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  Feb 25 Jimmy silker
matt r
truer blues have faded
faster than today - but
all i can think of is you.
sometimes i think against posting these little three-liners; they can feel easy and unoriginal, but then i think that trying to flesh them out anymore would be stealing them of their true essence. who cares if they've been thought before?

today was a beautiful day, the sky was blue and the sun was warm, but i'm tired. i'm tired of pretending i don't think about you every time i close my eyes. i want you. this is all for you & i hope you never read this.
Jimmy silker Feb 25
This is not an exit
That what Brett Ellis said
In restaurant of conspirators
As the victims freely bled
The blood just keeps on pumping
Though they were slain
Months and years ago
For reasons half forgotten
Pushed down so far below
In the back alley
Or on Wall Street
The disconnection
Is the same
To remove what is not desirable
And make them take the blame.
  Feb 25 Jimmy silker
Marc Morais
I unspool the silence,
shed the smallness
in my head.

I take it all in,
let my voice swell—
and no longer ask
permission to exit the room.
Jimmy silker Feb 25
What would you do
If the aliens came for you?
If they landed and exclaimed
"We seek the one you call(insert own name here)"
Though no purpose they explained
Would you rush to their request
Acquiesce to their behest
Trust em cos that's who you are
An open heart
A mind ajar
The heart wants everyone to know
It welcomes all
It is not cold
The brain though is not so sure
Projected aims may not be pure
It knows our past in microcosm
What the tooled up
To the meek put on em
To collaborate or disappear
Safety now
Posthumous rectitude through the years
They may think you creations saviour
Or are here to punish your foul behaviour
They could want you for what you think
Perhaps they've heard
You like a drink.
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