everything I own
Just to have you back again"

If you have them still, take heed to our loss we can never get that time again!
But you have it now! so make it count!
If you are upset with your folks
Remember they too are human
They too make mistakes!
Those are our learning blocks!
Not stumbling blocks!
I make mistakes for my children to learn from, so they don't have to make the same mistakes as I !
Warren-Johnson Jul 2017
They by no means should be!


But it's what our lives become!
That awesome unity we once called us❤️
We lead these busy lives forgetting how dear it is!
Truth is is in that survival and need to provide we almost loose that so precious to us, and sometimes sadly do!
As cat Stevens sang~
For you will still be here tomorrow
But your dreams may not.

How apt lyrics are to our hearts desires, some never expressed
But none the less.
But I need need to write my own!
Providence sang~ "My Dream Is You"
I write from deep within and my closet lyrics so apt ~
"My dream is us"
Yet we pass each other by
On life's busy road with little action taken and given even less fuss!
So I'll write you a love sonnet
Maybe with a bit of a dare
I'll muster up the courage
And even share
Oh yes in a perfect world
My dream is us
I'll shout it out
No more I'll let us pass each other by!
Our love won't just be another whispering secret
Oh no!
I'll shout it out!
No roof tops high enough!
This is real!
This is love!
This ain't a bluff!!!!!
Yeah my Dream is us!!!
Warren-Johnson Jun 2017
The smile
A wonderful attribute to our lives
Yet costs us nothing unlike its sister the frown
Just adds misery as it thrives
Feeling up or down
It won't do you any good won't add value!
No the smidgin on your face has no crown
It takes from us it saps us dry
To smile is free!
Yes why?

Cause It'll lift you up!
it'll drown your sorrows and let you be
It affects all around us just the same
Yes contagious it is!
To smile is bliss
Come on smile it's free
Warren-Johnson Jun 2017
I amble along life's dreary road
It's paths so crooked, and plenty a stumbling block.
Truth is we need them to get through those dismal days, although it feels as if this dark and dreary cloud will hang over my head for eternity!

And then tomorrow brings sunny skies as we forget their lies, those empty promises.

Thing is I have to see it! And it will all make me stronger yet!

My foresight tenfold gained those dismal clouds, I see through them for their worth!

I smile on my own as I forget your smile!
I'll laugh at jokes again yeah!
I have so much I've gained so much, yet I've lost so dearly and I remember again!
Momentarily lost love once more births such pain!

But I look up and remember I can smile on my own!
I know how to love without refrain!
Yes I remember I need to love myself first and all else will find hope!

Yes I am allowed to be first for once I'm the most important person in my life for once!
Its all mine I can have it all! life's mine again!

Why oh why!

Why did I loose sight of this to start!
Warren-Johnson Jun 2017
We live our lives so close to each other, But how often do we take our loved ones for granted, and in the rat race of life just pass each other by!
Unintentionally taking those so dear to our hearts for granted!

Take a minute, hold on to them for you never know when you will get the opportunity again, sadly sometimes if ever!

Live life like it is your first kiss, nothing should hamper you saying how much you care!
It should be free!
For ever there!
I love you!
Should be Something you show!
Not what you just say! You feel it why not show it!
Love is something of the heart that we wouldn't be the same without!
While you have them realize!
You have them!
Cherish them!
Enjoy them!
Show them!
Let nothing set that aside!
For you never know when tomorrow is no more!
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