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Dec 2017 · 225
He tries hard
To mask what he really is
A lonely soul
Seeking another
To share his life with
To make him whole
He will spend his last
To please her
Even if she didn't want it
If she told him not to
He would only do more
For Him
Dec 2017 · 232
The Chase
She drew her in
With a smile and a laugh
She gave her something to want
To make her forget
What was really important
She forgot her priorities
And left the ones who loved her
In the dark
All for the chase
Dec 2017 · 197
She told us she wasnt coming back
That it was her choice
But i knew
And i know
That some else
Is making her choices for her
Oct 2015 · 809
Love Lost
Burning desire
The eternal flame is lit
Never going out.

Love and happiness
Romantic feelings of love
Love everlasting.

The end is coming
This love will no longer be
Time for broken hearts.

The shattered pieces
Of a heart that was once whole
A love that was strong.

Who can bring back love
Who can fix this broken heart
Make it whole again.

A bitter black heart
An empty crevice a hole
Destroyed rotted space.

Somehow it's just gone
The end took it all away
Everything is gone.

Where'd the passion go
Why did the love disappear
Why did it just end.

Who will answer me
No one knows how to answer
Maybe there is none.
Jul 2015 · 565
Feelings of hurt sadness and anger combined
Can't find the words to say how I feel
I feel the storm brewing deep inside
Like a volcano about to erupt
A *** of boiling water
The most mediocre and cleshay
Way to say how I feel
Would to be to just say
Im OK.
Jul 2015 · 459
Beautiful people and beautiful souls
living in a world
Full of hatred and evil
Evil people and evil souls
Hell bent on doing wrong
Full of wicked intent
They hurt others
To block the pain
Without a care in the world
Little boys and girls
Frolic and play all day
Dreaming of one day
Growing up and becoming adults
Little do they know
Being an adult isn't a luxury
They lie and cheat and steal
Only to become old, alone, and destitute
Longing for the thing they can't obtain
Intangible and unachieveable
In the eyes of many these
Are the walking dead
The soulless entities
That walk the earth feeding
On the sadness and pain of others
Broken and unfixable
My only wish
Is that I never
Become one of them.
Any title suggestions?
Jul 2015 · 410
There's a flame
There’s a flame

Lit with in

A flame that burns for one purpose

There’s a life

Two souls meant to be one,

But Split in two

There’s so much pain

Heart ache, for the souls that are lost

A pain meant to keep the souls apart

There is an emotion


an emotion that is meant to be pure, but instead is manipulative and deceiving

Only because many souls have given up on meeting

So they began hurting and mistreating

Those who are naïve

Until it becomes a cycle of misleading

But there are those who keep on fighting

For that one who is meant to complete them

The one is meant to love them like they need them to

And at first it might seem strange

Because we don’t understand how someone

Could know what truly love is

That love is supposed to

Burn like the flame

Hurt like the pain

That you’re supposed to feel that way

Because that’s what love is meant to do

This emotion connect so many things

Not just lovers, but also friends

if you opened you heart and not your mind

You’ll find that love is very simple it’s not a technical complication or logically correct

It’s supposed to come with scars and bumps

But only because you’ll never know what’s good until you’ve dealt with bad

Love is not just a breeze

it’s a hurricane of emotions

But after its all say and done

You’ll find yourself in a place you’ve never been . . . next to the one
My favorite: “Dare to Be

When a new day begins, dare to smile gratefully.

When there is darkness, dare to be the first to shine a light.

When there is injustice, dare to be the first to condemn it.

When something seems difficult, dare to do it anyway.

When life seems to beat you down, dare to fight back.

When there seems to be no hope, dare to find some.

When you’re feeling tired, dare to keep going.

When times are tough, dare to be tougher.

When love hurts you, dare to love again.

When someone is hurting, dare to help them heal.

When another is lost, dare to help them find the way.

When a friend falls, dare to be the first to extend a hand.

When you cross paths with another, dare to make them smile.

When you feel great, dare to help someone else feel great too.

When the day has ended, dare to feel as you’ve done your best.

Dare to be the best you can –

At all times, Dare to be!”
“Dare to Be

When a new day begins, dare to smile gratefully.

When there is darkness, dare to be the first to shine a light.
When there is injustice, dare to be the first to condemn it.

When something seems difficult, dare to do it anyway.

When life seems to beat you down, dare to fight back.

When there seems to be no hope, dare to find some.

When you’re feeling tired, dare to keep going.

When times are tough, dare to be tougher.

When love hurts you, dare to love again.

When someone is hurting, dare to help them heal.

When another is lost, dare to help them find the way.

When a friend falls, dare to be the first to extend a hand.

When you cross paths with another, dare to make them smile.

When you feel great, dare to help someone else feel great too.

When the day has ended, dare to feel as you’ve done your best.

Dare to be the best you can –

At all times, Dare to be!”
― Steve Maraboli, Life, the Truth, and Being Free
Jul 2015 · 374
Little girl
Little five year old girl sitting down on the sand, watching the clouds go by.
She's got one toe in the water and her face's lit with a smile, lifting her hands up to the sky.
But the next thing that she knows before her dad yells 'it's time to go', there's something that went too wrong.
When she looks back to the sky, this little girl so shy, washed away, she's trying to be strong.

