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 Jul 2013 Ugo
maybella snow
reminds me that i'll never
but its a constant      
and it'll never set out to hurt me            
it means  
that i can put my feet down          
and walk                  
at any time  
because gravity              
holds me there                                    
a never ending embrace        
forever reliable                    
so maybe i can't fly                                                
i'll walk
held in gravity's embrace

*~a beautiful nothing, my something~
 Jul 2013 Ugo
Katelyn Knapp
Sagging verses of the dead man's past drift aimlessly over
the peaks and valleys of her soul.
"Break my bones but not my mind,"
she pleads - no, whispers.
And now she cries
for revolutionaries deem her spirit weak and body fragile
in its current state of civil war.

Forgive me while I bathe in ice cubes
and brace my back against the wall.
The smokey glow grows weak, is thrown down
on shadowy depths of the concrete floor.

"Give me peace, no, bring me comfort"
in the form of coke and gasoline.
But before we dance upon the ashes...

I learned of saints and sinners from Elizabeth's ghost
and the truth about life versus living from Foreman's wrench.

Yet tomorrow's sunrise left soldiers
blinking at the pain in numbers
printed on fragile forearms and bright red shadows
singing lullabies.
Sitting with Eyes closed,
feet crossed, relaxed,
with mind and hands open;

Within the Void of the Screen
of the mental Non-stimuli,
something so curious
begins to unfold:

The Mind,
when left alone,
will construct for itself
a sort-of playground of thoughts.

These thoughts are not the Enemy;
they are indications and signals;
they are residual reverberations
of higher-dimensional activity;
that is to say, if I may,
of a higher-dimensional Entity,
the physical shell of which is Body;
unto itself a Chapel of Sacred Mirrors;
Organs, Chakras, Emotion, Reason;
a Vessel for something Greater:
Thy Godself is there.
(hiding within the Chapel of Sacred Mirrors)
The Godself is there:
(within the Chapel of Sacred Mirrors)
Allow thy Godself
to become actualized,
all else shall fall into place;
though not before it has all
fallen terribly out of place.

Thy Path implies sacrifice;
Sacrifice not thy Path.
 Jun 2013 Ugo
Geno Cattouse
 Jun 2013 Ugo
Geno Cattouse
When I think about  the time that I spent
Crying in my beer. juke box pounding
misery form ear to ear.   (Clint Black)

I sang you gone a million years ago .
there was a hole where you were already
so when you closed the door behind you
I had already sang you gone.

Just a sweet refrain, a diminished chord.
a bit of reality misting away oh lord.
That hole you left is a hole in my heart
cause baby I have sung you gone.

As the days tick by  I fill that hole
with busy things,you know.
Able now to feel the ebb and the  flow
Visions of our used to be's  in my music

lyrics that I write,They echo about you
they can only take me to the window
as I look for somethings new
I'm sorry darling,there is a new dawn   rising
cause I long time sang you gone.
 Jun 2013 Ugo
Five O'Clock Memory
 Jun 2013 Ugo
5:00 am

I wouldn't bat an eye
If you couldn't sleep a blink

Restless waves from a tossing mind
Thoughts lap its shores
and crash long the banks

What a beautiful memory
 Jun 2013 Ugo
Vaguely lit by the summer moon of dark blue,  pierced with light;  the river murmurs, the devils paladins; lies in wait for more than a thousand years!      the evening shadows pulling faces, the hidden window. Of worlds on a journey, a thousand years sad ophelia. Has murmured its ballad, the paladins are dancing. Sighing around her through this horror of space. The black gallows moans, and to all these worlds his black puppets weep on her shoulder, of an eternal voice unfathomable space; I no longer felt myself, I have seen malstroms eternal, devouring the green azores, where the eyes of panthers trembled to feel, down into the abysses! the black gallows moans.
 Jun 2013 Ugo
Verdae Geissler
This is one of the great memories I have of the, rare but precious, moments I spent with my daddy. I was all of,maybe, six years old. And this is how it went dow that night...

It was during a wedding party for my dad’s good friend Billy Phibin, where he and I would pull off more than a couple of our wonderfully delicious pranks.  Mostly though, we would put to test our excellent skill in ******* off his wife, while amusing all the  wedding guests. And with a style all our own,  we would leave our  mark on a couple of “celebutants” of the New York, Atlanta art scene. My dad and I were quite a team.
I am sure we left our mark, to this very day, on those silly chicks!

