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Vinnie Brown Jul 2017
Suddenly the moon comes out
And I feel my love creeping out again
Bathed in moonlit madness
Stuck in crowded rooms
Getting drunk off Bacardi
Knowing my place isn't at this party
Knowing tonight I'm drinking more than recommended
It's the only thing I can do to keep my heart corrected
Finding my way outback poolside
Imagining that the stars are listening as my mind confides
Oh, at least the suns suddenly coming up
And, I feel my love burning up again
Bathed in sunlit happiness
Vinnie Brown Feb 2018
And of all the nights
A windy Wednesday
I don’t think I’m escaping it
This time around
In the moonlit hours
Vinnie Brown May 2017
The anger I feel
That you would leave me in a world
That I wouldn't want to be in, if you're not there
I guess I am partly to blame
Oh, how jealous I would be of you though
That you're happier without me
You have no idea how you can change the stars
Light up entire worlds
Oh Brother, don't change who you are
I found out my best friend tried to commit suicide and this is my coping.
Vinnie Brown Oct 2013
Life can be full of heartache and sorrow
Tomorrow can be just as worse as yesterday
I read somewhere
That the only way to a woman's heart
Is along the path of torment

I wonder why it's considered a path of torment
If what I see of people truly in love
I see a paradise
If that's a torment they are willing to endure
Then why am I not ever so willing?

I am afraid
Afraid that I wouldn't endure the torment
I would be the torment
One good love
I'd fall far behind

Would you fight in our little hell?
Would you endure the torment for me?
I hope you say no love.
I want to be able to shoulder all the torment for the both of us.
I've always been willing.
Just be patient
We'll be fine.
Thanks for reading.
Vinnie Brown Nov 2018
I seem to lose my way
When the end is in sight
Maybe I’m running blind
I miss the sunset
That I’ve never even seen
I want those grey skies
Cause’ the suns just boring me
When the rain is on my face
You know I dream of far away
So, let’s stay up till the morning
Even if we never see the light
There’s so much to find
So, just give me one more night
Vinnie Brown Oct 2017
When desolation comes upon your heart
Find your solace in remembering me
As you have problems with commitment
I have issues with imprisonment
Parting tides as feelings die
And honestly love is overrated in your mind
Although, if it was up to me
I might just be yours for one more night
Vinnie Brown Jun 2017
You've been drinking
You've been smoking
Trying to forget me
Since the day you left me

You know people come and people go
We both know looks can be deceiving
We'll stay on breathing knowing that you'll be leaving
Somewhere deep in your bones
You're not one for power
I know you've got your eyes on the throne
I'm not the one that you're using
Just like the attention, it's self abusing
A plan is great, but I know you'd rather slowly feel this all out
The only problem is my lack of relationships fills me with doubt
You know people come and go, but this time I'm leaving
It looks pretty hard, but trust me looks can be deceiving
Vinnie Brown Oct 2017
Stubble and eyes worn
Just got in
You're pleasantries questioning my sins
Two wrongs never win
You claim you want to save me
I know you're frustrated
You know I feel the same
I'm stuck in the cold rain
Will you be my shelter?
Will you be my open arms?
Lost to my own devices
Patience just seems to wear you down
Sometimes I'm just so self righteous
It seems I'm indefinitely caught in the rain
This time I'm headed back to town
I know I can be saved
For I have a shelter
With welcoming open arms
Vinnie Brown Feb 2017
I think I lost my mind a while ago
Modern day Davey Jones
Cut my heart for you
Lost in the open waters
Tethered to deliver
The heartless and broken
In the depths of the locker
Bound to be the lantern in the drowning dark
I'm thinking about going MIA for a bit, clear my head.
Vinnie Brown Feb 2018
Babe, I’d like to get off of this rollercoaster
I can’t seem to handle this
These ups and these downs
Yet, something takes over me
I think I may have overdosed
Give me a chance to pick up these pieces
The pieces we left eachother in
Yet, it’s like something’s taken over us
And we can’t get off this rollercoaster
Cause’ I take you high
And you bring me down
Vinnie Brown Mar 2018
All you have to do is bring an open mind
Take a leap of faith
Put your hand in mine
Let’s both take the night off
We’ve both been working overtime
Vinnie Brown Dec 2017
I swear if you make it to me
I can promise you’ll see
That this is where you should be
I believe you’re the one designed for me
If this is a puzzle it would be complete
I hate that time moves ever so slow
I just want you to know
That you might be a stranger today
But, tomorrow you could be
The cold December air bites at my heart
If I just find my way back to the start
I’d convince my mind to run away to you
Oh, my love what shall we do?
For this shall be one last romance
For somedays I don’t believe in love
Yet, I still take chances
And the details of our love shall be on page four
In The Endless Summer’s grand scheme of things
Vinnie Brown Aug 2017
I'm trying to draw, what I think I want this life and it seems to be you
I can't seem to keep the colors inside the lines
Cause' when it comes to you
The page goes blank and I feel like I'm losing my mind
I have the shape and curve of you
The color is what I can't seem to find
Is it Red or Blue?
I swear, I'm going color blind
Only to realize that in time
You just happen to be
All the colors I need in me
Vinnie Brown Jun 2018
Maybe we’re our own pantheon
Just you and I
Destruction and Creation
Filling the midnight skies
With ****** light
Scorching bed sheets and burning seas
Intertwined in all these things
What comes to mind?
When we lay side by side
Vinnie Brown Sep 2017
Their love was something of wonder
For he was an unmovable object
And she was an unstoppable force
Stuck in their paradox
Of endless struggle

