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Rebecca Jan 2022
Never to your face.
Written in rhyme.
Shared by anonymous
No I never rhyme.
I share your wrong
in rhythm.
My heart bleeds in beat.
I don't ***** words from mouth.
They bleed from brain on paper.
Hoping you feel my paper cuts.
Rebecca Dec 2021
You knew it was gonna happen;
You could have been clean for this one day;
Why am I standing here beside you?
All it took was this one month out of six.
Your parents spent so much money and hope.
Couldn't you have faked it just a little?
You fake caring and saying you are going to stop.
You fake giving a ****.
You fake looking for jobs
When all you really do is fish and hunt.
You carry a gun and can't pass a *** test.
Joy and bliss for you isn't worth a ****.
Rebecca Jul 2021
Just remember the bitter as a feeling
The sweet as a memory
The savory as a love
The salty as a mood
Perk yourself into being
Tasting all life's pleasure and pain
In large heavy mug
Held tightly in your grip.
Run your tongue over feeling, memory, love and mood.
Sink your head and let it perk.
Rebecca Feb 28
Best to choose less.
Be a bit detached.
Scale your options.
Search the best.
Let the words be choice.
Marinate the tongue.
Let anxiety be your guide.
Rebecca Sep 2023
You are my post.
The stake in the dungeon
About which I circle.
No freedom.
I understand Bothwell’s dilemma.
Chained like a dog to insanity.
Rebecca Nov 2023
Never let go.
Just a sip of strong.
Left to my own.
What was the test?
Must not confess.
Keep it covered.
Who will know?
Felt that way.
Too shy to own.
No regret for then.
Was it just selfish.
Was it for purpose.
But, now-
My own private wrong.
Rebecca Apr 2022
Not really about the drugs;
All about deep inside;
My see is sawing;
I need level;
The drugs just make
It equal for me.
The wine makes me real.
Sometimes its too much.
My taste for life is
the problem.
I like it full with a bite.
It bites back.
The drugs just regulate.
My problem is deep inside.
I like a party edge.
Rebecca May 2021
Love me as I love you.
Seek no more than I have.
I will do my best to
Be amazed at every
Stupid thing you do
If you do the same for me.
Stand by me
Through life.
Love me as no other
Straighten my reckless mess
With your ordered crazy.
Never ever end.
Rebecca May 2022
All flavor in one sip.
A sip taken with a glance
over the cup into deep
lost space of nothing eyes.
Beautiful empty with no mood.
Such discomfort in blank nothing
for all but me.
All had stepped away.
My fascination with
How to pull forth the thought
which is so deeply unseen.
A twitch at the corner of lips.
The open eyes are watching
with almost something.
I raise my face and smile.
There you are.
Not so lost, not so alone.
Just withdrawn.
Rebecca Aug 2022
Simply unneeded;
Cargo sliding in the storm;
Threatening to run over
the cherished dreams.
Just push it over the side.
Don't let it crush what matters.
Rebecca Apr 2021
I hold it in the light
Tiny rays shine through
I rest it on my hand
No one sees, but me.
I will not share.

I rest it close.
I pull it off and never will I tell
what is and isn't.
I put it in the drawer
safe from sight.
Put away.
Rebecca Sep 2023
Keep it behind the the lip.
Not to let it slip.
Share with no one aloud.
Softly scratch it out.
Keep it unsigned.
Make it unclaimed.
Let it drip alone.
Don't own.
Put it out on paper.
Rebecca May 2021
Sitting on the couch with my two dogs
Cuddled with a book
Lost in history
Dreaming about loves at their height
Knowing that I am also in love
At its best
Feeling the intensity
Knowing all will eventually crash
Because all love ends
With lack of passion,
Mortality, or
But for now a good book
With a good story
On a stormy afternoon.
Rebecca May 2021
Rich in form
Rare in color
Moves from warm inside
Covering all with sweet blind
Amber tones embrace
Arching in the Air
Wicked thoughts die
Weakness takes the place
Deep breath
Sleeping sighs
Rebecca Apr 2021
They are my reflections,
and I am theirs.
They share my losses.
They share my gains.
Share grief.
Share history.
My turtle heart no mystery
to my reflections
who are not quite the same,
but so similar.
They know the unspoken.
People mistake us for each other-
something we don't quite see.
They are my biggest competition
and biggest advocates.
I am one of three.
Rebecca Apr 2022
The coolness of the water
as it runs down my hands;
Feeling the green of summer
surround my shoulders;
Reaching for the delight.
Sunlight tripping ahead
on the water;
Inviting me to swim.
God beckons my thoughts.
Gladly shared.
Rebecca Mar 2022
Just once be kind.
Applaud what is done.
Understand what is felt.
Help me gain vision.
Let me see what is done.
See what you feel.
So quick sometimes with blindness.
Years of feeling, but not trying.
See my vision, dream my dream.
Walk my step.
I am grown.
Walk beside,
Not in front.
Rebecca Apr 2021
Look into my eyes.
Don't you still see me?
Don't you still know me?
I love you with the tenderness that I did when
you were little.

