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The Pidgeon Apr 2021
A broken heart is hard to mend
Especially when you become a friend
To the one you would die for
The one who makes the heart soar
The crashing of the feeling
Can send one reeling
Into the void of no light no love
Like a dove
Loyally remain
The emotions of pain
But also love
Endless, bursting love
Love for the one who killed my soul
The one who reaped my goal
Of being together
With the one that matters most and is my treasure
Leaves me to ponder
Where her feelings have wandered
The Pidgeon Nov 2021
You’re annoying and nagging, silent but true
How much I would like to live life without you
For all those years, no one knew
But deep down, you’ve always seemed familiar
Sometimes it’s hard, other times fun
But as of right now, I am done
When you are present
I feel a little different
All my friends are normal
And I am far from it
Sometimes it comes in waves
But let me just say, they do not go like the ocean
Other times it is slammed on me
And leaves in one two three
All those years we’ve spent together
I feel as though im a feather
Causing bad grades and more
All i wanted to do was go to the shore
All the bad grades get me grounded
Then all i feel is im surrounded
When i talk, people tell me to breath
But they don’t understand, i never can
I constantly feel like i'm under pressure
And i just want to enjoy the weather
All those times when i don’t pay attention
I truly try, and i look for affection
Some of those years, i fear all vanished
Away from sight, away from satisfaction
Most of the times, when i feel alone
It's those times, when i love my friends most
Some of the times, where I feel anxious
That my friends were distractious
I am thankful for my friends and family
Who helped me most through the hard times.
The Pidgeon May 2021
I promise my love, to always be here for you
To always be your light when all else grows dark
To always be your guide when you lose your way
To always be your reminder when you lose all hope
I promise my love, to always be here for you

I promise my love, I will never leave your side
You will never wonder where I am
I will always be there when you reach for me
I will always be here when you need me
I promise my love, I will never leave your side

I promise my love, I will love you with all that I am
I will always miss you when you least expect it
Always look upon you, even when you don't know it
Never give up on you, even if you give up on me
I promise my love, I will love you with all that I am

I promise my love, that I will be everything you need
I will be your shoulder to cry on
I will be your pillar to lean on
I will be your soulmate, now and forever
I promise my love, that I will be everything you need

I promise my love, that I will be loyal to you
Loyal in the times you don't want me
Loyal in the times you don't need me
Loyal in the times you need to be away from me
I promise my love, that I will be loyal to you

I promise my love, that I will love you always
No matter how hard it gets
No matter how lost we become
No matter how far we drift apart
I promise my love, that I will love you always
The Pidgeon Apr 2021
The darkness rages
The darkness has hatred
It suffocates and kills
It burns and mills
Preying on the weak and rejected
Devouring the meek and neglected
Never stopping to consider
That if none of this existed; we would all be bitter
From those who scathed and those who tore
Away at our pride and were able to sleep and snore
Safe away from this land
Where life drains and hope’s hand is not there for anyone
Never interfering; never helping
Never deciding always betraying and yelping
Darkness tears and darkness rages
Darkness has hatred and rage
Lying in wait
To prey on us like bait…
The Pidgeon May 2021
Perhaps it is destiny
To be alone endlessly
To fall for one
Who will stun
The love into a worthless
Endless mirthless
The laughter
Of the loved sought after
Love flies like a dove
Behold the love
Shared between the humans
Like a flower blooming
Bursting with love and pride
Of unity, decide…
The Pidgeon Apr 2021
The elements rage
Has been the fear of the people
Of what will happen next
The world seems hexed
The water roars
The wind soars
The fire blazes
The sky rages
As the earth crumbles
The ground rumbles
It seems there is no escape
But as the elements scrape
We realize they are just trying to be free
All is as it should be
Wait it out, they shall calm
There will be no bomb
The elements rage
Will not be caged
Forever uncontrolled
Forever untold
Stay away from the elements rage
For otherwise it will put you in a cage
Of everlasting plight
The wind’s might
The earth’s roar
The water’s war
The fire’s growl
The sky’s scowl
Upon the humans
Who put them into ruins…
The Pidgeon Apr 2021
As I sink into the snow
I feel like I should go
The cold is frigid
The margins are ridged
Of this world
Of snow and life hurled
Life exists in everlasting plight
Never giving time for hopes to take flight