As I recall,  one of the two, along with a terrible fake British accent, and some funky 70′s, pre-punk eclectic outfit, was wearing this pair of truly, unforgettable, green sunglasses.
...The kind that would put ol’ Elton to shame!

My dad and I,  when we weren’t throwing bricks, with Harold Kelling, off the top of the old Atlanta warehouse, followed the two celebutants around the party, heckling them through out the night.
...Or, when we weren't reaching for the neon coca cola sign, which seemed so close I thought we might actually be able to touch it, we razzed and heckled the crowd.

The warehouse seemed more like a huge tree house, full of everything wonderful and exciting, than a downtown loft, in the worst neighborhood possible, and where a man might actually be mugged and left for dead in the street!

My dad and I had indulged ourselves in all the boring fun we could stand at this point. Plus, the celeb chicks were getting ready to leave.  So we set our mischief into action.
It was crazy.
Like syncronicity.
...We never planned a thing,  yet we both knew what the plan was, and what the next move was going to be.
So like we were one entity, and in unison, we followed those two chicks to their swank little antique convertible, where we inevitably ended up, absolutely, tricking one of those silly chicks out of her “funky green sun glasses”!  
Not to mention her phone number, for my dad, no less!
My daddy and I were on a roll!
We laughed and laughed as I put them on, then ran.
Wearing those funky green sunglasses!                                  
"Well, that was fun!", my dad exclaimed.
"What's next Daddy?", I screamed with delight!
With a wink and a smile, we were off again....
That is when we really did it up!
We threw it all to the wind!
..and the real fun began!
Hell, we were already in deep **** with Linda Phibin and Da Mama!
....why not have some REAL fun!

...So, as we watched the little antique sporty speed off into the distance, my dad and I set our plan into action...

Let me take a moment to explain the entrance to this loft. It had a very narrow and steep stairway, which led, abruptly, to the sidewalk outside.
So if a man were to loose his balance, it would pretty much be over!

Back to the scene of the crime...

I will, again, note that this staircase was very narrow, steep, and old.

If a man were to fall, he would, inevitably,
land, face first, onto the ***** sidewalk.

...As my dad got busy positioning himself to look as if he'd fallen down the staircase.
He went on to position his face and wine cup just right...
... with them both spilling out onto the sidewalk...!

Now, my job was to sneak back in to the loft's tiny kitchen to get some "blood" for around his mouth and hand.
Off I went...
... I sneaked past the front room, then past the swing, onto the kitchen, people smiling at me the whole way.
... never knowing what was up my sleave...
Finally, I arrived in the cramped little kitchen.
I proceeded, in stealth mode, on to the fridge for ketchup.

Hah! mission accomplished!

I was headed back to the scene, when the
bride caught me by the arm, as she was mixing up some drinks.
She smiled and winked.
...I will always think, because she knew my dad,
and by reading the look on my face, as I stood there with her bottle of ketchup in hand,
she secretly loved whatever  it was, we were up to!
So she gave me the go ahead with then nudge of her chin. T
Then off  I was, once again!
We proceeded to put the finishing touches on our grotesque scene....
... A scene that would most probably now, cause, even, me to have a heart attack,
were I to come upon it!
As I reached my dad, who was all sprawled acroos and down the stairway, I screamed, in my kid voice; "Mission accomplished, daddy!"
"Here's the blood!"
We squirted it in all the right places....
After everything was just right, I  already knew my next mission:
collect the crew, and bring them out to the horrific scene!
Now, I must remind the reader, that "the crew" consisted of my step mother, who had been fed up long before now, and then there was Linda Phibin, who'd been over my dad's antics since 1972!
They made up the "crew"!
Just so you know, they were acting as if they'd had less no fun that evening.
and if they had to put up with “just one more thing out of us”, they would both implode.
Thinking back now, I can say with pride;
The scene was perfect!
We had everything in place.
Now for the theatrical perfomance of my entire childhood...
...My dad looked like **** Jagger, or even Keith Richards during the thrushes of a major overdose, or perhaps Joe Cocker, on a bad drunk...
....With his head all ******, from all the ketchup we'd squirted all over the  place, there he  was.
.. My dad with his bloodly head hanging out into the city’s dark, *****, and dangerous sidewalk!