Look into my eyes
Don't you still know me?
I pat your arm with the same tenderness that I always have.
Don't you know me?
Please tell me who I am.
Rebecca Feb 28
Distracted by need.
Aching to the core
The promise of more
Mind not releasing
The wish of more
Spilling into my everyday.
What can’t be
So suddenly, overwhelmingly is.
Rebecca Apr 2021
Her kind jade eyes full of love.
Her wrinkled hand wiped tears and swatted bees.
Her caring lips murmured soothing words.
Her arms reached round my shoulders.
Her heart so full of thought.
Her love for me without condition.
Her teachings not forgotten.
Her prayers for me heard by God.
Her house, my sanctuary.
Her sense of humor, full of youthful play.
Her spot now empty in the world.
Her wings now firmly placed.
Rebecca Apr 2021
Jealous twin spills unconscious thought
Sharing unknown desires and cares
Heart is shown in reckless folly
Pen to paper betrayed by self
Thinking no one will know
People always get more
Than we believe
Right hand, confessor of our soul
Who is watching as I write?

Go unknown.
Rebecca Apr 2021
I want to run screaming down the street
Let me go!
Let me go!

I want release
Don't follow me!
Don't follow me!

I want to be free
Leave me be!
Leave me be!

I want to let go
But I can't
But I can't
Rebecca Nov 2023
Not in a wound;
But a flavor to add delight;
A crisp crystal on the tongue
To excite;
To brine the fun and hold it close;
Saving and savoring memories;
Curing them for all times;
You the salt, to my pepper.
The constant to my spice.
Rebecca Aug 2022
Soft pale gold enveloping
Dragging me down
Into deep thoughts
More my self here
Alone, eyes down.
Missed opportunities.
Blessings counted.
Pulling me deeper in myself.
Prayers for direction.
I will be. It will be.
Just old me.
Sinking under.
Rebecca Mar 4
Drop the drape of care sometimes.
Sip deep from the cup of indulgence.
Dig your feet in the sand of time.
Let yourself drift in dreams.
Don't always be responsible.
Love the life that's left.
Serve yourself with patience.
It's not always about the other.
Sometimes it is about the now.
Rebecca May 2021
Tossed words with emotion
Thrown out love spoken softly
Grief and anguish moaned
Scraps of life lived shared
A phrase that catches my ear
I don't, want to forget
The power of the words
That so simply capture
The moment lived
The love shared
The beauty of together lived
Rebecca Nov 2023
With seashell propped
Against her curls.
Her mouth held
In line of concentration.
Her five year old self listened
For sound of ocean.
Last summer’s trip
Trapped inside.
Rebecca Dec 2022
Seems like a day to wash away scares;
Seems like a day to relieve cares;
Seems like a day to drift on clouds;
Seems like a possibility;
Just to be, to behave without despair.
A cooling, resting , no care December day.
Rebecca Aug 2023
It's on me.
Guilty for feeling.
The weight of crises.
Accepting some don't.
Too heavy for some.
Too constraining for them.
They take a little.
To know the limit.
Rebecca Mar 2022
Wouldn't it be a shame...
If Mother Teresa and Hilter
are in the same place.
Not to share his darkness.
Hopefully to share her light.
Perhaps, he was a sick man
Who needed to be healed.
He was a bad man
who needed to be stopped.
Maybe if they are in the same place,
She has helped him heal.
Wouldn't it be a shame...
For bad not to know
the kindness of good
to only see the weakness.
Wouldn't it be a shame...
For goodness never to have
the opportunity to heal.
Rebecca Apr 2022
Met her in a place
Where no one wants to be.
People find it warm for winter.
Leave again in spring.
Said she took her meds.
Her family was important.
Paul McCartney wed her cousin.
The pretty was falling from her features.
The care had long gone.
Was an Eastman.
So much said on film.
Needed a cigarette
Lost from her family.
Tell them where she is.
Doing better now.
Said she always took her meds.
Rebecca Dec 2021
Holly and mistletoe drape the halls.
Marriages held together with sticky frosting
like gingerbread houses awaiting the
resolutions of the first.
Families hold in place with anticipation.
First babies, first puppies, couple's first Christmas
adorn the trees as ornaments to be kept forever.
Children's hasty gifts made in kindergarten,
first grade, second grade decorate the tree
until fallen to bits unable to hang.
The short day comes with preparation
for the day of blessing and hope.
The short day comes  so quickly
and leaves so quietly,
we almost forget to feel.
But take a step away.
Before is the glory of all that can be.
Rebecca Sep 2021
When she was young and beautiful,
She mattered;
When she grew old and weak,
She no longer had a place.
She mattered when her legs
were thin and tan;
She did not matter when
her legs had ulcers and pus;
Where is her place;
How can she have no priority now;
Still loved, but no place.
A life not worth saving.
Only youth has value.
Age has wisdom to see
the place of age.
Rebecca Oct 2021
Pull back,
Pull in,
Sink down,
Drown beneath,
Fear of future,
Evil fog rising,
To cover good.

