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  Feb 25 Jimmy silker
Mark Bell
My Spartan woman
Strong of heart
Very tenacious
Smile so bright
My Spartan woman
My guiding light.
Woman of power
Astute of brain,
She’s my shield
When the arrows rain.
My Spartan woman
The queen of love
Even the stars
Look in awe above,
Lots of respect
Hold high in esteem
My Spartan woman has O C D
And just wants to clean.
Jimmy silker Feb 25
Dustin's back in training
For Marathon Man 2
They've got him on the good stuff
Should be enough to see him through
They got Olivier in hologram
Roy Scheider too
A miracle of technology
And a load of fetid poo.
dogs they know its walk time they can here there chain
they can hear it rattle its there walking time again
getting all excited barking at the door
happy has can be walking time once more

like going to the beach so they can have a run
running on the sand having so much fun
like to chase a ball  bring it back to you
doing all things that the doggies do

then its time for home to rest there tired head
then fall fast as sleep  in there doggy bed
dreaming of tomorrow so they can walk once more
having lots of fun on sandy shore
She says I'm an interesting soul
That gets my attention
Kyoto to Tokyo
New York City night

Tacos for lunch today
Soda lemonade
Salsa on my chips
Sor Juana's mystic flight

Quiet desperation
Lonely as the rain
In my solitude
  Feb 25 Jimmy silker
Mark Bell
There’s a place
On top of the hill
Where they prescribe me
My happy pill,
Through revolving doors
And up the stairs
All those drugs
They like to share,
I need my dose
I need my pill
In that place
On top of the hill.
Men in white coats
Are keeping me afloat
All I am is a sinking boat.
Waters aren’t calm
A wall short of a brick
That place on the hill
We give me my fix.
I know I have
my scarred flaws
Everything goes away
Through those revolving doors.
My old, out-of-tune piano,
when I play Metamorphosis by Philip Glass
through black-and-white eyes
speaks of me more truly
than a long, dramatic script.
Metamorphosis by Philip Glass One
I walk through the hopeless fields of limbo
and stop to smell hell’s fragrant flowers
As bodies burn in heaps below and paint the walls a bright vermillion
Limbs torn apart ceaselessly or beaten down by rain showers
I can’t wait to reach the circle that you’re still in
As I have been lost in a dark woods, I’ve been stuck here for hours
Is there any way to hate the game
and still win?
Lower myself and descend for you
I hope you'll remember my name
Lovers ****** for their lust is said to be cause for a bad fate
He claims to be led by love
Yet it's just the thing He seems to hate
So make me a raven, release the dove
I don’t care if I never rise to the world above
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