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 Aug 2016 Vesna Rau
Little Bear
if only we would love  
with our eyes
and our hearts

we would not see
the outer shell

we would simply
fall in love with
the soul
the spirit
the heart
before us

for the rest
eventually falls away
Thank you all so so very much for all of the wonderful comments and kind words. I am so very grateful. I woke this morning to so many emails.. i actually thought my Mum had finally managed to use the email account i had set up for her and had sent me some messages :o)
but no .. haha bless her heart.. :o)

So.... again.. thank you thank you all forever, for all the hearts and all the love..
i feel it ***
 Aug 2016 Vesna Rau
Autumn Rose
The cold wind greeted
the hoarfrost that
evening as white
butterflies started to
fall from the dark sky.
Soon the pearly blanket
was spread across
the whole land.
It sparkled on the milky
moonlight, giving the old
willow tree a wooly gown.
Covering all the roofs,
the fields of corn and wheat,
the tall grass on the meadow.
But then she appeared,
sending fairies to dance on the
frozen lake thus melting the ice.
And with every step that she took,
snowdrops began to bloom.
 Aug 2016 Vesna Rau
Keith Wilson
Passed  a  neglected  garden  of  late.
It  seemed  in  quite  a ­­ sorry  state.
Some  men  came  to  make  some  notes.
But  seem­ed  to  give  it  little  thought.
Up  on  high  the  grasses  gr­ow.
Beneath  the  windows  row  by  row.
The  other  plants  just­ ­ cry  with  pain.
I  guess  we'll  never  grow  again.
They  ha­ve­  taken  up  our  space  on  the  ground
Like  an  advancing  ­army  I'll  be  bound.
They  are  taking  our  water  Oh  my.
As ­ they  journey  to  the  sky.
Perhaps  it  soon will  be  resolved.­
And  peace  will  reign.
Once again

Keith  Wilson    Windermere.  UK.  2016­.
Some revisons
 Aug 2016 Vesna Rau
Akira Chinen
I like pens that bleed
Ink that smears
Girls with scars
Broken parts
***** clothes
Stained sheets
The hint of blood
The taste of lust
The smells of love
Nights through morning
Mornings to night
Suns that sleep
Moons that dream
And all the pretty
You hide underneath
Those pretty
Pretty things
This world
Where paper money weigh more
And a person full of emotions
Has no score
Life has got stuck in social media
And true feelings stand no where
This world
Stands false in all scenes
Fake smiles is all we need
Stuck to petty things
Which don't even mean a thing
This world
Has become a tv screen
No emotions just drama
No miracles just fake dreams.
I hope for the real world.
 Aug 2016 Vesna Rau
Mary Pear
Drop it, mate. Just drop it! Drop the act.
The audience has gone, the theatre's closing.
Get back to the dressing room and change -
No! Don't change, just take the costume off
And hang it up behind the door.

Outside the theatre it's useless-
Prince Hal buying beans in the late shop,
Cleopatra tucking children into bed,
Madam Bovary putting out the bins.

You got the house and set the stage
Brought on the family and dressed them in their parts,
Planned out the series,
Laid the clues for story lines to come,
Dropped hints, blocked routes, built tension as
The plot evolved and let the story board grow legs.

It walks away and sometimes backwards, looking backwards
To the previous acts.
Draws different pictures from the plans
And looks back past the plans
To the producer and director
Asking why? And How?
And 'What's my motivation?'
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