Two sides
Neither so far.
Split by
Spent by all.
Evil fog gliding
To cover the masses.

Spirit fled.
No more resources.
For a land so rich
Shutting down.
Command economy.
Evil fog lays waste
to profit.
Rebecca Apr 2021
Now it's done
No regret
Deep breath
Humble prayer
Step aside
Glance from side to side
Walk ahead
Rebecca May 2021
Life lived with grace.
Never forgetting contemplation.
Not rushed to adventure.
Let cool thought rule.
Snake charmer of spirit.
Cautious optimism.
Live with expectation of challenge.
Be simple.
Be still.
Follow the tremble of the  turtle heart.
Rebecca Apr 2021
One was pious.
One was scheming.
One was toast.
One was game.
One was unchaste.
One was left.
Rebecca Nov 2021
Skip past the difficult.
Don't let all life be wrung from you.
Taste the sweetness of blessings.
Struggle free of hardship.
Rainbows can be found
After most storms.
Rebecca Sep 2021
Life offers no ease.
No rest from the hardship.
Just the misery of being.
Sleeping on rocks
With no relief.
Travelling in the turmoil
for the day.
Never feeling life's blessings.
Looking for release.
Rolling with the blows of constant woes.
Rebecca Oct 2021
Troubled parting.
Faithfulness lost.
Silver future not yet reached.
Lost emotion from each other.
Very little remains of together.
Like a sliver of glass stands deadly.
Ready to pierce each other
With bitterness of disregard.
To avoid the broken
Unspoken desertion.
Rebecca Feb 2022
Lift the bowl.
Drink it all in.
Dribble on the chin.
Push back up
Into your mouth.
Don't let a fulfilling drop
Leave your tongue.
Enjoy the passion
of the moment.
Slurp life's passion
with hungry delight.
Rebecca Oct 2021
Smoke rises with a puff
which waters the eyes.
Tears run and are smoothed
with balled fists.
Charred scent blackens the air.
Grey lifts in the night to
the light of the open window
where you sit just inside.
Where you listen just inside.
Outside only quiet of crackling fire.
The light inside burns bright with no answer.
Smoke alone enters the house.
Rebecca Feb 2023
Gray ash on pale skin;
Wednesday's child;
Smolder with repentance.
Confess your sins.
Release your worries.
Walk the path of reflection.
Revel in the silence.
Rebecca Oct 2023
Fate doesn't drag straight
Except on occasion.
When it follows the cool
Crisp lines of wants and needs
To make a perfect soft landing
in the midst of things.
Gentle blessing rests.
Rebecca Aug 20
So sweetly said,
So neatly done.
Just a brushing whisper,
a tender kiss on the ear.
Tilted head,
Hollow and soft.
So studied.
Not mine,
But for another.
Rebecca Aug 2021
Ice Cream and sneaky kisses;
Fancy lunch in the vineyard;
Hearings from noon to eight;
Crying baby and unwritten brief;
Two crying babies and papers to file;
School parties and custody battle;
Dance competition and E.D. hearing;
Order of the Arrow and bar meeting;
Graduation and a glass of wine;
College and a phone call;
Medical school and a poem.
Grandkids and ice cream.
Rebecca Aug 2022
Some is just for me.
Busting a feeling from inside.
Because the day is so long
and hard with cost.
Masked thoughts
of what should be or was.
Confusing to those
who never lived it.
Observation of other's pain.
Some is just a sharing of what I see.
I have to let it go somewhere.
I put it safely on paper.
Not for approval but for release.
Rebecca Sep 2023
Wish for another;
Take a dip scoop;
Trip outside the bounds;
Cough out loud;
Swear in church;
Lick another's beau.
Rebecca Aug 2021
Not always known.
Sometimes clear as glass.
Deep blues and green of life.
Sometimes smeared with use.
Prismed by experience.
Just one part of many.
Shattered by loss.
Healed with hope and love.
Rebecca Oct 2021
Truth rests better.
Numbed worries.
Forever blessings taking shape.
Living the best choices.
Ordered tenderness.
Releasing fear born pain.
Untold longings with no shame.
Sleeping mind gently settles.
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