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Veronica Ingram Jan 2020
There was a time I was laying beside you, with my arm wrapped around so I knew you were safe
It was the middle of the night and you were fast asleep
I lay awake, just to listen to your slow and beautiful breathing, treasuring every moment
It was too soon to tell you I loved you, so I whispered it once while you slept
Then, I knew I’d said it to you, but you slept happy

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Veronica Ingram Dec 2019
I miss screaming at the top of our lungs in the car at 3am with YOU
I miss laughing until our sides hurt with YOU
I miss kissing on my bed in the dark with YOU
I miss drinking way too much with YOU
I miss confiding in YOU
I miss sipping coffee on cold, crisp afternoons with YOU
I miss sharing oversized hoodies with YOU
I miss being melodramatic with YOU
I miss climbing mountains with YOU
I miss paddling choppy sea with YOU
I miss my friends

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I am so ready to go back to uni now!
Veronica Ingram Dec 2019
Running like children along the cobbles
You took my hand firm in yours
I followed like a puppy
To the phone box
Punching in our numbers
Echoed giggles seeping through the mock Tudor
Black velvet against my skin
Fumbling in the dark
Fumbling for a small grasp of happiness
Just for a moment
You pulled me close
Trembling in the cold
Trembling in ecstacy
Lips meet
Hearts race
And run again
Into the night
A night of promise

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Veronica Ingram Dec 2019
I’m at this party, but I’ve gone to hide.
I don’t know why I can’t handle these sort of social situations but they just make me panic.
I’m shaking
I feel some sort of social pressure I suppose
Makes my tics get bad
Every time I go to parties I end up hiding somewhere
At least this house is big
Plenty of places to hide

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Veronica Ingram Dec 2019
Now I’m high
And it’s still you on my mind
Missing you
Appreciating you

Teach me how it is to be you
Of your woes
And sorrows
All the beautiful parts

You are so precious
A delicate steel flower
Withstanding all of the storms
How can I compete with that?

I want to be a cloak for you
A transparent cloak
Protect you from the harshest of weather
But show you the wonderful world

You’re the tingle on my neck
The condensation in my brain
The scripture I abide by
The reason I smile  

If only you knew
The ways in which I could care for you
Im not giving up on you
My angel

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Veronica Ingram Dec 2019
And suddenly you were free
But maybe not for me
It’s besides the point
Your happiness is priority
Whoever you get it from
It doesn't matter
Just get it
Then take it and run
But in the case that it’s me
You’ve got it all
I care
But I know you know that
I’m no quitter
I don’t want to give up on you
Are you thinking about me too?

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Veronica Ingram Dec 2019
We hopped in
I was so full of emotion
Absolutely all of them
Lust, sadness, confusion
Your perfume overpowered my senses
Clouded my rationality
A little bit scared
But completely immersed

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