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 Feb 2012 Vandana
L A Rice
There is a rhythm between us:
Sometimes a quiet rise and fall
Of a tide unseen, unheard
A coupling of river and shore,
Sometimes the glacial beat
Of a spring thaw pounding through
Miles and years, demanding notice.

Yesterday I felt fortune crest in me
And drew it into safe still frames
(Of sturdy forest cairns,
Your voice in whispers and song,
Sunlight, word games, chocolate,
My hand on your back)
One day, abundant, spilling over.
March 2010
The Darkest Chasm,
the coolest dark,
The empty nights, of pillow coddling,
empty smiles, and days of hopeful longing
glances across the room at you
who I wish would notice me and come to my arms.
Nay, it cannot truly be
for you are deeply engrossed with another,
tho' he may questionable,
I sit idly by,
I pray soon my feelings are returned
 Feb 2012 Vandana
Mark Lecuona
The water will make you bloom
Though it will never posses you
It is your secret desire
You cannot live in it
But you need its touch
Its caress
Its strength
Its life
Then you can live without it
And show everyone your beauty
The petals bursting with pride
While the water silently vanishes
Knowing your secret
Living alone
But knowing its worth to you
The water draws your radiance
But dies each day
Only to live again tomorrow
Let me be the water
With my eyes
With my words
With my approval
With my love
With the whispers you cannot hear
But can surely feel
Let me give you life
Life that you share with all the others
All I need is my muse...
Stars, showing light
pinpricks through the
blackness of night

Tomorrow when day comes
the darkness vanishes without
trace and sight is found
in light

Moons, ***** of land
bouncing light through night
and day being there

Tomorrow when love comes
the faith builds and builds
to turn back is a joke, no
time here

Sun, the suns birth
light is birthed from somewhere
other than the physical world
spirituality grows.
Forever and always she made herself stand,
holding on to nothing but an ever-fleeting hand
Relentlessly holding an already shattered man
She blinded herself with his over-sized fans
Impressively outspoken she was nothing like them,
she allowed herself to simply comprehend
Always will you assume that which you "know,"
but please understand, this wasn't any puppet show
Never before had she really understood,
rhetorically she screamed at the deafening looks
Praying for more then a stiff right hook,
asking her nicely to move more than a foot
Bending and curling, spinning and twirling,
her mother never dreamed one day she'd be swerving
silver-tongued, smooth as they come,
she found a puppet master with more ammo then guns
One by one he strung them through,
he controlled every move she tried to pursue
Never did he think his strings could fall loose
One day they did and he was left with a noose
Puppet Master, haven't you heard?
You cannot put strings on this wild bird
She'll shake and **** until she comes untied
And when she gets out she'll stay out for life
Tiny dancer, break free of his song,
you knew you could do better, all along
Remember its true, just believe you are strong
And never again can they tell you 'it's wrong.'
Don't stress the small stuff, just move on
His strings are hers, and you're better off
Believe what you say and say it every day
The book can't continue if you don't flip the page
 Feb 2012 Vandana
Andrew Johnson
That ring is wearing you like hands on a steering wheel,
but darling,
who drives at 10-and-2 these days?
Try steering with just one hand,
or with your legs,
or with mine.

Because I'm exhausted by the sick, sweet smell of the garden after rain.
The fruit's only ripe until it isn't,
until it's rotten.
We were only tending a garden until we were tending a grave.
And you say that the more it rains the more it rainbows,
so stop thinking of rainbows as rainbows but as
light that doesn't stay together,
that's better off apart.

And if I'm ruining the rain for you, then please ruin something for me.
Strike me hard enough to dislodge us both.
Let the thunder fill the emptiness
that's filling us both.
And if the flood aims to drown us, let's not hold our breath.

Because with your hands on the wheel, you're just a passenger these days.
Because each night we go to bed hungry, and all you want is more silverware.
Because even when relieved of the dust we've gathered,
we're still no more alive than an album on the shelf.
 Feb 2012 Vandana
Jamie Dunlap
It was late in the day
The sun was busy hiding
Behind the towering city
He hid in the shadows

He stopped right next to me
We each nodded to the other
As if we had been nodding
To each other for years

We smoked our cigarettes
Watching the people walk by
We nodded as they past
That’s when I realized
I might be invisible too
 Feb 2012 Vandana
Jessica Walker
Sick of not knowing.
Sick of waiting.

It hurts to be alone
Knowing what it's like to be with you.

Running with no where to go
searching for the invisible

Like playing hide-n-go seek by yourself
You hide, but no one's looking

Watching sunsets alone
Wanting to share with someone

Then someone different comes along
Holds your hand, sings a song

You think you've found
what you've been looking for

A love pure and strong
Then comes a laugh

A laugh at your eyes
your loving eyes

"Didn't you know it was all pretend
Didn't you know I'm only a friend."

All a joke,
all for fun.

You search his eyes,
you thought you saw something there

but that warmth of love
was only the heat of passion

The lust for pleasure
the longing for satisfaction.

Far from the gentle tenderness
of a sincere heart.

But you will not be fooled again,
you will not be so naive.

You will move on past this hurt.
it will not fester and infect.

Stab and bleed it will
but it will heal

trust will come again
but slower, more cautious.

And then that longing will be fulfilled
not for satisfaction or pleasure,

but for love.
Love will come.

wait you will,
until at last.

you will find yourself  in the arms
of someone who truly cares.
A moment spent gazing into her eyes, is an eternity of wonder captured by the mind.
Time begins to mean so little in the grander scheme of this chaotic life.
My love for her is unexplainable, it just is.
There is no means in which words could ever depict the beauty of her gentle kiss,
or the touch of her sweet embrace.
This moment turns into an eternity of everlasting love-
A love spent lost in a lifetime of wonder captured by time.
From each and every pore look how the sun beams
On Your eternal dance
The dark side of the moon is bright
If You open Your mouth
Stars will escape and chant their hymns for You
You are they
Swiftly swans fly backwards
How can I imagine Your embrace
Without exploding in Your galaxy?

As gach póir Díot

As gach póir Díot scallann an ghrian
Ar Do dhamhsa gan chríoch
Taobh dorcha na gealaí is geal
Má osclaíonn Tú Do bhéal
Éalóidh réaltaí, canfaidh iomainn Duit
Is Tusa iadsan
Ealaí ag eitilt go gasta ar gcúl
Conas a shamhlóinn barróg Uait
Mura bpléascfainn Id réaltbhuíon?
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