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 Mar 2014 Raquie
almost happy
 Mar 2014 Raquie
i feel like this is what i have to do
and please don't worry about me
because even if i die out there
then i'll be almost happy.

and if something happens
i want you to never forget about me
but move to the next best thing :)
because i want you to be
almost happy
daily inspiration. for anyone with a relative in the army.
 Mar 2014 Raquie
Nat Lipstadt
and I loved it...
the efficacy,
the efficiency,
obeying, used,
the being used
to muse,
all in one word,
verbed and j'accused,
identifying the culpritess
(for my M-use is
definitively a woman),

I say:
Please baby,
Please bossy,
Please sir,
muse me some more?

M-use me, use-me,
accuse-me, heck,
my tongue, my lips,
(especially, my lips)
your devoted

give me spiel,
words to make
them laugh,
groan and squeal,
do me baby,
one mo' time,
the big reveal.

you know I am
exclusive to you,
others get my body,
but only you
get my
my poetic

streams of screams

things I can
never confess,
peeve but at the hinted
whisper of them,
things that weaken me,
in the places
where poems
die stillborn,

the chord
just us two,
it, that chord,
wrapped round
my throat
choking off
my special voice,
cause you want
just those words,
My Muse,
all for yourself

and I can't say no
My Muse,
My Conscience
 Mar 2014 Raquie
 Mar 2014 Raquie
you are not a delicate lamb.
you are not destined for the abattoir.

don't look at them with doe eyes
hidden behind a film of your own pain
(as well as that of others).

if he touches you
don't take it gently.
don't let him push you down and steal the laughter from your eyes and the song from your smile.

you were not born to be slaughtered.
you are not a piece of meat.

you were born with a smile on your lips
don't let their selfishness take it away.
fight back
don't let them treat you like a lamb that's been bred for their pleasure.

fight back.

you are a pillar of strength
you are a goddess.
your body is your temple.

you are not a lamb
do not let them slaughter you.
 Mar 2014 Raquie
Leonard Cohen
I loved you in the morning, our kisses deep and warm,
your hair upon the pillow like a sleepy golden storm,
yes, many loved before us, I know that we are not new,
in city and in forest they smiled like me and you,
but now it's come to distances and both of us must try,
your eyes are soft with sorrow,
Hey, that's no way to say goodbye.
I'm not looking for another as I wander in my time,
walk me to the corner, our steps will always rhyme
you know my love goes with you as your love stays with me,
it's just the way it changes, like the shoreline and the sea,

but let's not talk of love or chains and things we can't
your eyes are soft with sorrow,
Hey, that's no way to say goodbye.
I loved you in the morning, our kisses deep and warm,
your hair upon the pillow like a sleepy golden storm,
yes many loved before us, I know that we are not new,
in city and in forest they smiled like me and you,
but let's not talk of love or chains and things we can't
your eyes are soft with sorrow,
Hey, that's no way to say goodbye.
 Mar 2014 Raquie
Salty Water
 Mar 2014 Raquie
If I threw you a line,
Would you catch it
So I could reel you back to safety
From the mucky waters
In which you are currently drowning

The salt in the water
Has chafed your once flawless skin,
Which is now
Red, peeling, sore.
Let me tend it for you,
So when I cradle you in my open arms
You won't hurt.

I know it's colder outside the lagoon,
I know it's hard to leave,
But if I lit a fire, we could
Sit around it together,
Singing sweet lullabies,
A blanket draped over your shoulders
As I rock you to sleep.

We don't have to speak,
I just need to know you're safe.
cliched metaphor, i know!
 Mar 2014 Raquie
hate to love
 Mar 2014 Raquie
the relationship was fake
you didn't feel her embrace
I was the last one you touched
so why is it that you have crushed
my heart all over again
I wanted to be more than a friend
you promised to message me
please don't disappear and flee
you're the only one I desire
a relationship built on fire
come over tonight and make me smile
even if it's only for a little while
don't read into it
 Mar 2014 Raquie
 Mar 2014 Raquie
if I killed myself tonight
what would you do
would you feel regretful
that you never said you loved me
or that you never felt the same way
and you were sorry for everything
but you never got the chance to say it
would you come to my funeral
would you cry for me
because if you died
I'd die too
and I wouldn't be able to go to your funeral
because i'd be lying in a grave next to you
and even though you'll never talk to me
i am still in love with you
and everything I do is for **you
I said you a lot
 Mar 2014 Raquie
I will never feel the same again
You left me half satisfied
I know you're the perfect ten
But that doesn't mean you should've lied

I wish we could've made love
And sorted out our emotions
But they pushed you away with a quick shove
And now I'm left with no remaining notions
Sorry I'm posting so many poems
I've just got a lot of ******* **** going on
 Mar 2014 Raquie
fucj OMG
 Mar 2014 Raquie
My lips are dry from the amount of times I've bitten them
Trying to stop myself smiling every time I saw your face
You're the ray of sunshine reflecting a windows ledge
The million dollar diamond prize, the greatest race
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