That must be what love is.
Vinnie Brown Feb 2018
My insecurities are my own worst enemies
Somethings not letting me
Live the way I use to
Thought you could better me
But, I don’t remember getting buzzed
I only kissed you once
I use to feel the rush
Now I can’t see myself walking
I’ll fight to do something
I’ll fight cause’ I got nothing
There’s a void
Now, I’m paranoid
Feeling paralyzed
Everytime I find some paradise
Now I’m all twisted
To be honest, when this feelings gone
I sort of miss it
Vinnie Brown Aug 2017
Lovely weather as the dark comes
They start to light the Eiffel
As I stand on the balcony
Above the city of love
Thinking she must be down there
A lover in a loveless wasteland
Vinnie Brown Jan 2018
I resonated within the currents of the sea
Whispering sweet melodies of waves
They told me to write a story with a word
Only one that’s the bargain let it be
I jump to the lands of Love
That’s where the story is they told me
I found at twenty-four that I was wrong
Unhappily thinking that I’d never finish
The Endless Summer was my legacy
It’s pretty exciting, knowing
That there’s going to be a part two
Simply called
Vinnie Brown Feb 2018
I understand we broke up three weeks ago
Except today, you heard my friend died
I thought maybe you’d reach out to me
Alas to no avail, nothing but oblivion
How much must I lose?
I keep pondering the question
For maybe these are the payments of sins
I wasn’t aware I had committed
I lost a friend today.
Vinnie Brown Jun 2018
Knowing **** well what we need
Not an ounce of normality
Oh, heavy heavenly gravity
Drawn to embracing melodies
And I’ve never really wanted much
Yet, I still see it in my sleep
Even with the lights out
I can’t find it here with me
Vinnie Brown Oct 2017
To the city of endless fun and adventure
Turned to nightmare horrors
Continue to shine
For where there is hope there is light
To men driven to maddened thoughts
With hearts turned to blackened splits
Know that where there is darkness the following days shine brighter
As the world will look upon today
And it will undoubtedly refuse to dim
Such is the glory of peace and love
My heart goes out to Vegas, but never lose hope in our world, for that is when we are truly lost.
Vinnie Brown Aug 2017
In a life time of internal wars
I found peace in your body
Lost in the currents of loving vibes
Vinnie Brown Oct 2017
Who was I
To think I stood a chance
At getting the girl
With the light brown eyes
The perfect smile
And the waterfall flowing hair
I’ve been burning
Kindled fires inside my chest
Funny how the time flies by
Watching you grow more and more
I do not know perfect
But, I think I have an idea
Vinnie Brown Aug 2020
Is death atonement?
My body like canvas
The scars restless ink
Fatherhood drenched in failure
Whiskey, pills, and the pale moon
Drift me off to sleep
For tomorrow beckons
And I’ll wait
To gather my heart
Piece by piece
Maybe she’ll help
Put it back together again
Vinnie Brown Sep 2017
Out of all the drugs we have to take
You're the one I want to take
Childlike and so regressive
Broken taboo's and unheard messages
Because if I don't, I'll be alone forever
What's wrong with being alone?
Her last whisper was "I'm just not good at it."
Sounds pretty lonely to rely on someone else for happiness
We could still be lover's
As the oceans become red
For the second trumpet has been blown
And the burning mountains
Shall sit the Salt King
Among his throne of the sun and the moon
Vinnie Brown Nov 2018
Please excuse my language
There’s just no other way to say
When you’ve had yourself a day
Knee deep in the salt stricken waters
Staring at the sunset
Out of breath from the weight of the world


Knowing you’re sort of lucky
To get to do all of it all over again
Tomorrow when the salt is a little lesser
Dancing together in the fire covered ocean
Staring at the sunrise
Full of breath from the weight of the world

