The tears are yours, the pain is mine The wounds are yours, the blood which runs out? Mine. The fears are yours, the trials are mine The problem is yours, Just who the hell am I?
Standing within stone walls of a church A cross in front of him. A cross around his neck. It’s silver cold on his bare skin The only reminder he allows himself to keep. Of a past life he wishes to forget. The hole grows larger each day. And he is close to giving up. The memory of why he has it.. The only thing that stops him. But it is not the cross that he sees The final night but that of his guardian angel. He decides it is best to live without the cross But rather with what he saw Can he just let his past go like that? By just giving it away. And replacing it with what he saw. His past promises his future his life
A man by birth A hero by choice He gave his life for another, Saving someone at the cost of his own life: Life for a life, Brother for a brother, Friend for a friend.
A young child waits for him to come home.
A man by birth A hero by choice A son now without a father A family without a man A brotherhood without a brother A friendship without a friend A death tears the world apart.
A death destroys all.
A man by birth A hero by choice A friend during life A friend after death He waits patiently For friends and family alike to come home.
I feel so heavy…. My knees buckle the pain sharpens my chest explodes I should be free I should be happy it was my choice after all so why do I feel like I am dying still why is it heavier sharper colder….. you aren’t gone or are you? I sit here now regretting it Am I insane???
a thinker, an inker, a provoker, but why are they so much better, ballers, batters, singers, dancers, stars, why am I not that good liars, stealers, rule breakers maybe who I am is ok.....