Forever unforgiven
Forever misgiven
Given this story you may laugh and joke
But it is not for common folk
For only those who are lost and have been forewarned
To the waking world where there is light and warmth
No warmth, no breath
No hearth, but death
All hopes cease
To exist and all to please
This cold cold world
That ***** you under and hurled
All emotion far
Shall all those who land here
Be ever frigid and never come near
To others who have found themselves in this place
Of no dress and no lace
No earthly desires, only the memories of those loved
Shan’t exist evermore beloved
Kindled flames of love still live here
Glowing faintly so near
In the torrent of snow and ice
We are many but we are small; like a fox and mice
Like a lion and its prey
We lie in wait for the next day
When the sun will be fulfilled and we will find our purpose
And the hope of one who will set us free in earnest
Dwindles down to nothing and lifts us like a dove
But beware, for the concept of love
Is a dangerous thing
For it can break you
Or it can make you
So go forth, I have warned you, stay away from this winter
Run, run away from here, be a sprinter
Goodbye; farewell
Do not dwell
In this place of ice and snow
The place where you shouldn’t go…
The Pidgeon Apr 2021
As I sink into the snow
I feel like I should go
The cold is frigid
The margins are ridged
Of this world
Of snow and life hurled
Life exists in everlasting plight
Never giving time for hopes to take flight
Forever unforgiven
Forever misgiven
Given this story you may laugh and joke
But it is not for common folk
For only those who are lost and have been forewarned
To the waking world where there is light and warmth
No warmth, no breath
No hearth, but death
All hopes cease
To exist and all to please
This cold cold world
That ***** you under and hurled
All emotion far
Shall all those who land here
Be ever frigid and never come near
To others who have found themselves in this place
Of no dress and no lace
No earthly desires, only the memories of those loved
Shan’t exist evermore beloved
Kindled flames of love still live here
Glowing faintly so near
In the torrent of snow and ice
We are many but we are small; like a fox and mice
Like a lion and its prey
We lie in wait for the next day
When the sun will be fulfilled and we will find our purpose
And the hope of one who will set us free in earnest
Dwindles down to nothing and lifts us like a dove
But beware, for the concept of love
Is a dangerous thing
For it can break you
Or it can make you
So go forth, I have warned you, stay away from this winter
Run, run away from here, be a sprinter
Goodbye; farewell
Do not dwell
In this place of ice and snow
The place where you shouldn’t go…
The Pidgeon Apr 2021
As I slink closer, I spot a flame
A flame of kindled love, tortured and maimed
The flame then flickers
Once then twice then the wicker
Catches into fire
As the flame roars and the fire grows higher
I run in fear of this growing disaster
But then I realize, the flames are warm, the heat is plastered
To my cold cold body, I slowly grow closer to the dancing flame
I may be recalled this moment as when the reality came
I have been found by my purpose, to be away from here
I’ll never forget how it felt to be so near
To death itself, and endless cold
I found my person, my hope, my gold
So if you find yourself here,
Get a special person to lend a hand quite near
To this world where lost souls go
Where we bend low
With self doubt and self hate
Brewing in anger and not quite great
So find your mate
And don’t brew your hate
Stay away
Far away from this world of which all betray
Goodbye; farewell
Do not dwell
In this land of ice and snow
The Pidgeon Apr 2021
As I slink closer, I spot a flame
A flame of kindled love, tortured and maimed
The flame then flickers
Once then twice then the wicker
Catches into fire
As the flame roars and the fire grows higher
I run in fear of this growing disaster
But then I realize, the flames are warm, the heat is plastered
To my cold cold body, I slowly grow closer to the dancing flame
I may be recalled this moment as when the reality came
I have been found by my purpose, to be away from here
I’ll never forget how it felt to be so near
To death itself, and endless cold
I found my person, my hope, my gold
So if you find yourself here,
Get a special person to lend a hand quite near
To this world where lost souls go
Where we bend low
With self doubt and self hate
Brewing in anger and not quite great
So find your mate
And don’t brew your hate
Stay away
Far away from this world of which all betray
Goodbye; farewell
Do not dwell
In this land of ice and snow
The Pidgeon Oct 2021
Farewell, Goodbye
I am not here for another try
I am here to leave,
No one will ever care, weave
My words however you wish
I'll always love you, forever nonchalant
I care for you, even if you don't for me,
I need you forever see,
You don't want me
I need you, need you to see
Why you can never be mine...