Vinnie Brown Mar 2018
It’s a beautiful thing
Stumbling upon all of you
Doing what you’ve been clearly
Put on this world to do.
Vinnie Brown Jun 2018
She was vibrant with a dash of darkness
Cascading into the summer sunset
She caught me staring a few times
Watching her bare back
Watching the sinew of the muscle fibers
As she hugged herself tight
She cared more of how I felt though
Asking how my night was going
Tired and sore my dear
“Anything I can do to make it better?”
She said with a devilish tone
In a second she transformed into something more
Removing the wristband
Pulling her hair into a ponytail
Grinning with delight
I never stood a chance
Vinnie Brown Jul 2017
Lately, I've been yelling up at the sky like "What is my purpose?"
Forgive me, everyday I'm reminded that I'm far from perfect.
And lately I feel ashamed to feel pain, I keep to myself.
And what gets to me the most, is I know there's more to life than to dwell on my own ******* self.
Vinnie Brown Jul 2020
To my son
I plea you dive head in too fast
That the waters may shock you cold
But, that the risk they’ll warm your heart
Are worth every chance in life
For love and breath itself are worth it all
I sat too long fighting for things to love me
Until it finally came
Chase the stars and beckon the sun
Demand that light be yours to hold
For your hands are too precious
Not to grab the world
Vinnie Brown Oct 2017
We just never could catch eachother
At the right time
Could we?
Vinnie Brown Oct 2017
She asked why I'm addicted to solitude
Do I truly need it?
I beg to plead the fifth
Bargaining with lost lay of the lands
Wishing to be lost
Sunsets in streetlights
Certain beauties in midnights
In the late hours
You start to remember what we call ours
Learning it's okay to fall
Sometimes it's not for love,
For the mind craves heavy drugs
And some pursue trust, while after lust
I'm stuck with pride
Vinnie Brown Jun 2017
New fame in darkness
Moving on was a promise
Lessons the heart learned from all of this

Lost my soul in the city of angels
Diamond chains from which my heart dangles
Toxic love which always seems strangle

Just being honest
I'm moving on I promise
Vinnie Brown Oct 2017
How curious for summer must end
As every line tends to cease
I feel you're incomplete
Yet, pushing to the ends of my reach
Even if you go unread
You'll still be one of my greatest treasures
For your words are me
Moonlit madden times
Suncrazed laughs and smiles
Just a glimpse to the realities
I'm dealing in time troves
For every line I write
Surely, does feel like a miss
So, here's a my confession
Summer may just be over
Vinnie Brown Mar 2014
All people are born pure
Through our insanity and insomnia
We become corrupt
In the hours of the moon and madness
We look for answers to the unknown
To make the unreal real
We look for truths all the while assuming the truth
The moments where we dare to aim reach for the stars, the heavens above
Our destinies lie above us not behind us
We are moving forward, in an ever stopping world
In our obsessions and achievements we've become impure
We are still pioneers, and we will always look for the answers to be pure.
Science and Religion together as one both stories are right in their ways.
Vinnie Brown Feb 2018
I put my Mother through hell
Hurt my Brothers and my Sister as well
I dreamt about killing myself
Oh wait, it wasn’t a dream after all
I just didn’t see the all the things in the fall
I’m for sure no song writer
Except this is easily the ballad
Of me and my brain
And I think I’ve gone mad
I’m far too ashamed to do these things
When the world is watching me
It’s funny how the world
Seems to be acting cruel to be kind
For you all can name the values I possess
My mind still tricks myself
Into nothingness
I just hope the sun rises tomorrow
And I’ll get one more day
To pursue happiness
Vinnie Brown Oct 2013
If one heart fits another like a puzzle piece
Maybe yours could be the missing half to me
If puzzles and time are needed
We can fit these hearts together
We might have broken corners and ripped edges
Love isn't suppose to fit together perfectly
It's the imperfectness of us
That make us perfect
You'd light the night
I'd make the sunshine rain
I haven't seen it all but I've seen enough
Don't need a million miles to know the world is rough
We all have things we want to leave behind
Digging through the boxes looking for the pieces
The waiting will drive us mad and the wandering will break us down
Just hold on
We'll be ready when we get there.
Vinnie Brown Sep 2018
Feeling so misunderstood
Both too proud to admit
They’re feelin’ so low
Pretending to be okay
Not wanting the other to know they’re binge drinking just to pass the days

And she’s still day drinking
Claiming, she don’t know
Nothin’ bout that boy
She doesn’t need his lovin’ back anymore
What she needs is peace
Begging to feel like she did before
All she knows is she doesn’t love him

