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  Sep 12 Drab
Maya Fields
it feels like,
is of 3 three things.
You get hurt,
and they walk away fine.
they get hurt,
and you walk away guilty.
or occasionally,
not common.
and rarely to ever happen,
you both,
walk away forcefully
knowing that you both have torn each other's heart
knowing that you truly want to be together,
but it's not worth It.
and now you both, are hurting.
Drab Sep 12
High, I’m Dan

When I was high
I kissed this guy.
His name was Billie.
He was from Singapore.

I left hoo

NOTES – I’ll probably delete this after I stop laughing….
                   Matter of fact, I’m not even saving it………………………………
Drab Sep 12
My poems mean something to just me.
What others think about them …….
Their thoughts are free.

Turn about, is fair play.
As long as I apply it to what I say.
It’s not too late to change my mind.
It’s the other side that I can’t find.
Drab Sep 12
I hate it when you eat just over half the pie,
And the rest goes to waste.
NOTES - I'm hungry
Drab Sep 12
Metaphors and Parables
Is all I can mix
Throw in an analogy,
And I’m out of the mix.

Poems are for people
Other than me
Why can't I think of them,
instead of just me?
NOTES – none -sometimes
Drab Sep 11
Whether it's a zero
Or a one,
I can complicate the heck out of things.

It's what I do.
It's my, vocation.
It's all I have.

I cannot think.
I can only process
And give you MY answer.

aaannnnnnnd............remember..........everything.....­.as I see fit
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