The Pidgeon Apr 2021
As my heart aches
Falls apart and breaks
I feel at peace
My emotions cease
I exist in solitary
Forever wary
Of things to haunt me
As I nestle into to a fir tree
I felt broken
I felt stolen
By the girl who
Whisked my heart askew
As I stare into my despair
I tell you beware
Of the heartbroken world
That is worse than the underworld
Endless darkness
Endless starkness
Nothing to feel
Nothing to conceal
That nothing is worse
Than the broken heart curse
The Pidgeon Apr 2021
As my heart aches
Falls apart and breaks
I feel at peace
My emotions cease
I exist in solitary
Forever wary
Of things to haunt me
As I nestle into to a fir tree
I felt broken
I felt stolen
By the girl who
Whisked my heart askew
As I stare into my despair
I tell you beware
Of the heartbroken world
That is worse than the underworld
Endless darkness
Endless starkness
Nothing to feel
Nothing to conceal
That nothing is worse
Than the broken heart curse
i need support my father died and my girlfriend broke up with me plz like and love
The Pidgeon Apr 2021
As my heart aches
Falls apart and breaks
I feel at peace
My emotions cease
I exist in solitary
Forever wary
Of things to haunt me
As I nestle into to a fir tree
I felt broken
I felt stolen
By the girl who
Whisked my heart askew
As I stare into my despair
I tell you beware
Of the heartbroken world
That is worse than the underworld
Endless darkness
Endless starkness
Nothing to feel
Nothing to conceal
That nothing is worse
Than the broken heart curse
Recently I've been feeling down, my dad died, my girlfriend dumped me and my self esteem is low, plz support
The Pidgeon May 2021
As my heart aches
Falls apart and breaks
I feel at peace
My emotions cease
I exist in solitary
Forever wary
Of things to haunt me
As I nestle into to a fir tree
I felt broken
I felt stolen
By the girl who
Whisked my heart askew
As I stare into my despair
I tell you beware
Of the heartbroken world
That is worse than the underworld
Endless darkness
Endless starkness
Nothing to feel
Nothing to conceal
That nothing is worse
Than the broken heart curse
The Pidgeon Apr 2021
As my heart aches
Falls apart and breaks
I feel at peace
My emotions cease
I exist in solitary
Forever wary
Of things to haunt me
As I nestle into to a fir tree
I felt broken
I felt stolen
By the girl who
Whisked my heart askew
As I stare into my despair
I tell you beware
Of the heartbroken world
That is worse than the underworld
Endless darkness
Endless starkness
Nothing to feel
Nothing to conceal
That nothing is worse
Than the broken heart curse
Like it plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
The Pidgeon Apr 2021
As my heart aches
Falls apart and breaks
I feel at peace
My emotions cease
I exist in solitary
Forever wary
Of things to haunt me
As I nestle into to a fir tree
I felt broken
I felt stolen
By the girl who
Whisked my heart askew
As I stare into my despair
I tell you beware
Of the heartbroken world
That is worse than the underworld
Endless darkness
Endless starkness
Nothing to feel
Nothing to conceal
That nothing is worse
Than the broken heart curse
I need to make the front page plz
The Pidgeon Apr 2021
As my heart aches
Falls apart and breaks
I feel at peace
My emotions cease
I exist in solitary
Forever wary
Of things to haunt me
As I nestle into to a fir tree
I felt broken
I felt stolen
By the girl who
Whisked my heart askew
As I stare into my despair
I tell you beware
Of the heartbroken world
That is worse than the underworld
Endless darkness
Endless starkness
Nothing to feel
Nothing to conceal
That nothing is worse
Than the broken heart curse
The Pidgeon May 2021
As my heart aches
Falls apart and breaks
I feel at peace
My emotions cease
I exist in solitary
Forever wary
Of things to haunt me
As I nestle into to a fir tree
I felt broken
I felt stolen
By the girl who
Whisked my heart askew
As I stare into my despair
I tell you beware
Of the heartbroken world
That is worse than the underworld
Endless darkness
Endless starkness
Nothing to feel
Nothing to conceal
That nothing is worse
Than the broken heart curse
The Pidgeon Apr 2021
When my heart beats
I see you every moment, every sweet
Moment spent with you
I hope you feel this too
The endless, incredible love
That encompasses all above
Everything and every moment spent thinking about us
I wish I could discuss
My feelings with you, darling
My wonderful girl, my bright starling
Anything I would do
To get close to you
At any moment this may end
You may ascend into a better place
Than this terrible race
For power and leadership
But I only want a partner, a fellowship
For you, my dear
I will always want you near
Keep close
Do not boast
For at any moment this fragile thing
This thing called love, may cling
Onto one but not the other
To be your lover
Is such an amazing feat
That makes me want to jump and gleat
For joy and sorrow
That this may end so soon as tomorrow
Keep close
And know that I will always love you the most…
The Pidgeon Sep 2021
I’m helpless
I’m lost
I can’t help but wonder if my grief is passionless,
I’m drowning, drowning in heartbreak, for what cost is this pain
Help me, save me
Sinking is the ocean of sadness
Can’t you see
I’m helpless, I’m breathless
In the light of your rejection
I lose my sanity
My affection
Has lead me astray, humanity
Must want me to fail,
They must not appreciate
