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Akriti 19h
वो चांद ही क्या ,
जिसमें दाग ना हो |
वो दिल ही क्या ,
जिसमें आग ना हो |
वो नींद ही क्या ,
जिसमें किसी का सपना ना हो |
वो धड़कन ही क्या ,
जिसमें  गूंजता  किसी का नाम ना हो |
वो नज़र ही क्या ,
जिसमें  किसी की तलाश ना हो |
वो मुस्कुराहट ही क्या ,
जिसमें  छुपा दिल का कोई दर्द ना हो |
Akriti 1d
ख़ुशियों से मेरे दिल को आबाद कर दो ,
गमो को मेरे दिल से आज़ाद कर दो |
अगर उम्मीद पर कायम है  ये दुनिया  ,
तो उम्मीदों से मेरा दामन भर दो  |
तुम्हारी यादें रुलाती हैं दिल को,
अपनी यादों को मेरे दिल से आज़ाद कर दो  |
Akriti 2d
There's a pain in my heart
It doesn't go away
Does it hurt because it's broken?
Or is it because you are the reason
Is this what you called love?
Making promises and then leave,
Tearing my heart apart.
My heart is pure, so was my love for you
You were too blind to see
Lucky are those who are being loved
Someday perhaps, it will be my time
To be loved.
Akriti 2d
Never looked at any other face again,
Nor did I travel the road of love again.
Locked up my heart, once and for all,
For you were, are and always will be,
My one true love.
Sun shone brightly and then,
Disappeared behind the horizon.
Stars twinkle all night and then,
They too disappeared.
Storm came and gone,
Leaving behind a trail of destruction.
But my love for you stayed like a rock,
Never faded nor disappeared.
Akriti 2d
Why follow when you can lead the way,
Lose your way you may, but never lose hope.
Accept challenges, never surrender,
Every time you fall, rise a little higher.
When one door closes for you, find a new one.
Love you may not find, but always look to earn someone's trust.
When you see a dark cloud,
Remember there is a rainbow around.
Don't be afraid of the dark night,
For, the night is the darkest
Just before sunrise.
Akriti 2d
I was lost in the darkness,
You brought me to light.
Showed me the world,
Through your eyes.
Your laughter fills my heart,
With new hopes.
Your soothing voice,
Calms my unsettling mind.
Your smile makes,
my world peaceful.
You are like my very own star,
That shines brightly in a moonless night ,
To light up my dark path.
Akriti 3d
I love no more, I hate no more.
I dream no more, I wait no more.
My time in this world is over now.
Now I rest.
Farewell to all my miseries.
Farewell to all my pain.
It's all over now.
For now I rest.
In the peaceful bed of death.
Farewell! O' my dearly beloved.
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