A miracle from up above just gave a little shove, the little girl opens up her eyes.
Mom and Dad both crying, the girl says she was flying, and before she had said her goodbyes... he'd said

Come my precious daughter, I know you're underwater, but right now is not your time to go.
I'll take you to the surface and there you'll find your purpose, take this chance I'm giving you to grow.
Take every moment like it matters before it completely shatters, there's something to you I've got to show.
But for now you've got a family, friends, you have a home, I'll see you next when your times get low.

Little five year old girl is now nine years down the road, lights and cameras all on her.
Little red flowers are thrown up to the bowers, she catches one and shows another smile.
She sees him in the crowd, she waves to him so proud, he shows her to the side so she can see.
She walks away crying, everything's so blinding, she yells to him for him to let her be.

He follows her to the house and as she takes off the blouse, a dagger is driven through her heart.
He whispers that he's sorry and that he's always worried, but for now he's done his part... she hears


Little fourteen year old girl is now five years down the road, tears are filling up her eyes.
The little face staring back is the something she had lacked, after she had said all those goodbyes.
The proud father takes her hand, the girl's reminded of the sand, back when she was washed away.
She knew the bundle in her arms would have all of her old charms, life was the game she was 'bout to play.

Three years later this little girl looks down from the sky at her, the father's pushing her on the backyard swing.
She looks up to her Father and she says, 'is it truly the time for me to be?'... and he smiled.

Little five year old girl sitting down by the sand, watching the clouds roll by.
One toe in the water, face shows her mother's smile, she reaches her hands up to the sky.
Her mother from up above spreads around her girl her love, the little girl closes up her eyes.
The father gives a smile and he sits down for a while, he whispers a short goodbye.

The girl looks back to Dad then starts crawling down the sand, says 'Daddy, no, please don't cry.'
He looks down to his daughter and then back over to the water, he can see his love in his eyes... he says

Come my precious daughter, go have fun in the water, now is not the time to go.
I know your mother loved you and every moment held true, I know that she wanted you to grow.
Watch the things that matter and never let it shatter, there's something to you I've got to show.
It's the promise that I'm here and that I hold you dear, I won't let your times get low.

And the girl felt her mother's smile.
Sorry its a song not a poem
Jul 2015 · 345
To live only to love
Like the blood rushing in my arteries,
Like the blue in my veins,
Like the way I speak of hope,
But like the way I lie in shame.

It's like the way I try to speak,
But no words ever come out.
It's much like a whisper,
But more of a shout.

Love is like a living thing,
That crawls within your heart.
It can turn you into a demon,
Or maybe a piece of art.

I only know what it's like,
But don't know what it is.
Whoever can define
A word such as this?

If love shall fall,
Then I shall cry.
If love shall end,
Well then so shall I.
Jul 2015 · 329
Is it love?
Is it Love?
There is this feeling
I get in my stomach
a certain person is around
part of me
Tries to close myself off
from the pain
of rejection
but the other part of me
opens up to let them in
will they see...
my dying inner glow of a heart
and try to fix it?
Make it bright and beautiful again
will they see
a week, pathetic, little girl
and throw her away...

Is it love?
or is it fear?
Jul 2015 · 360
Fighting life's battles
We fight the pain
Of our own
We fight the rain
Of the stones

We fight until our last bone breaks
We fight until the last one cries
We fight until victory we take
We fight until our enemy dies

We will fight on
On until there are none left to fight
We will fight on
Through even the coldest nights

We have fought many battles
But more still await
Many more bones will be rattled
But still, we will stay

As it gets cold
We won't stand alone
We stand bold
Chilled to the bone

As it gets dark
We won't be afraid
We will keep our heart
And stow it away

Out of enemy sight
Our hearts will be
At the highest height
Tall stand we

As it gets hard
We won't give in
We will walk far
Let out bones get thin

As it gets late
We won't sleep
We will keep a steady rate
Let the hills get steep

I won't back down
I won't give in
I will stand proud
I will live
Jul 2015 · 396
Currently contemplating the meaning of what he told me.
Left in a state of eternal confusion.
Tirelessly I seek not to control but to tame.
The look in his eyes is blank.
His unblinking eyes make me paranoid.
I wait for a reaction that never comes.
My hand reaches out to touch, his body is cold, like ice.
The man I love, frozen in an eternal state.
Soon he shall awaken, to reign  in his rightful place at my side, him as my King and husband, and I as his Queen and wife.
Until then I shall wait for his return.
Eternally and inevitably.
Jul 2015 · 464
Will you?
If I jump,
will you save me?
If I run into traffic,
will you be there to push me out of the way?
If I am alone in an alley,
will you protect me?
If I was locked in a tower,
would you be my night in shining armor,
rescue me,
and share true love's kiss?
Will you be my prince,
and I your princess?
If I was kidnapped by pirates,
would you save me?
If you save me,
will you let me save you in return?
Jul 2015 · 459
Who is this person in the mirror I see?
I have come so far, thought I was so strong.
The truth is I've just fed myself a lie for too long.
Jul 2015 · 480
What is the purpose?
What is the purpose,
Of being young,
If we just waste it.
What is the purpose,
Of having a life,
If we refuse to live it.
What is the purpose,
Of having a heart,
If we are scared to hurt it.
What is the purpose,
Of going on an adventure,
If we don't take the time to experience it.

— The End —