My efforts, and only to have a nail
Pierce my heart, this must be my fate
Forever lost
For what cost…
The Pidgeon Apr 2021
To be lonely
Is to be the only
In a world of nothingness
In a universe of emptiness
Forever dark
Forever stark
Void of emotion
Like an ocean
Drowning and thrashing
Pulled under trapped, splashing
Evermore in dull, lifeless turmoil
Hopes completely spoil
Whenever I fight,
Try I might
No success exists in this dimension of solitude
Fail and fail, all efforts subdued
No happiness whilst still drowning
In my own self, forever frowning
Lonely is not forever
For when one ignites the spirit whether
Dim nor bright, one is torn out of the world
Where all hope dies, all goodness hurled
Right out of this place
Where souls embrace
The ever growing feeling
Of no escape and no healing
From this everlasting destruction
Of one's construction
So as I sit here pondering
Where I could have been wandering
If I weren’t alone
I wouldn’t have been blown
So off course from my desire
My soul being thrown into a fire
Never to be seen again
By the bright sun to reign
My heart taken
We all died long ago forsaken
Desolate and bleak plains
Forced to wander, forever maimed
All this because of one soul that cast me here
So stay away, do not come near
For this is eternal separation
Igniting all frustration
Like a circle with no center
Like a door marked Do Not Enter
The Pidgeon Apr 2021
Love is a difficult thing to keep
The hill you must climb is very steep
The hardship, the work, the pain, the tears
All for love’s presence near
To take away all mourning
All sadness, but beware there will be no warning
When love decides to leave you alone
Then you will have known
What it feels like to be heartbroken
There are dangers to keeping one’s heart open
Beware of love
For it may be a hopeful dove
Or a crushing hand
That sweeps all fears
Quite near
To where your raw emotions dwell
Where you’re put into a spell
Of everlasting loneliness
Of never ending harmonious
Screeching and biting
Crashing and fighting
Over the last shreds of love
That fly away like doves…
The Pidgeon Apr 2021
Love is like a breeze
It flows in and brings you to your knees
Anytime you try to stand
You sink like the ground is made of quicksand
Sinking, sinking, down you go
Into the place where the birds crow
A melancholy tune
When you start to swoon
But when you do,
You are put in the queue
For everlasting aches
Of which your heart shall break
When you find your love
It lifts you like a dove
Out of this place
Where there will be no embrace
If you find your mate
I hope you’ll remember,
That all of us are stuck here with no end of December
Forever cold
Forever told
The stories of our plights
That will give you frights
This is no place for the forgiven
Only the misgiven
For if you stumble here
You will known not to come near
Because of us
The world is thus
In turn, everyone finds their way to this world
And all is lost and all is hurled
Right out of mind with all pleasant thoughts
All your hopes are in tight knots
All bundled away, forever gone
Forever dawn
Waiting for the soul
To crawl out of this hole
Of despair and darkness
Of blankness and starkness
Nothing is well
All is ill and do not tell
Others of this hole
That sweeps them down and tears their hearts
So stay away from this place of ****
It is very sour
So stay far from this hour
Where all souls go at some point
To find their joint
To help them find
Something that will bind
Them to the waking world
And away from this furled
Dimension of lost souls
So stay away or fall into the hole
Of despair and traps for the emotions
Like many oceans
Drowning and thrashing
Splashing and crashing
Away from the lasting land
Away from the lasting hand
Held out to help
But instead lets out a yelp
And draws back in fright
Of the waves might
Forever lost
Forever tossed
Left and right through the waves
Everlasting graves
Of those who were trapped too long
And gave up, their hearts go along
To live free with their souls
That were lost forever in this deep dark hole…
The Pidgeon Apr 2021
Love is like a breeze
It flows in and brings you to your knees
Anytime you try to stand
You sink like the ground is made of quicksand
Sinking, sinking, down you go
Into the place where the birds crow
A melancholy tune
When you start to swoon
But when you do,
You are put in the queue
For everlasting aches
Of which your heart shall break
When you find your love
It lifts you like a dove
Out of this place
Where there will be no embrace
If you find your mate
I hope you’ll remember,
That all of us are stuck here with no end of December
Forever cold
Forever told
The stories of our plights
That will give you frights
This is no place for the forgiven
Only the misgiven
For if you stumble here
You will known not to come near
Because of us
The world is thus
In turn, everyone finds their way to this world
And all is lost and all is hurled
Right out of mind with all pleasant thoughts
All your hopes are in tight knots
All bundled away, forever gone
Forever dawn
Waiting for the soul
To crawl out of this hole
Of despair and darkness
Of blankness and starkness
Nothing is well
All is ill and do not tell
Others of this hole
That sweeps them down and tears their hearts
So stay away from this place of ****
It is very sour
So stay far from this hour
Where all souls go at some point
To find their joint
To help them find
