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Aug 2015 · 318
unknown Aug 2015
my mind is forever underestimated

no one sees the true sparkle i am making

they talk about me behind my back,but in front of me i become intimidating

everyday i'm hallucinating,

ground crumple beneath the wisdom i am sharing

little did i know how much i was suffocating

and when i knew,i let it be like i knew the end was closer than it may seem

heart pounding while the days are passing by me

it always sounded fuzzy to me,but why was i forever asleep?7

maybe its because of the way i was made?

god save me from this game

it becomes harder everyday

and the players less but that doesn't make sense..

maybe i am the one whose not making any sense,

i never put it this way before but maybe i'm the reason why,

the reason why everything around me seems never ending,

maybe its true but that is still senseless

what if it was all a part of my mind

playing games on me every night

oh god  i am so tired

always wondering when this **** will die

and let me be the butterfly that deserves to fly.
May 2015 · 319
I knew..
unknown May 2015
As I grew I knew..
I knew I was being used by all ..
I knew I was hated by all ..
I knew I had no control ..
I knew my existence was wrong ..
I knew I was in the dark for too long ..
I knew I had many scars to show ..
I knew they were too stupid to know ..
I knew I was tired of pretending to be strong ..
But the most painful thing is that the more I knew,
the more i realized I wasn't wanted it this world.
Pieces of my Heart~
Apr 2015 · 827
Where my demons remain
unknown Apr 2015
Can you feel my heart bleeding

I'm trying to find a way out and you're blaming

Blaming me for making you feel so mistaken

But the truth is that its not you fault I'm breaking

They called me words and you were just there starring  
They knocked me down and you weren't even caring

But now you come back and say that you understand

Understand the fact that I've been all by myself

Waiting for someone to get me out of this mess

But you know what the biggest mistake I did?

It was waiting for you or anybody else

I thought that they could save me but I was wrong

I felt so guilty but guilt isn't helpful anymore

And cutting myself was the only thing I knew

But now I see the world from a whole different view

Don't get me wrong I'm not that kind of human

I might seem reckless but I'm in fact just very clueless

I just needed care and it was the only thing I didn't receive

So instead I started harming myself thinking that somebody would believe

Believe the fact that I'm just not perfect

Look Me in the eyes and tell me what do you see

Cause in case you didn't know it's where my demons remain...
Apr 2015 · 11.7k
Mirror mirror on the wall
unknown Apr 2015
Mirror mirror on the wall,
    Break the logic and make me see a star

Mirror mirror can't you see,  
     the angel you're showing is a demon to me

Mirror mirror despite the truth,
     And show me a lie of my ugly bruise

Mirror mirror hide my scars,
     Maybe then I'll handle the fact

Mirror mirror can't you see,
    What you're showing is destroying me

Mirror mirror why are you so cruel,
    You've ruined life's without making a move

Mirror mirror on the wall,
     The ******* society is responsible for it all

                                             And you know what the funniest thing is?
                                       We blame the society and don't realize we are it.

— The End —