And he’s still sleeping
Not wanting to open his eyes
Claiming, he don’t know
Nothin’ bout that girl
He doesn’t need her lovin’ back anymore
What he needs is peace
Asking to feel like he did before
All he knows is he doesn’t love her
Little twist on a song
Vinnie Brown May 2018
I just want to help myself
Discover inner peace
Except that concept doesn't make sense to me
Life is exhaustingly crazy
We find ourselves fading
Always in the background
That's where were staying
To me I am the enemy
The summer nights
Pink lit street lights
Laughing in my face haunting me
Searching for self absorbed honesty
One thing's for sure, when I look in her eyes
I get nervous
I guess that's the Reaper's purpose
Vinnie Brown May 2017
And so, tomorrow
She will wear a white dress
To the funeral
As she buries the old
And from the hurt
Rises beautifulness
Not yet comprehended
Vinnie Brown Jun 2018
Who knew
That liquid courage
Can fill even the most secluded
With involuntary truths
Not remembered for days after
When the world blurs
And the rooms were spinning
When you and I were cruising
To mixed drinks and laughs
Too bad today we’ll pay
For the good times
Grinning through headaches
Knowing next weekend isn’t far away
Vinnie Brown Jun 2017
It would be quite a thing to see our hearts break and age like fine wine
Wanted by someone ready to get drunk in our flavorful taste

She's as dark as the red that stains my lips
Stronger than most highs, especially the glances from those eyes
We have this all, so let's just share all these best years

You're my drug of choice, not popping pills
As long as it's you, I'll never have my fill
Older now, seems to be we went from nothing to everything
Can't believe we never found each till we started running
Whites over red, seem to get to us
White dress and black tux, red just happened to be an accent, not sure what was the fuss

Do you recall? Those years
We didn't know each other's names
Just love drunk on red and white
Vinnie Brown Oct 2017
From the sunset highs
To the moonglow lows
Hopefully you find
Yourself dancing in the star fire
Surrounded in firefly kisses
Deserving of better loves
Soft glances and softer whispers
December welcomed lips
Playful Summer eyes
Sacrificial smiles
This world isn't exactly
What your heart expected
Regardless, your constant demand
To be free
How refreshingly bound to empathy
I can't help, but be attracted to thee
Vinnie Brown Aug 2017
We all have things hidden deep inside
And I am no king, no I wear no crown
But, you are still my queen that I've learned and my heart resides
You've taught me to trust
What lies deep inside
And, I still faulter in these desperate times
Still I weaken somehow
As time still slowly goes by
You refuse to let it tear me apart
Trusting the fears that lay upon my heart
For the day is losing light
But, you remain
Shining, oh so bright
Vinnie Brown Oct 2017
It's a drop dead lifestyle
Making a change here and there
Just too revert back to the same way
Lost in bad habits
For when love leaves you
The alcohol calls your name
And carefree feelings seem inviting
Can't fool yourself though
If there's one thing that you know
You're stuck in repetitions
Maybe it's just your nature
Regardless it's hard watching you do this to yourself
Vinnie Brown Jun 2014
I'm searchin', I'm hurtin', I'm workin'
How can you tell me that I stand above the rest
It’s up to you to wear the weight of that regret like a vest
I’m learnin' that workin' a nine to five was never my purpose, I’m certain
I’m going crazy, or maybe that’s what they made me
I wanna save the world, but can't even save me from myself
It's hard, I'm stuck here trying to follow up my Kindest Regards
I've been staring at this ******' blank page for 24 hours
This made me realize all the fake **** that I see through
This made me realize all the power in an I love you
Now everybody has a dream, see I’m just willing to chase it
This is your story you decide how it’s gonna finally be read
I'm nervous the verses that I write will never sound perfect
I'm here to show you writing can be so much deeper than surface
Stand up
We were the kids who weren't supposed to win so they can’t stand us
Think about it everyday I feel it's finally safe to say that
You could be the one to rescue
Rescue me, you could be the one to rescue me.
Vinnie Brown Dec 2019
Tear me limb from limb
Due to dissonance
Make sure to salt these wounds
Bury me deep in the ground
Where I feel so home
Beneath the stars
Vinnie Brown Dec 2016
Oh, you beautiful girl
You should never have to ask yourself
Why you were never enough
Vinnie Brown Mar 2018
What do you say
Wanna revel
In the not good times?
Vinnie Brown Nov 2017
As she was parting for the last time
She leaned up and gave him one last kiss
Flat footed, she straightened his shirt
Wiped away the single tear on his cheek
She tucked her face into his chest and said
“It’s noway to live empty inside, I just need to feel alive, and so I’ll take the risk even if I die.”
As she drove away, she wondered if she’d ever be good enough
I guess she’ll just have to find out in every tomorrow
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