Something that will bind
Them to the waking world
And away from this furled
Dimension of lost souls
So stay away or fall into the hole
Of despair and traps for the emotions
Like many oceans
Drowning and thrashing
Splashing and crashing
Away from the lasting land
Away from the lasting hand
Held out to help
But instead lets out a yelp
And draws back in fright
Of the waves might
Forever lost
Forever tossed
Left and right through the waves
Everlasting graves
Of those who were trapped too long
And gave up, their hearts go along
To live free with their souls
That were lost forever in this deep dark hole…
The Pidgeon Apr 2021
Love is like a breeze
It flows in and brings you to your knees
Anytime you try to stand
You sink like the ground is made of quicksand
Sinking, sinking, down you go
Into the place where the birds crow
A melancholy tune
When you start to swoon
But when you do,
You are put in the queue
For everlasting aches
Of which your heart shall break
When you find your love
It lifts you like a dove
Out of this place
Where there will be no embrace
If you find your mate
I hope you’ll remember,
That all of us are stuck here with no end of December
Forever cold
Forever told
The stories of our plights
That will give you frights
This is no place for the forgiven
Only the misgiven
For if you stumble here
You will known not to come near
Because of us
The world is thus
In turn, everyone finds their way to this world
And all is lost and all is hurled
Right out of mind with all pleasant thoughts
All your hopes are in tight knots
All bundled away, forever gone
Forever dawn
Waiting for the soul
To crawl out of this hole
Of despair and darkness
Of blankness and starkness
Nothing is well
All is ill and do not tell
Others of this hole
That sweeps them down and tears their hearts
So stay away from this place of ****
It is very sour
So stay far from this hour
Where all souls go at some point
To find their joint
To help them find
Something that will bind
Them to the waking world
And away from this furled
Dimension of lost souls
So stay away or fall into the hole
Of despair and traps for the emotions
Like many oceans
Drowning and thrashing
Splashing and crashing
Away from the lasting land
Away from the lasting hand
Held out to help
But instead lets out a yelp
And draws back in fright
Of the waves might
Forever lost
Forever tossed
Left and right through the waves
Everlasting graves
Of those who were trapped too long
And gave up, their hearts go along
To live free with their souls
That were lost forever in this deep dark hole…
Plz like, I need support, I am in depression
The Pidgeon Apr 2021
Love is like a breeze
It flows in and brings you to your knees
Anytime you try to stand
You sink like the ground is made of quicksand
Sinking, sinking, down you go
Into the place where the birds crow
A melancholy tune
When you start to swoon
But when you do,
You are put in the queue
For everlasting aches
Of which your heart shall break
When you find your love
It lifts you like a dove
Out of this place
Where there will be no embrace
If you find your mate
I hope you’ll remember,
That all of us are stuck here with no end of December
Forever cold
Forever told
The stories of our plights
That will give you frights
This is no place for the forgiven
Only the misgiven
For if you stumble here
You will known not to come near
Because of us
The world is thus
In turn, everyone finds their way to this world
And all is lost and all is hurled
Right out of mind with all pleasant thoughts
All your hopes are in tight knots
All bundled away, forever gone
Forever dawn
Waiting for the soul
To crawl out of this hole
Of despair and darkness
Of blankness and starkness
Nothing is well
All is ill and do not tell
Others of this hole
That sweeps them down and tears their hearts
So stay away from this place of ****
It is very sour
So stay far from this hour
Where all souls go at some point
To find their joint
To help them find
Something that will bind
Them to the waking world
And away from this furled
Dimension of lost souls
So stay away or fall into the hole
Of despair and traps for the emotions
Like many oceans
Drowning and thrashing
Splashing and crashing
Away from the lasting land
Away from the lasting hand
Held out to help
But instead lets out a yelp
And draws back in fright
Of the waves might
Forever lost
Forever tossed
Left and right through the waves
Everlasting graves
Of those who were trapped too long
And gave up, their hearts go along
To live free with their souls
That were lost forever in this deep dark hole…
The Pidgeon Sep 2021
Love is like a breeze
It flows in and brings you to your knees
Anytime you try to stand
You sink like the ground is made of quicksand
Sinking, sinking, down you go
Into the place where the birds crow
A melancholy tune
When you start to swoon
But when you do,
You are put in the queue
For everlasting aches
Of which your heart shall break
When you find your love
It lifts you like a dove
Out of this place
Where there will be no embrace
If you find your mate
I hope you’ll remember,
That all of us are stuck here with no end of December
Forever cold
Forever told
The stories of our plights
That will give you frights
This is no place for the forgiven
Only the misgiven
For if you stumble here
You will know not to come near
Because of us
The world is thus
In turn, everyone finds their way to this world
