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The ginger cat, McDonald, shat
upon the oval office mat:
this bloated greedy ***** brat
is partner to a lying rat.

He spreads his faeces with this mate
to every swinging voting state,
aroma of their filthy musk
pervades our democratic dusk.

The whiff is an X rated smell
it holds the nation in their spell
it poisons all the internet
and makes free speech a paid asset.

Deposits of this feline clan
(their soft brown turds) have hit the fan
the stench is smelt across the globe
by Putin the Ukrainophobe.

The world gets hotter, vengeance trends
and no one knows where it all ends.
I'm afraid this is really just a piece of doggerel- but I hope it gives people a laugh in this a dire situation. It is NOT intended to be a sonnet but I have borrowed from the form.
Smelly cat comes from Phoebes song in friends.
I added a sub title - Kakistocracy i.e. a government run by the worst, least qualified, or most unscrupulous citizens. Kak means ****.
In Greenhead park's drained
  paddling pool
      a black cast iron water spout
        stands three feet tall;
a puddle of ***** rainwater
  reflects it's rusting brown base.
Red capital letters warn
      Don’t go into the Water when
        there is No Attendant,
      another sign says
        No Dogs.

This Victorian ironwork pipe waits
  for August
      when it will fill the pool with
        water and welcome
            excited, splashing children.
Round the shore
  families will
      enjoy vanilla ice cream
        or sit on plaid blankets eating
            ham sandwiches and blueberry muffins
      washed down with
          tepid coke.

I gaze at the sleeping iron spout and remember
  a blistering childhood August
      when the pool was full
          every day and
  no one thought about lifeguards
      or dogs.

  Ralph and I chased
      each other round the pool:
our bare feet felt
      rough concrete through
          the shallow water.
  He dared me
      to explore the overflow
  as it trickled into
      a dark York stone tunnel.
  I followed Ralph
      down the cold, cramped culvert
        to the starlight of distant planets.

  We walked through Skaro’s black and white
      petrified forest and helped
        Dr Who to defeat
            the Daleks
              in their ozone electric
                  metal city.

  Transported to another universe
      we boldly went
          to seek new people
            and civilizations.
    Ralph and I were
      red blooded Captain Kirk
          and green blooded Spock.

  In September
      school called us back to earth
  but the pool stayed
      full of water
        ready for
            winter ice.

  I walk past the hibernating paddling pool
      as it dreams of summer fullness
  and meditate on
      the roles I played
        after last paddling
            in this pool.
Greenhead park is near the house I grew up in. These thoughts occurred to me as I walked our dog Miley.
Some say,
love is a curse.
Some say,
love is a blessing.

For me,
it's a spark in the dark,
reason to rise,
and be alive.
Love don't need to be just romantic....
Familial love is beautiful and pure too...
My greatest teacher
is not wisdom
it's silence
Gerry Sykes Mar 2
snow melts
on the field-
muddy pawprints
dog walking in the snow
Advised me,
Keep your ears long,
Your tongue short
Eyes open ,
Now my friends call me a wise owl.
Our souls do what they do best. Speak fluently in silence.
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