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Vladimir s Krebs Nov 2015
i have no regret that hangs over my head.
all the mistakes i made is like music in my head.
i don't regret any thing i do cause that's i i move on in life.
i may make mistakes but i wont let it **** with the rest of my life.
i know i did make stupid mistakes but that's how we learn in life.
i know you think i'm  crazy or ******* insane.
but that's just how i am.
all the regrets i had left made me angry that i could fix.
i learn new things when holding regrets only weigh you down to your grave
i'm not insane but i am kinda ***** crazy in my own way.
that's why i don't have regret to carry around when i just have life to live freely.
dont blame me but i opened a new chapter in life
Vladimir s Krebs Nov 2015
i cant think of any thing i dont have my music playing.
i even writ in my note book but i still my mind has been blocked i cant think of what i wanted to say.  i just want to scream cause i have so much to say but i cant cause i dont know how to let it out free.
urgh **** it i have it today november 23
Vladimir s Krebs Nov 2015
i might be crazy for picking a chance of danger.
i need thrill to get that high.
i love the danger  that forms the perfect desription of me on the head lines of the new paper.
im insane with no limits that can go blind. i live life on the side of the cliff.
im going crazy. you tell me to stop.
why not you try what i have to show.
i live life with danger on one side of my brain.
this world would be a  dark place with out thrilling danger screaming my name.
i love the thrill of new things to try to explore . are you videio taping me .
i love this world with the wind going threw my hair.
i see no fear trying new things that are messed up so just give it to ill take it to a new level you dont think it could possibly go.
im not araid of what would happen cause i practice every time i go insane for the new thrill.
so put my name on the list so i can show all of you  lifes littel risks are worth it all weather its one hundred veiws or million veiwes .

you cant stop me cause its more fun to go insanely ******* crazy.

i dare you all to follow in my foot steps in life cause its more fun to get out of your dark thoughts and live life like me .
insane a my crazy self
Vladimir s Krebs Nov 2015
i cant keep going when i end up broken minded when i let my open mind slip.
i don't know how far i can go but i don't have any thing exept silence.
i dont know what you want from me.
attention when you lose your mind.
how far can i go.
i just feel tired of being lied to.
from all your games.
i tire of every thing when it all changes to fast.
i cant keep holding on to false hope you give me every time we go out.
im tired of being lied to for your games that i just want to truth about whats your mind  ***** around.
i wish i could help but your lies make me want to just stop caring.
my mind is breaking cause i cant keep up with your mind.
i dont know how to say thing but my mind has been broken to from your lies that made my life confused .
idk what to say this poem or short stanza im really having writers block
Vladimir s Krebs Nov 2015
im tired of the same thing going over and over. i dont know how to say any thing nice. i just have embrace whats happening to me. i have to see my own misery over and over like a movie that skipps with evry scrach there can be.  i dont know how much longer i can stand this **** you all put on me. you know me to well i have a good heart but i never raised my voice before. maybe its time for me to show all of you my true power in me! so sit the **** down and listen to me. i start to scream all the ******* colors of the rainbow do you see society has broken me and i have put  up with all of its games. so let me tell a stori for a change. all the things put on no is coming out like a tiger or a lion roaring with all its might!!! so every one just shut up and listen to me cause i have every ******* word i had to say but its now my turn to come out of my quiet self and say things for once. i have been quiet for to long so hears what i have to say i want chang to happen  i dont want things to look like a auttomated systems of robotics. i want to run free and not be held captive. i want to speak my mind i want to run up and down a beach just screaming my ****** lungs out that can be. i want to be heard down the streets around 2 am. i want to make a mountian start and avalanch that trapes every little village under 1000 of feet down!
i want to raise hell and bring laughter and fire to my place. i dont want to be silenced for my great crazy mind. i wont let you trap me cause i am a ******* wild animal who will claw your ******* eyes out. so i am breaking away to make the changes for every one to have fun and do insainly messed up crazy dangious things.
i want to start riots to test new ideas. i dont want to be enslaved to a desk and chair in a office building. i want to be the brush that paints the night sky with pretty colors of imanage. you will never catch me cause i cant be silenced from you traping people like animals in rusty cages. ill run free one step a head of all you.

i just want to scream cause im not done fighting for whats right

you cant imprison me you cant silence my voice cause when you drop your guard ill escape and rip all of you apart.

so just listen to me heres my voice screaming my thoughts.
i wont put up with any more crap!!!!!!!!!
my life rantings
Vladimir s Krebs Nov 2015
i have a hidden tallent of my life a singer or the voice that can touch your hearts.
my mind thinks up a storm that comes to a plan on a friday afternoon.
my voice can only be heard if your heart has the courrage to follow what you want the most.
my voice is what my stories come to life.
cause my true love came and gave me hope to write this line.
my mind thinks first for what salllom words i could think to say to you to touch your heart deep.
i know i will proable be alone with my thoughts.
but ever word ever said threw my voice i hope it made you go mad with crazy love.
night and day come and go but i will never let my smooth gental words leave me.
that all i got when i feel abandoned.

my hidden voice can make your anger go leaving your life with peace.

my hidden talent with my voice can make words stories poems love notes and creat or life memories.

my hidden voice can only be heard for the traped broken lies.
my hidden voice can lift you off your feet when thinks start getting bad.

my hidden voice can heal your soul if your willing to listen to me while i start to write my entire life stories.

you will never be alon if your voice meets me down the slop.

my hidden voice can do many things but will never be harsh or angery just a loving kind blank page you should start writing to fin  me and you with our true love stories
i love my voice every one thinks its vary vary soothing
Vladimir s Krebs Nov 2015
all around me i see the crowd moving like lighting. i start to spin with my eyes gathering information.
my eyes fill the storie i wrote on a blank page.
my world is suronded  by change every where i go.
i don't think i could shut my eyes to blink cause every this is exploding thriving with exitment.
down the street a new house is being build by my othere side a mountain side has been colapsing.

my entire suroundings have been changing.
my mind cant keep up when my heart starts pounding.
where true love comes right in front of me.

my surondings have been exploding with hange
i don't think i can keep up but i might just go madely crazy
you get that
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