And all is lost and all is hurled
Right out of mind with all pleasant thoughts
All your hopes are in tight knots
All bundled away, forever gone
Forever dawn
Waiting for the soul
To crawl out of this hole
Of despair and darkness
Of blankness and starkness
Nothing is well
All is ill and do not tell
Others of this hole
That sweeps them down and tears their hearts
So stay away from this place of ****
It is very sour
So stay far from this hour
Where all souls go at some point
To find their joint
To help them find
Something that will bind
Them to the waking world
And away from this furled
Dimension of lost souls
So stay away or fall into the hole
Of despair and traps for the emotions
Like many oceans
Drowning and thrashing
Splashing and crashing
Away from the lasting land
Away from the lasting hand
Held out to help
But instead lets out a yelp
And draws back in fright
Of the waves might
Forever lost
Forever tossed
Left and right through the waves
Everlasting graves
Of those who were trapped too long
And gave up, their hearts go along
To live free with their souls
That were lost forever in this deep dark hole…
The Pidgeon Apr 2021
Love is like a breeze
It flows in and brings you to your knees
Anytime you try to stand
You sink like the ground is made of quicksand
Sinking, sinking, down you go
Into the place where the birds crow
A melancholy tune
When you start to swoon
But when you do,
You are put in the queue
For everlasting aches
Of which your heart shall break
When you find your love
It lifts you like a dove
Out of this place
Where there will be no embrace
If you find your mate
I hope you’ll remember,
That all of us are stuck here with no end of December
Forever cold
Forever told
The stories of our plights
That will give you frights
This is no place for the forgiven
Only the misgiven
For if you stumble here
You will known not to come near
Because of us
The world is thus
In turn, everyone finds their way to this world
And all is lost and all is hurled
Right out of mind with all pleasant thoughts
All your hopes are in tight knots
All bundled away, forever gone
Forever dawn
Waiting for the soul
To crawl out of this hole
Of despair and darkness
Of blankness and starkness
Nothing is well
All is ill and do not tell
Others of this hole
That sweeps them down and tears their hearts
So stay away from this place of ****
It is very sour
So stay far from this hour
Where all souls go at some point
To find their joint
To help them find
Something that will bind
Them to the waking world
And away from this furled
Dimension of lost souls
So stay away or fall into the hole
Of despair and traps for the emotions
Like many oceans
Drowning and thrashing
Splashing and crashing
Away from the lasting land
Away from the lasting hand
Held out to help
But instead lets out a yelp
And draws back in fright
Of the waves might
Forever lost
Forever tossed
Left and right through the waves
Everlasting graves
Of those who were trapped too long
And gave up, their hearts go along
To live free with their souls
That were lost forever in this deep dark hole…
I need support, I'm in depression and would like to get to the front page
The Pidgeon May 2021
I’m sorry for hurting you
I’m sorry for rushing this through
I shouldn’t have done it
I hope I can admit
That I was wrong
And my common sense wasn’t strong
To see the clues
That were placed few
To tell me, warn me
That I should have stayed away from the concept of we
So go, brew in your hate
Of the open gate
Of my love
That soars like a dove
When I see you, I feel at peace
And all bad things cease
But if you do not want me
Then go and flee
Back to where I can never go
Where you will glow
Just out of my reach
******* my despair like a leech
All hope lost
All love clinged onto at any cost
Go far away
While I pray
That things would have been changed
To a better reality arranged…
The Pidgeon May 2021
I’m sorry for hurting you
I’m sorry for rushing this through
I shouldn’t have done it
I hope I can admit
That I was wrong
And my common sense wasn’t strong
To see the clues
That were placed few
To tell me, warn me
That I should have stayed away from the concept of we
So go, brew in your hate
Of the open gate
Of my love
That soars like a dove
When I see you, I feel at peace
And all bad things cease
But if you do not want me
Then go and flee
Back to where I can never go
Where you will glow
Just out of my reach
******* my despair like a leech
All hope lost
All love clinged onto at any cost
Go far away
While I pray
That things would have been changed
To a better reality arranged…
The Pidgeon Sep 2021
Peter is funny

Peter is cool

Peter is anything besides a fool

Peter is smart

Peter is good at art

He is the key to my heart

Me and peter could never be apart

Peter is my friend

Just us two until the end
The Pidgeon Oct 2021
Your skin glows like the blossoms, beautiful as the daisy in the purest hope of spring.
My yearning heart rises to your flute voice and leaps like a gazelle at the whisper of your name, Julia.
The evening ascends in on a great dove wing.
I am calmed by your fitted gown that I carry into the twilight of starbeams and hold next to my eyes.
I am filled with hope that I may dry your tears of honey.
As my eyes fall from your eyes, I am reminded of your smile.
In the hushed, I listen for the last splash of the spring.