After, once again, climbing the stairs, I rushed in on the crowd.
I was a kid in hysterics!
I was screaming about, how my dad had lost his balance.
and was, now, lying on the stairs, bleeding into the street.
I led them back to “the scene of the crime”,
sobbing the entire way.

...It was better than we ever could have imagined!
They swallowed it all, hook line and sinker!
They were all freaking out, screaming for an ambulance, medic, anything!
I even remember hearing someone scream,
“Oh God, I think his neck is broken!”
...Then another scream,
”And so are his legs!”
I'll never know how he continued to lay there without cracking up,
but then at that very moment,  
my dad sprung to life, acting as if he were some kind of zombie creature!
They really freaked at that.
... crying and screaming, and freaking out!
Then they screamed some more...
...I was ecstatic, bursting with pure admiration and awe of my daddy’s brilliant performance.
I was walking on air knowing we'd pulled it off , once again!
Let's just say, the others were a lot less amused.
So we all piled back into the momobee.
Then headed home, with them scolding us, and ******* the whole way.
....Some things never change!

Even then, my dad and I kept our private little buzz going....

...on  Ketchup and Green Sunglasses!
 Jun 2013 Ugo
J McDevitt
Deep inside the heart collides
With the majesty that is the sun.
And polyps grow on feet below -
Where the grandeur is forced to shun.

Grey gritty gravel gets jammed
Between my toes,
And flies through a rolled up twenty
To stay wedged far in my nose.

If sinus’s are clogged like pours,
Scratched by a Cheetos finger,
The rocks get stuck and Id mocks
While the crush starts to linger;

Numbs the cavity where inside lives
A thousand hungry hippies
Sitting still until they see
A cloud up on a water lily.

So set out to feed their queen bee
Whom lives inside the skull
(And) demands, commands, yearns and pleads
To feel that numbing null.
 Jun 2013 Ugo
The Pond
 Jun 2013 Ugo
The sun was setting
While I was watching the pond
The cattails danced in the breeze
The call of crickets sounded through the air
Mingling with that of tree toads
Oh the joy of these Summer evenings
I was staring at the mossy floor
Of the pond
Tiny little fishes swam back and forth
Birds twittered
And swallows were flying home
To their nests
Tranquility is all around
Mingling in the coolness
Of the flowing pond
Beauty abounds in the silence
Of the pristine evening

 Jun 2013 Ugo
Painful love
 Jun 2013 Ugo
I think about you when I go to sleep,
In the morning your smile is the first thing I see,
All through the day I long to hear your voice,
Snuggling with you will always be my first choice.

Your hugs make me melt,
I could live forever in your embrace.
Your kisses make me shiver,
they take me to a faraway place.

Your arms wrap around me,
I feel safe and content.
Your arms wrap around me,
I feel treasured, like it is fate.

I've never experienced love before,
There is something unequivocal about this though,
I love you with all of my heart.

I love your beautiful smile;
with each and every quirky grin.
I love the way you bite your lip;
as if holding all of your control in.
I love the curve of your cheek,
the strength of your chin.
I love your heart;
the way in which you show it.
I love the way you stare at me;
as if you see inside my soul.
I love the fact that you understand me,
that you let me see the real you.

I love it when you laugh at my jokes,
let's be honest, they are not that funny.
I love it when we wrestle,
and you let me think I have a fighting chance.
I love it when you do something crazy,
just to make me laugh.
I love it when you get all dorky,
I promise to be dorky with you.
I love it when you call me each night before bed,
Ensuring that a sweet dreams be said.
I love it when you laugh,
It warms my heart and brings light to my life.
I love it when you get angry,
Because I know you would never hurt me.
I love you more than I love Reese's cups,
and you know that's a hell of a lot.
I love it when you call me sweetheart,
and I long to call you my love.

I love you, I love you, I love you.

I love you, because you are you,
and you are all I could ever want.

And yet my heart breaks,
because I love you,
and as much as that love is,
I can't tell you.
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