My heated heart breathes inside my soul. I wait in the crystal moonlight for your secret appearance so that we may race as one, heart to heart, in search of the glorious blue sensual wings of love.
The Pidgeon Sep 2021
No hope
No light
No way to cope
No salvation in sight
I’m engulfed,
In my own end result
I’m bounded
By my own rejection
My failures
Like I have an infection
My faults outnumber
The stars in the sky
I want to hold you
I don’t want to lose you
You are my whole world, whisked for the new
Why do you hate me, my whole self crashing down, askew
My emotions flew
Now they die
Now they will never look at you
The same way, no matter how much I try
Goodbye, forever
To the souls of the people who hate
The souls of those who sever
My ties with happiness, I give in to fate…
The Pidgeon Oct 2021
It lives like a burning flame
Inside me, inside us all
Passion is the light to the dark world we became
Passion fuels the call
Of need to others
From rich to poor
Old to young, fathers or mothers
We all have a candle of passion some less some more
It is what we chose to do with the passion that defines us
You may ignore this, throw it away
But those who cherish this knowledge will prosper, thus
Helping their lives to bloom with no gray…
The Pidgeon Oct 2021
Persist I may
Till day after day
I need you forever
I won’t give up not ever
Never quitting
Words never quite fitting
I need to say it
I need you, bit by bit
I’ll win you over, you just wait
I will have you forever, we could skate
We could bike
We could travel the world on a hike
We could be a we
And not an I, see
I need a companion
Someone who won’t say goodbye,
My love is not for sale nobody could buy
It belongs to you and you alone
Forever captured by your beauty at a glance, I’ve known
This for a while, needing you is like walking
I know it well, I do it all the time, and talking
Is how I know
You are the right one for me, don’t cause me woe
I am not your enemy
I just want you forever, breathlessly
You seem too good for me
I don’t deserve you honestly
You are like a star
You can tower as far
As you could go, but never reach it
Never get it, bit by bit
You realize, it was never happening
But I hope that will not be the case with you and me, maddening
As I am, I hope you will see,
How much you mean to me…
The Pidgeon Apr 2021
Persist I might
But I cannot escape my plight
Where the dread grows
And it forever snows
All the fruitless efforts are lost
All the tries have cost
Us our sanity and wit
Our knowledge and hopes split
Into pieces just like
That were cast from pleasantness into darts
Sliced and slashed
Tossed and thrashed
Like an uncontrollable ocean
Lost all of our notion
Of escaping this prison
So stay afar, and keep your hopes risen
For of this place there is no return
No exit and to always yearn
The Pidgeon Oct 2021
You amaze me
You bewitch me
You hold me with your gaze
I want you, I’ll try all of the ways
For you, I’ll go to hell and back
For you, I’d ****, hack
I’d even find a four leafed clover
All for you my darling
I need you, you are pulchritudinous
You are beautiful, luminous
You are priceless
A man would **** for you, without you I am lifeless
I need you
I want you…
The Pidgeon Apr 2021
Words jammed in my head since the day you left
the only way to free them is with a bottle or hit
I'm tired of crying our story to others
I tell the universe every day to send me a new person
I tell them I am ready
I know I am not ready because if I was I would not be asking
I want to yell I want to cry
I want to laugh I want to smile
I want to release myself from you
I want to let the words rush onto this screen
I want to express my soul but i don't know how
plzzzzzzzzzzzz like and love and follow me
The Pidgeon Apr 2021
Words jammed in my head since the day you left
the only way to free them is with a bottle or hit
I'm tired of crying our story to others
I tell the universe every day to send me a new person
I tell them I am ready
I know I am not ready because if I was I would not be asking
I want to yell I want to cry
I want to laugh I want to smile
I want to release myself from you
I want to let the words rush onto this screen
I want to express my soul but i don't know how
The Pidgeon May 2021
Shame and gloom
Will cast thoughts to doom
The darkness swallows
All monsters are following
Kindness shredded
Thoughts embedded
Into the stone of shame
For the devil to claim
And take away love
Hope flies like a dove
Away from this void
That you should avoid…
The Pidgeon May 2021
The balance of life is one of peace
All off balance is due to cease
The gods have set this
To be an abyss
For all who unbalance the perfect unity
Will never be granted the opportunity
To be one of balance
To be one of nonchalance
So if you decide
That you are better than unity
Then kiss the opportunity
Goodbye forever
And if you are clever
You may be reunited
With those you have blighted
Never disturb the balance
Or your chances will be counterbalanced…
The Pidgeon May 2021
The balance of life is one of peace
All off balance is due to cease
The gods have set this
To be an abyss
For all who unbalance the perfect unity
Will never be granted the opportunity
To be one of balance
To be one of nonchalance
So if you decide
That you are better than unity
Then kiss the opportunity
Goodbye forever
And if you are clever
You may be reunited
With those you have blighted
Never disturb the balance
Or your chances will be counterbalanced…
The Pidgeon May 2021
The coldness, the emptiness,
Swallows all emotion and people here are envious
Of those who are together and happy
While we are unhappy
They take it for granted
We are forever enchanted
By the fact that some people are pleased
While we are seized
By the clutches of doom
By the endless gloom
Of everlasting loneliness
Everlasting ugliness
Get a partner
Do not barter
With this demon
That kills all freedom
Goodbye, farewell
Do not dwell
Be happy
Do not be unhappy
Here in this place
Of no familiar face, no grace…
The Pidgeon May 2021
The deepest depths
The darkest wrecks
Where lost souls wander
And sit and ponder
Why they were cast there
Into the lure of a snare
Caught and trapped
Waiting for demise and wrapped
In bonds of steel and metal
Strengthened by the darkness and settle
Deep into the hearts of those still lively
And **** their precious shiny
Their thieves and minions are coming
To take away the fighters and cunning
To a place far worse than here, fire and death
Encompasses all those who go there, contaminated breath
Like kin, we huddle
Trying to keep alive and shuffle
The cards around in their favor
Waiting for the saver
Who will free them all and cast this place into the light
Who will shine with might and bright.
The Pidgeon Apr 2021
The elements rage
Has been the fear of the people
Of what will happen next
The world seems hexed
The water roars
The wind soars
The fire blazes
The sky rages
As the earth crumbles
The ground rumbles
It seems there is no escape
But as the elements scrape
We realize they are just trying to be free
All is as it should be
Wait it out, they shall calm
There will be no bomb
The elements rage
Will not be caged
Forever uncontrolled
Forever untold
Stay away from the elements rage
For otherwise it will put you in a cage
Of everlasting plight
The wind’s might
The earth’s roar
The water’s war
The fire’s growl
The sky’s scowl
Upon the humans
Who put them into ruins…
The Pidgeon Apr 2021
The glass is battered
The glass is shattered
It is fragmented like the shards of ice
My reflection in the middle had a slice
Right through the middle; like the gap in my heart
That was opened by the one who wanted me apart
From them thus far; their opinion has not changed
For the devil and me had exchanged
Thoughts of revenge and hatred
But inside, I felt empathy for the one who degraded
Me to this form of darkness
Looking closer at the webs of cracks in the glass,
I saw myself shattered, akin to after rejection had passed
Turned away, nothing to do, alone and thoughtful
I pondered what could make me so unacceptable, so awful
That I deserved this, deduction from happiness…
The Pidgeon Apr 2021
The frost gleams
The frost sheens
It freezes over your precious homes
It covers your windows your carpet your gnomes
All falling to frost, behold
Beware for if one steps foot in this glisten
They shall be found in the lock of a piston
For the frost is deadly
The frost sweeps dreadfully
Through the lands of green
Throughout the world it gleams
Like the eye of night it shines
Taking everything with it in time
So beware beware of this frost
For it may look kind but it is really quite lost
It belongs over here and over there
Never really finding its home I swear
That if the frost grows anymore
We shall perish evermore…
The Pidgeon Sep 2021
Beneath a hill
A small hobbit resided
In solitary until
A wizard guided
13 dwarves arrived
A dragon looming
Their gold deprived
Their hope blooming
To the mountain lurking
Numerous obstacles faced
Never from the trail shirking
Through elves and trolls
Goblins and cells
Always striving to their goals
Through a door sealed with spells
A golden cup cradled dear
A celebration
Victory so near
The delegation unbeknownst
That the dragon had gone
In their gold engrossed
One final arrow drawn
A dragon slain
The town freed
The dragon’s bane
The great archer’s deed
Had established peace
The six armies hate
Shan’t cease
Until the dwarves had met their fate
They gathered together
And battled the dwarves
But the hobbit was clever
And the war was won, peace conserved
The story complete
The ending near
The feat of war and dragons
Sadly this is where we must part I fear
The Pidgeon Apr 2021
The ranks of the old
Move swiftly, gilded with gold
The ranks of the old
Cannot be sold
To any nation, for they stand alone
For any leader who dares try to attack, they have overthrown
Like gilded ghosts
They frighten most
They taunt the people
They take the steeple
The town will fall
The folk will call
For assistance and help
Shouting and yelping
Then the tide
Will sweep all to hide
Drowning and thrashing
Crashing and splashing
Pulled under and choking
All around people in peril, clothes soaking
Everyone will remember this day
When the ranks of old came ready to slay
Like a wave they stormed
Over the stars that formed
So many years ago
All will known
That the ranks of the old
Will triumph for all to behold…
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